Chapter One: How Did I Get Into This Mess?

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Okay, two things before you read:

1. I have NOTHING against emos because I am one.

2. I had actually written this in a notebook a couple years ago and decided to continue writing it.

Now, you can read the story and enjoy ^_^


Chapter One: How Did I Get Into This Mess?

Cyra's POV

“So...why exactly are we going to race through the mine again?” I asked my best friend Cayson.

“Because its Friday and we're on our way home from school, and its extremely boring. That's why.” he replied.

“You do realize that it was abandoned for a reason right?”

“Of course, and that's what makes it fun.” he said with a smirk.

“Fine.” I said with a sigh.

My best friend was the quarterback on the football team and he was every girls dream guy. He was sweet, smart, funny, and good looking. What most girls didn't know, was that he was majorly competitive and was always looking for something fun to do. This time, it was a race through the abandoned mine which I wasn't to crazy about.

Cayson didn't care though, and he'd still go even if I didn't. I didn't trust Cayson to go alone either so I agreed to the race even though I was terrified of the place. You see, the reason why the mine was abandoned was because a part of it had collapsed and killed a bunch of people. Its not that I was afraid of ghosts, I was terrified of being killed by something falling on top of me.

“Okay, first one to the other side wins...go!” Cayson yelled sprinting into the mine. I laughed and ran after him. I was never going to catch him though. He should have joined the track team instead of the football team. Then again, I don't think there are any cheerleaders for the track team.

After I was somewhere around halfway through the mine I started to walk. The mine was huge and I was not running through the whole place. Unfortunately, I was kind of lost so walking seemed like a better choice anyway. I had probably lost already so I didn't really care. However, as I turned a corner I heard growling behind me. I froze dead in my tracks. Then, I heard a splintering crack and the ceiling started to collapse. I ran as fast as I could, but I tripped and my last thought was that I hoped Maci wouldn't get my spot as head cheerleader.


When I woke up, I was on a bed and some guy was staring at me. When he realized that I had woken up he glared at me and left, slamming the door on his way out. Well then, I thought after he left. Someone was grumpy and it wasn't me...for once. Anyway a couple minutes after he left, he came back with another guy. “Hello, I'm Dominic and the silent guy by the door is Esai.” said the second guy extending his hand towards me. I took his hand and shook it, although I was somewhat confused. “So...why am I not dead exactly?” I asked Dominic.

“Well, you see what happened is that Es-” he was interrupted by Esai who kneed him in the stomach.

“What happened isn't important.” Esai said while still glaring at me.

“Well I want to know.” I said.

“Well too bad for you then.” he replied.

“You know, I don't understand why you hate me so much.”

“Oh, that's because you're a bitch.” he said with a smirk. Okay, I hated this guy and I only knew his name. Before I could say anything though, we were having a maximum intensity glaring contest. Dominic didn't really know what to do, so he just watched us as we glared at each other.

I noticed that Esai's eyes were a really pretty green. They were a very vivid grass green which was quite a contrast with his jet black hair. I guess he was hot...for an emo. Yeah, he had the typical emo haircut, the tight jeans, and was wearing a band t-shirt. To be totally honest, I would have dated him...if he was my type that is.

Anyway, he left with a smirk on his face and I was alone with Dominic. After a couple minutes of us staring at the door, he turned to me with an apologetic smile. “I apologize for Esai's atrocious behavior.” he said to me.

“Its okay, I'm kind of used to it. I'm not exactly the nicest person to have graced the earth.” I replied.

“Well his mistakes still fall on my shoulders so I still feel obligated to apologize on his behalf.”

“Wait are you like his dad or something because you don't look that old.” I said as Dominic laughed at my remark.

“I'm not his father, but I am the alpha wolf of this pack so I'm kind of like his guardian I guess you could say.” he said with a smile. What the hell was he talking about? I mean wolves really, this guy was nuts if he thought I would believe that. “What do you mean by alpha wolf?” I asked.

“Well, to say it simply, we're werewolves.”

Okay, Dominic was crazy. Werewolves do not exist. They're just something in fairy tales. Then again, I recalled the growling I heard back in the mine. Maybe he was telling the truth. Snap out of it Cyra, werewolves do NOT exist!, I thought. Right, I was probably somewhere in the mine half dead by now. “So, I guess I'll just leave you with that.” he said and left.

To be completely honest, I was so confused. I mean none of this made sense and if they really were werewolves (which I didn't believe at all) why did they save me instead of eating me or something. I sighed, thinking anymore about this was going to make my brain explode. Instead, I fell asleep and dreamed about wolves running through the forest. Just kidding, I didn't dream at all. However, I did wonder how I even got into this mess.


Esai's POV

“What the fuck are you doing telling random people that we're werewolves?!” I yelled.

“Why are you getting so worked up about it?” Dominic asked while laughing at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but decided not to voice my thoughts and closed it. Dominic would probably win the argument anyway since he was always right.

Instead, I was tasked with watching the girl sleep. I went into the room and she was fast asleep, so I grabbed a chair and sat next to the bed watching her sleep. Well, this is boring, I thought. I always had to do the boring jobs because I was the newest recruit. Oh well, I just had to get through this and then she would go back home. At least, that's what I hoped would happen because I hated this girl. Besides, if she got too annoying I might do something that I would regret later. She better leave...soon.


A/N: Okay, so I know this isn't the greatest chapter in the world but it gets better. Also, the song on the right is epic so listen to it, or I'll send my pack of werewolves after you! Just kidding ^_^ but seriously listen to it. And I may or may not do a switching POV thing, I'm not sure yet but I decided to try it with this chapter and see how it goes. So, yeah leave a comment, vote, etc. and without further ado...adios until chapter two ^_^

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