Chapter Two: So...You Really Are a Werewolf...Cool...I Guess

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Chapter Two: So...You Really Are a Werewolf...Cool...I Guess

Cyra's POV

I woke up to a pair of grass green eyes staring at me...again. I think this guy has a problem with staring at people. Then again, I was used to people always looking at me since I was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl at school. “What do you want?” I asked turning around so I could fall back asleep.

“So the bitch awakens.” Esai replied.

“Okay, why am I such a bitch?”

“Well, you just seem like one.”

“And you seem like an asshole.” I said glaring at him.

He laughed at me and I will say that it sounded magical. Wait did I just say magical...okay, I definitely hit my head before coming here because I would never say that. Anyway, after a few more 'colorful' words and phrases were exchanged between us, Esai left so that I could shower and change. Unfortunately, there wasn't a hairdryer or hair straightener, so I had to tame my mane of hair by tying it up into one of the messiest buns ever created. To say the least, I did not look pretty. I sighed as I realized I had no makeup either.

I finally came out of the bathroom and was met with green eyes. Again. Oh joy he was back. “Can I help you Mr. Emo Werewolf?” I asked annoyed.

“Was that supposed to insult me?”

“Only if you wanted it to. What did you want anyway?”

“Huh?...Oh right, breakfast is ready and you're either eating it or starving to death. I must say that I prefer option number two.” he replied with a smirk.

I must say that I personally hated option number two, so I was going to eat. Besides its not like I was an anorexic and I was really hungry.


Esai's POV

What. The. Fuck. There is no possible way in the universe that this small girl could eat enough food to feed a small army. Seriously, she was devouring all of the pancakes, waffles, eggs, and bacon like it was the last day of the world or something. To say I was a bit scared was an understatement. “ do realize that all of this is full of fat and calories right?” I asked.

“What's your point?”

“Well...aren't you a cheerleader or something? Isn't it like against the code to eat this much fat in your entire life?” I replied.

“So you're stereotyping me? Good to know.” she said with a sly smile.

This girl was impossible to get along with. Besides, she was stereotyping me...then again I couldn't really argue against it either. Oh well, its not like I cared anyway she would leave soon.

All of a sudden, she stopped eating and turned to look at me. She looked extremely worried or maybe...scared? What was she so afraid of...I mean sure we were werewolves but its not like we eat humans or anything. “What?” I asked confused.

“What day is it?” she asked.

“Saturday?” I replied although for some reason it came out like a question. What was wrong with me?

“Yeah I know that but what is the date?” she asked getting frantic.

“Uh the 21st of December...why?”

“Shitshitshit! Okay, Esai I need you to take me” she said.

Okay, I'm pretty sure that was the first time she ever called me by my first name. This was getting really weird really fast. For one, why was Little Miss Perfect freaking out? And why did I feel all anxious and nervous? Nothing was making sense at this point. “Um...I can't exactly take you home.” I said nervously.

“Why not!” she yelled getting hysterical.

“Well the only way to get back is through the mine, and for now its kind of collapsed if you remember.”

“No! No! No! You have to get me home NOW!” she yelled.

“I can't.” I said.

At that, her lip started quivering and she started crying. I didn't know what else to do, so I wrapped her into a hug. And for some reason I had butterflies in my stomach. What was wrong with me?


Cyra's POV

I couldn't stop the rivers from exploding out of my eyes. I was terrified of what would happen if I didn't get back home. I was suddenly enveloped in a hug and I like nothing could ever happen to me again. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled closer. I was so small compared to him, but that's because I'm around 5'3 and Esai is a foot taller than me. However, I was grateful that he was with me even though I never wanted him to see me this vulnerable.

A few minutes later as I was still crying waterfalls onto Esai, the door opened and someone walked in. Esai growled at the person and I swear I heard jaws snapping. However, after the exchange of a few more feral growls, they left and we were alone again.

I smiled to myself through my tears. Apparently werewolves exist and I was hugging one and crying. Well, I guess werewolves are cool...if you're into the whole lycan thing. To be honest, I was more worried about being made fun of for crying rather than being attacked or eaten.

After I stopped bawling, I felt really tired and I just wanted to sleep. Before I could step into my room (yeah, I had already dubbed it as mine) I was stopped by a hand on my wrist. I felt tingles go up my arm from the contact. Something was definitely wrong with me...then again, when was anything right with me?

“Look, I know I might not seem like the...ideal person but, if you ever need to talk to someone...I'm here.” Esai said looking away and I swear he was blushing.

“Thanks but...I don't think you can help me with my problems.” I said smiling sadly.

“You never know. Now go sleep you exhausted idiot.” he said with a smirk.

“Whatever you say Mr. Emo Werewolf.” I replied smiling to myself as I shut the door behind me. Something was definitely wrong with me, but what exactly it was I had no idea.


A/N: Okay, so I hate this chapter to be honest but...Little Miss Perfect is hiding something. I wonder what it is? Just kidding, I know what it is but I'm pretty sure it will be driving you all insane until you find out. Or not, its not like I know how your brain works. Also if anyone has any cast ideas feel free to suggest something. Anyway, comment, vote, fangirl, read on, etc. For now I bid you all ado!!! ;p

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