Chapter Sixteen: Am I High, Because These Dreams Are Fucked Up

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Chapter Sixteen: Am I High, Because These Dreams Are Fucked Up

Chains were biting into his wrists as his father suspended him in the air. He didn't even do anything this time. Maybe it would be different this time. Maybe his screams would be heard and sirens would come to his rescue. His father smirked and started to stroke his son's cheek. “You brought this upon yourself you know, running away to give that idiot girl a gift. You're the one that killed her by the way.” he grinned.

You're a fucking liar! You killed her you monster!” he screamed at his father with tears streaming from his eyes.

Is that anyway to speak to your father you ungrateful abomination!” he yelled slapping his son across the face and proceeding with the torture he came to give.

He kept yelling at his father to stop but his pleas were ignored. Finally after an hour and a half, the torture was over and his numb arms were released from their binds. He curled himself into a ball on the dirty disgusting ground watching his father ascend the stairs into the house. “If you're good, tomorrow won't be as painful.” he said with a smirk and locked his son in the basement.


Esai's POV

“Why isn't he waking up!” I heard Cyra yell at someone.

“These things take time Cyra.” replied Dominic.

What the hell was going on? I remembered cutting myself and then...nothing. It was all black and empty after that. I felt a small trembling hand grab my own and I passed back out into the world of fucked up dreams.


He was throwing himself against the walls of the basement with tears in his eyes. He wanted to die but the only thing down there were the walls. He kept running and slamming himself against the walls effectively hurting himself in the process. It felt good. It was different from all of the other pain he experienced. It was like ecstasy only better. It was the most amazing pain in the world and he couldn't get enough of it.

Unfortunately, his father decided to come down the stairs and make his son miserable. However, his son didn't scream or fight back. He was emotionless. So his father brought a little friend to help and jammed it into his son's shoulder blade making him yell. His father got off on the screams that came from his son's mouth.

When his father was finally done, he was left on the ground with blood seeping out of his shoulder. The door was slammed shut and deadbolted. As he was trying to get the blood to stop, he saw the cold smile of the knife. He carefully picked it up and hid it skillfully. It was going to be his new best friend.


Esai's POV

“Please, wake up Esai.” I heard Cyra whisper as her tears fell on my face.

I wanted to wipe them away but I couldn't. My limbs felt like lead and I couldn't move. Even my eyelids were glued shut. “Why would you do this?” she asked as she lightly kissed my lips. “Please come back to me.” she pleaded and I was gone again.


It was burning and it felt amazing. He did it again, and again, and again. The burning sensation was spreading through his entire arm and it felt so good. It was even better than slamming his body into walls. Blood was pouring out and he smiled. The damage he had done was irreversible and he couldn't get enough of it.

He used a shirt to dab the blood off and watched more of it come out of his broken skin. His best friend had done amazing work and the permanent scarring it would leave was the best part. Reminders of the pain and torture were just what he needed. A reminder that he was worthless and couldn't do anything to save himself let alone the girl he loved.

He was a poor excuse for a human. Then again he wasn't completely human. He was a werewolf. An abomination and something that should have never existed in the first place. His suffering was exactly what he deserved for being a blemish in this perfect world he was living in. If only his breathing would cease to be.

He heard the deadbolt unlock and he tensed up. He quickly stashed the knife and wiped the blood away as best he could getting ready. He heard his father's boots clomp down the stairs and he was ready to endure the pain once again. Would this ever end? He didn't think so as it was a never ending cycle. He sighed and turned around not wanting his father to see the tears, his only weakness.


Esai's POV

“Holden, why is he crying?” Cyra asked.

“What the hell?” Holden questioned.

She was right, I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt her hand wipe them away and she kissed my eyes. “Wait, wasn't he crying when you found him?” Holden asked Cyra.

“Yeah.” she replied.

“Interesting.” he replied and walked out of the room leaving Cyra and I alone.

She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. She started to play with my hair and she twisted her fingers into it. “I hope that one day you can tell me why these painful tears fell from your beautiful eyes.” she whispered and I was once again teleported to the land of dreams. Why couldn't I just wake up already?


He was running up the stairs into the house. He slammed the door behind him and skidded towards the front door. Before he could escape though, his father caught him by the waist and dragged him back inside. He screamed at him to let go clawing at his arms, but his father slammed his head into a wall. His skull made a sickening cracking sound and his father dragged his limp body back down into the basement dumping him down the stairs and locking the door.

A few minutes later, he struggled to get to his feet but managed to walk up the stairs to the door. He started to scratch at it ripping out his fingernails. He couldn't take it anymore and his instincts took over. He changed into a werewolf and ran out of the house and into the surrounding woods hoping to escape. His father was chasing him, but he was saved by a large gray wolf. He didn't remember what happened next but he woke up in a cabin with a friendly looking man sitting at the end of the bed. “Who the hell are you?” he asked tensing up.

My name is Dominic and you're going to be a member in my pack.” the man said extending his hand.

Do I have any say in this decision?” he asked.

Nope.” Dominic replied.

He hesitantly reached his hand out and shook Dominic's hand. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but anything was better than being stuck in a basement and being tortured daily by his father. A small smile crept onto his face as he laid his head back down onto the pillow. Maybe he was finally free.


Esai's POV

My eyes finally snapped open and I was staring at the ceiling in my room. I slowly sat up and was greeted with a wave of nausea. I didn't care and got out of the bed. I nearly fell over because of the dizziness, but I reached the door and pushed it open. I walked down the hallway leaning on the wall for support and made it to the kitchen. Cyra and Holden were sitting at the table and their heads snapped up as they heard me. “Esai?!” Cyra cried and ran over to me.

Without even thinking anymore, I grabbed her around the waist and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. We pulled apart a few seconds later and I smiled before collapsing again.


A/N: Okay guys, you better love me because I've given you two updates in two days. Yeah, I'm creative this week apparently. Also, I'm probably not going to update over the weekend (I might but I also might not) because I'm doing stuff. I know, I actually have a life :O Anyway, you finally got some insight into Esai's life...well I hope you did. And yes, this entire chapter only has his POV and then dreams which was really strange to write because I wanted to put Cyra's POV in but it would have just been her crying the whole time soooo yeah. So, until chapter seventeen adios! And don't forget to vote, comment, follow, etc. buh byeeeee ^_^

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