Chapter Twenty: Since When Have You Been Evil?

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A/N: Um...I can't change the rating soooooo uh yeah this chapter SHOULD be rated PG-13 but Wattpad won't let me change the rating soooo yeah it's R for no reason...anyway, read on!

Chapter Twenty: Since When Have You Been Evil?

Cyra's POV

I opened my eyes and was greeted with grass green eyes. A small smile graced my face as Esai brought his lips to mine. When we pulled apart, I sat up and realized I had fallen asleep while we were watching TV. “How long was I out?” I asked as I yawned.

“Only a couple hours.” he replied with a shrug.

I got off the couch and made my way to the kitchen with Esai following me. I opened the pantry and found a box of Pop-Tarts. I took out a package and put it on the table as I put the box back. I opened the package and took a huge bite out of the first toaster pastry. “You eat a lot of Pop-Tarts.” Esai remarked as he watched me eat.

“I may have a slight addiction to them.” I replied.

“A slight addiction?” he asked.

Before I could reply, the front door burst open with Cyril scurrying in with Bridger following him.

“Esai!” Bridger shouted.

“What, I'm right here.” he replied with a bored expression on his face.

“Its your turn to train Cyril.”

“Do I have to?”


“Fine.” Esai replied with a sigh as he got up.

“Oh, can I come to?” Holden asked appearing out of nowhere.

“Sure, why not.” Esai said and all three of them left leaving me alone with Bridger.

I quietly sat there munching on my Pop-Tart until Cayson came into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and practically slammed his head down on the table. “Uh, are you okay?” I asked nervously.

“Does being really tired constitute as being okay?”


“Then I'm fine.” he replied without lifting his head.

I smiled to myself and ruffled his hair. He was always tired after he slept. I don't know why he always insisted on taking naps when this happened everytime. “Hey Cayson, can I talk to you for a minute?” Bridger asked and Cayson nodded following him into one of the bedrooms.

Okay, I thought as I stared after them. I thought it was a little out of character for Bridger wanting to talk to Cayson, but I didn't think too much of it. Well, I didn't think too much of it until I heard a gunshot. I stood up quickly and started to make my way towards the bedroom when Bridger came out and pointed a gun at my head. My eyes widened out of fear and I backed up a little bit. “What happened to Cayson?” I asked nervously.

“You don't need to know, now just come with me.” he replied.

“Go where exactly?”

“Somewhere special.”

“Where?!” I yelled losing patience.

Bridger just smirked at me and lowered the gun back down to his side. He then made his way toward me so I ran to the refrigerator and grabbed half of a lemon out of it. He caught up with me pretty easily, but I squeezed the lemon into his eyes which made him drop the gun. I picked it up and tried to make my way past Bridger but he grabbed me by the hair and smashed my face into the counter. I fell to the ground holding my face. I'm pretty sure he broke my nose because it really hurt and blood was gushing out. I got back up though, and shot him...four times. Unfortunately, it didn't really do much so I ran to the living room. “Stop fucking running already!” he shouted.

“Fuck that!” I yelled back and sidestepped him and ran out the back door.

I thought I was home free, but instead I was tackled to the ground with my face being ground against the dirt. Bridger lifted me back up and I screamed at the top of my lungs. That however, was a very poor decision since he smacked my head against the corner of a door frame to shut me up. It was very effective since I was knocked out cold after that.


Esai's POV

“What exactly am I supposed to teach you?” I asked Cyril as we stood around looking at each other.

“I don't know, what exactly do you do besides make out with Cyra?” he asked with a smirk.

“Well, if you must know I-” I was cut off by a scream that sounded like Cyra.

“Was that...Cyra?” Holden asked.

“Fuck!” I yelled and ran back to the cabin.

Cyril and Holden were right behind me as we made it back. The back door was left open and upon closer inspection, there was some blood on the doorframe. As we made our way inside the house, there was more blood on the ground and counter and there was half of a lemon on the ground. I was getting really nervous so I went to go check the bedrooms and found Cayson shot and bleeding in Holden's room, so I called Holden in to administer first-aid.

I looked all through the house including under beds and in the pantry and couldn't find Cyra anywhere. I was frustrated so I punched the wall as Holden called Dominic to come over. Dominic took over the care of Cayson and told us to find Cyra, because I was totally thinking of not doing that. I had an idea of where she was though, so I angrily stomped out the back door. “Where the hell are you going?” Holden asked chasing after me with Cyril following him.

“Para ir matar al maldito idiota que se la llevó.” I replied.

Holden sighed and didn't even try to argue with me. Instead he followed me deep into the forest to where Cyra's father had taken least I really hoped it was her dad.


A/N: I feel like there's too much talking in this chapter but oh well, I rewrote it three times and got this and to be honest it's the best I came up with so it's staying. Anyway, I'm back from my hiatus and finally finished this chapter so yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! So, I bet none of you guys saw that one coming did you...well maybe you did but whatever...I really don't like Bridger so I made him evil and it made me dislike him even more...oh well XD Anyway, I hope you guys liked it and uh vote,comment, and follow and I'll see you in chapter twenty-one byeeeeeeeeee ^_^

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