Chapter Three: Hunting a Deer Requires a Good Sense of Direction...Not a Compass

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Chapter Three: Hunting a Deer Requires a Good Sense of Direction...Not a Compass

She was fourteen and quietly sneaking through the front door. “So, you've finally come home I see.” said the man getting up from the couch. Her eyes widened when she realized that she'd been caught. As the man started to slowly walk towards her, she backed away towards the stairs. She was terrified about what would happen the moment she saw the beer bottle in his hand.

The back of her foot hit the bottom step, and she bolted up the stairs to her room. As she fled, he grabbed some of her hair and pulled it out from the roots. There was blood, but she didn't care as she raced to her room.

The second she crossed the threshold, she slammed the door and locked it. The man started banging on the door and yelling at her to come out. She slid down the door and landed on the carpeted floor of her bedroom. She put a hand to the back of her head, and when she pulled it away noticed how much blood there was. Tears were streaming down her face the moment the man punched a hole into the door. She started to scream.

Cyra's POV

I woke up screaming and covered in a cold sweat with dry tear tracks on my face. It was happening again and I wasn't sure if I could stop it this time. Then all of a sudden, Dominic, Esai, and some blond guy I didn't know ran into my room. “Why the FUCK did you scream?” Esai asked.

“Um...hello to you too?” I tried.

“No.” he said shaking his head.

“Okay then, I didn't scream.” I replied looking away and pouting. Esai sighed and grabbed my arm and led me to another room that was empty. “Okay, why did you scream?” Esai asked me.

“...No reason.” I said staring at the ground.

“So, you're saying that you just felt like screaming like you're being murdered?” he asked looking at me in disbelief.


He opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it again and shook his head. He looked at me for a few moments and then left the room. Okay?, I thought as I stared after him. He came back a few minutes later with an iPod and earbuds. “Put them in and say nothing until the song is over.” he said.

I hesitantly took the earbuds and stuck them in my ears bracing myself for...well I don't know what, but something. The second the song started, I was going to yank the earbuds out because it was so...loud. Like, my ears were going to explode loud. Unfortunately, Esai put his hands over my ears so I couldn't. Have I mentioned how much I hate this guy because I really do.

After the song ended, I stood there motionless. Esai slowly took his hands off of my ears and came to stand in front of me. “Well?” he asked me.

“I...I don't know.” I said and walked off.

I wasn't sure if I liked the song or hated it. Hell, I didn't even know what it was called let alone who recorded it. I was deep in concentration thinking about it, when I crashed into someone. I slowly looked up and found a pair of gray eyes staring at me.

I took a step back and looked at the guy. Wait, he was the blond guy that ran into my room with Esai and Dominic. For a few moments, we just stared at each other then he stuck his hand out and I shook it. “I'm Bridger. Its nice to meet you...uh, yeah I don't know your name.” he said.

“Oh sorry, I'm hi I guess.” I said laughing nervously.

After that awkward exchange, I made my way to the kitchen to find something to eat. I started with refrigerator and made my way to the pantry. To put it simply, there was absolutely NOTHING to eat in this cabin I was staying in. After that revelation, I banged my head on the counter...repeatedly. Yeah, I ended up giving myself a headache so I went back to sleep with a stomach protesting by growling.

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