Chapter Twenty-Two: Why so Many Tears?

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A/N: One thing before you read, it HAS been four weeks...chapter twenty takes place a week after chapter nineteen, I just chose not to write that in.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Why so Many Tears?

Esai's POV

It had been three weeks. Three full fucking weeks and she was still unconscious. I was anxious and to be frank, annoyed. Unfortunately, she was in a fucking coma because she was fucking dead by the time we got to her. Yes, I performed CPR on her so she didn't stay dead otherwise I'd be dead too. To be honest, I can't live without her.

Anyway, what happened three weeks ago after we arrived at the mansion cabin was that we scrapped my idea of sneaking in to get Cyra. Instead, we ended up climbing up the side of it to the roof. After that, we tied a rope around Cyril's waist and lowered him to the window where Cyra was and he grabbed her and Holden and I pulled them up. Unfortunately, Cyra wasn't breathing and dying of blood loss from a stab wound in her side which punctured her lung making it collapse. I started to perform CPR and broke a few of her ribs (it happens okay) which didn't exactly help the lung but it got her breathing again. The one thing I had noticed though was she was smiling when she was dead and it really unnerved me. Either way, we rushed back here as wolves and now she was in a coma. At least her nose had healed and the swelling on her face had faded.

I haven't left her side for three whole weeks except to go to the bathroom. Seriously, I had someone bring me food. Damn, I'm really dedicated to this girl. I was holding her hand and staring at the wall across from me when she woke up. “Holy fuck, you're awake finally.” I said with a small smile and she nodded looking a little distracted.

“Esai, I think I'm going to be sick.” she said and I quickly picked her up and rushed to the bathroom where she puked as I held her hair back.

“Are you okay?” I asked nervously.

“ how long have I been out exactly.”

“Three weeks.”

“Alright, I think I'll just stay in here for a bit but feel free to do something else than stay in here.” she said leaning against the tub.

“Well okay then...” I replied trailing off and leaving her in the bathroom.


Cyra's POV

Esai finally left the bathroom and when I was positive he had left the bedroom too, I started to open the drawers and cabinets looking for something. I finally found it and, well, just stared at the box in my hands for what felt like forever. I was only using this as a precaution because I mean I had just woken up from a coma, I'm sure puking was a normal thing. Right?

Anyway, I opened the box and took a deep breath hoping to God I wasn't right. When I was done, I sat back on the floor leaning on the tub and just waiting. It had been five minutes and I couldn't get up to look at it. I was too scared. Luckily, Cayson came in at that moment with his arm in a sling. “So, you're up.” he said with a smile.

“And you're not dead so that's a plus.” I replied with a laugh.

“Well yeah, so may I ask why you're sitting on the floor with a terrified look on your face.”

“I can't look, so can you tell me the results...please?”

“Ugh, you peed on it though!”

“Cayson, please.”

“Fine...I really don't think you'll like the answer.” he replied looking at me through his lashes.

Fuck! I covered my face with my hands and started to cry. Cayson tried to comfort me by saying it would be fine. It was most definitely NOT going to be fine. Besides, how was I going to tell Esai this topic just didn't come up in casual conversation. “How the hell am I going to tell him Cayson?!” I nearly screamed.

“I don't know, but think fast because he's coming back.” Cayson replied just before Esai opened the door. I burst into tears at the sight of him confusing both boys.

“Uh, what did I do?” Esai asked.

“You got her pregnant dude.” Cayson said patting his shoulder and walking out.

“What the fuck! You can't just say that!” I yelled after him.

After a few moments of just looking at the door, I finally turned my gaze towards Esai. He was just standing there opening and closing his mouth before sinking to the floor and holding his head in his hands. I slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him. I gently tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at me. “Are you sure?” he asked with an unreadable expression on his face and I shook my head yes. He sighed and asked, “Exactly how far along are you?”

“Well, I'm guessing a month since we slept together a month ago.”

“, we're going to be parents?”

“...Yeah.” I replied looking away. I was in no way ready to be a mom.

I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, holding me close. I grabbed his other hand and started to play with his fingers. After awhile, he intertwined our fingers together and pressed them to my stomach. I smiled and I think I fell asleep after that.


Esai's POV

I sighed and picked Cyra up and carried her back to the bed. I climbed in next to her and held her close. I stared at the ceiling and thought about what had just happened. My girlfriend was pregnant. We were going to have a a living breathing person. I was fucking terrified. I was terrified that I would turn into my father...I didn't want that and I was so scared it would happen. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. That wouldn't happen, I wouldn't let it happen.

I looked over at Cyra's sleeping face as she curled up against me. I smiled to myself because she looked so fucking adorable. I wasn't ready for a kid and let's face it, no one ever is whether they've been planning for it or not, but as long as it was with Cyra I'd do anything. That reminded me that I had a little surprise for Cyra. Er, well I guess it was more like a big surprise I just hoped it wasn't too soon. Maybe the pregnancy hormones would help? I sighed and laughed at my stupidity, she would say yes if she wanted to and since it was a question she could say no too...I just hoped she would say the former.


A/N: I hope that surprised you...did it, I want to know. Also, what do you think Esai's surprise for Cyra is? Come on, tell me please I REALLY want to know. Anyway, Cyra's pregnant...shocker right...I didn't think it was but I've been planning that since like chapter two soooo yeah. Anyway, Ethen and Esai's dad are going to make a move soon...maybe, I'm not sure but I feel like they should so yeah. Anyway comment (pleeeeeease I want to know your thoughts), vote, and follow me if you feel like it. For now I'm gonna go sleep because I haven't slept since yesterday and its seven in the morning soooo yeah...goodbyeeeeeeee for now ^_^

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