Chapter Fourteen: Since You Obviously Don't Care, I'll Just Leave

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Chapter Fourteen: Since You Obviously Don't Care, I'll Just Leave

Holden's POV

I sighed as I stared at Cyra. She was sleeping but it wasn't a peaceful sleep at all. Esai needed to stop being such an ass. I sighed again and started to absentmindedly stroke her hair. “How is she?” Bridger asked me coming into the room.

“I don't know...probably not well.” I replied.

“I'm going to fucking kill Esai when he gets back.” he said punching the wall.

“Wait, what do you mean when he gets back?” I asked getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Exactly that, he's not here.”

“Fuck!” I yelled running towards the front door.

“Where the hell are you going?!” Bridger yelled grabbing my arm.

“I'll tell you later, for now just keep an eye on Cyra while I'm gone!” I yelled changing into a wolf.

I started to run through the forest looking everywhere for Esai. I had to find him before he did something he would regret later...or worse. Sometimes he was such an idiot, if he didn't want this to happen then he should let someone get close to him. Then again this probably all stemmed from his parents. And then there was Valya. His past was laced with so much pain.

I let out a howl hoping he would respond but of course I got nothing. I sighed and continued to search high and low for him. How far did he go?


Cyra's POV

I'm so sorry Holden, I thought as I slipped out of the window in the bathroom after they had rushed out of the bedroom. I couldn't stay there any longer knowing Esai would come back at any time. I wiped a few stray tears away as I started running through the forest trying to get as far away as I could before being discovered. I of course was tripping over everything but I wasn't going to stop running. I wasn't going to stop this time.

Someone once said that you can't outrun your problems. I would prove him wrong. However, I realized I didn't have anywhere to run to. Oh well, I would figure that out once I got away. Unfortunately, that was going to be harder than I thought when something flew past my head and got lodged in a tree. “FUCK!” I screamed running even faster through the forest trying to lose my pursuer.

“You can't outrun me you little bitch!” yelled the slut that tried to kill me before.

“Let's see you stop me then!” I yelled back almost tripping over a tree root.

She sneered at that statement and started to run even faster. Shit, this was not going the way I had planned. Or maybe it was when I noticed a whole tangle of bushes. I took a sharp right and dove into the bushes and started to crawl when she caught up to me. “Where the hell did that little bitch go?” she asked under her breath as she sniffed the air.

“Heh, if you think you'll lose me by hiding in the bushes you're really fucking stupid.” she said as she started to throw knives all throughout the bushes.

“What the hell!” she screamed after nothing happened.

“Damn it!” she yelled running off somewhere.

After a few minutes, I poked my head up through the bush I had been hiding in and looked around. The coast was clear so I hopped out of the bush and started running again. I sighed, I had the worst luck possible when it came to running away. Oh well, I was determined to get far far away from this nightmare that had become my life. Then again, it wasn't much better before. Ugh, I needed to stop thinking so much otherwise I would start going insane. Unfortunately, I tripped over a tree root and fell into a lake. Shit, I couldn't swim!


Esai's POV

“I'm not going back Holden.” I replied pouting.

“You should really start listening to your elders!” he shouted.

“Uh, you're only two months older than me so I don't have to listen to you.”

“Then come back for Cyra.” he replied with a scowl.

“Why, she's just a bitch that means nothing to me!” I yelled.

“You know that everything you just said is a lie.”

“She'll just leave Valya did.” I whispered looking at the ground.

“That was not your fault.” he replied.

“Yes it fucking was! If I hadn't pushed her away then maybe she never would have...” I trailed off as a few tears leaked from my eyes. “I can't lose Cyra too.” I whispered.

“So, why are you telling me.”

I smiled at that and we started to make our way back to the cabin. I really need to stop being so stupid, but I really wasn't ready to tell her everything yet. I sighed I should just tell her. I should stop over-thinking this. Just then, Holden and I a scream and a splash.


Cyra's POV

I really should have learned to swim when I was younger, but I was terrified that my father would try and drown me so I never did. Then I realized that the one time I don't want to die, I was going to. Curse my clumsiness!

All of a sudden, I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me to the surface. After I was done sputtering water, I looked at my savior and was astonished by who it was. “Cayson!” I exclaimed pulling him into a huge hug.

“Well hello to you too.” he replied as I squeezed the life out of him.

“Wait, what the fuck are you doing here?” I asked.

“Well, I've kind of been looking for you and then I got lost.” he replied with a sheepish grin.

“Awesome.” I replied sarcastically when a knife flew between us.

“I finally found you bitch!” replied the slut.

“Fuck!” I yelled jumping to my feet and crashed into Holden.

“Hey Cyra.” he replied.

“Not now!” I yelled running past him as Esai yelled out profanities.

“Don't just stand there do something!” I yelled at Esai as more knives were being thrown my way as I was being chased by Ms. Slut.

Well, Esai definitely did something. He picked me up and kept running through the forest with me. I started pounding on his chest yelling at him to put me down when we crashed into something and were tossed down the side of a cliff. Of course, this day just got so much better. Kill me now. Oh wait, I was I was definitely going to die this time. Thanks universe!


A/N: Okay, first off I would like to thank you guys for being patient and waiting for this chapter for like a month...I'm sorry it took so long alright!!!! This probably would have been done sooner if I hadn't had to move and had a ton of homework but I did sooo yeah...writer's block also happened along with really bad depression...yeah. Anyway, this chapter is really hectic and I'm not really sure if it makes sense but...uh...yeah it's not the best chapter I've ever written. Anyway, what do you guys think happened to Valya and what do you think Esai's parents were like. Also, I kind of want to host a contest since my birthday is coming up so I want to know if you guys want me to have one. Well, vote,comment,follow, and yell at me to update if you wish (I aprreciate those because they make me want to finish this even more although it's really far from being completed but oh well ^_^) I'll see you guys in chapter fifteen buh bye!!!! ^_^

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