Chapter Fifteen: I Refuse to Let You Die

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Chapter Fifteen: I Refuse to Let You Die

Esai's POV

I heard a high pitched scream come from my left and saw Cyra covering her eyes with her hands. I grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her towards me. I wrapped my arms around her just as we plunged head first into a river. The second our heads popped up to the surface she started expelling water from her lungs. “Uh, are you okay?” I asked.

“Well, considering we're in a body of water and I can't!” she yelled.

“Would you like to get back to solid ground?”


I swam us over to the edge of the river and she climbed out with me following suit. She plopped herself down on the bank and I sat down next to her. She took off the hoodie she was wearing and started to squeeze the water out of it. “You just love to take my hoodies don't you?” I questioned with a smirk making its way to my lips.

“...Maybe.” she replied pouting.

“Anyway, why exactly were you running away?”

“...No comment.”


she turned her head away and refused to look at me so I sighed and laid down on the ground. She continued squeezing water out of various articles of clothing, and after she was done she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them staring at nothing. I kept staring at her out of the corner of my eye and I wanted to kiss her so badly it hurt. That definitely wasn't normal despite the fact that I was werewolf.

I let out a deep sigh and slammed my fist into the dirt surrounding me. She sent me a questioning look and I just shrugged not wanting to let her in. Maybe I rushed into things too fast although that wouldn't be anything new for me. I sat up and stared at Cyra. She stared back and a slight blush bloomed on her cheeks. I cracked a small smile at that and stared down the river.

The river itself wasn't anything spectacular, but looking at water always calmed me down. Maybe it was because it could wash away anything, including all of the sins I had committed with my actions. That thought kind of depressed me so I grabbed a stone a chucked it into the crystal clear water. Then I realized that my hands had started to shake. I looked over at Cyra to see she was starting to doze off, so I scrambled up to my feet and walked a little ways into the woods for some privacy. I took a razor out of my pocket and watched it glint in the small bit of sunlight that leaked through the canopy above me.

I sighed and rolled up the left sleeve of my hoodie. I ran my fingers over the thousands of scars I had given myself. I had to do it, it was the only way to atone for what I did. I held the razor to slightly less scarred part on my arm and let it slice through letting the warm crimson ribbons pour out. I laughed humorlessly and did it again, and again, and again. The razor couldn't get enough of the taste of my blood. I didn't even try and stop it, I let it continue and if I died who would care. Maybe I would finally be set free from this, my punishment from the gods.

I let the blood trickle down my arm and did nothing to stop its flowing. I was starting to get woozy and I knew what would come next. I was welcoming it actually. I would gladly let death take me in. My eyes started to droop and I laughed like a mad man. It was all finally coming to an end. “Hey dad...looks like you finally got what you wanted.” I whispered with tears pouring from my eyes. I didn't understand why I was crying for that poor excuse of a father but at the same time I didn't care since everything was spinning. I finally let my eyes close and I felt my breathing getting fainter and fainter as I waited for eternal darkness to envelop me with its cold embrace.


He was running up the steps of a porch with a gift hidden behind his back. He slammed open the door and ran up the stairs. She was waiting for him in the middle of her room and as she came to realize he was there, a huge grin overtook her face. He handed her the gift and she gladly took it with slightly shaky hands. She gently picked the tape off and slid the medium sized box out of its paper. With a curios glance behind her, she opened the box and gasped. Inside of it was a necklace. On the thin gold chain hung an hourglass surrounded by two gold circular bands going in perpendicular directions. He grabbed it out of her hands and fastened it around her neck.

She held the charm up to the soft sunlight peeking through her currents and she smiled. Her smile captivated him and he gently pressed his lips to hers. She quietly whispered I love you to him and he showered her with gentle kisses as warm as the sun. He wasn't good at expressing his feelings so he tried to convey everything through his kisses. She understood his language perfectly and answered back with her own cherry stained lips pressing them to his lips. He loved her and she loved him. It should have been simple for them but the universe had different plans for him.

The next thing he ever saw was a shower stained with blood and a cold dead corpse. He let out an agonized scream and pulled her head to him. He let his tears shower her pale lifeless face. He screamed I love you over and over again, but she was already gone. He had to be torn away from her body by his father. He dragged him back to their house and locked him in the basement he had desperately escaped from the day before. The only thing left for him was this dark cramped space and his empty broken heart to keep him company.


Cyra's POV

“I-is he going to be okay?” I asked Holden as I held onto him crying.

“I don't know, he lost a lot of blood.” he replied solemnly.

“No! I can't lose him!” I yelled frantically.

“Shhh.” Holden tried to calm me pulling me into a bedroom.

I laid my head in his lap and let the tears fall. I couldn't lose Esai. Why would he do this to himself? If only I hadn't dozed off, then this wouldn't be happening. My heart wouldn't be constricting and I could still hold hands with Esai and cuddle him and try to get him to open up.

After a few hours my tears had finally run dry and Holden was combing his fingers through my hair. I sniffled and clutched the hoodie I was holding. I let my face fall into it and breathed in the scent I had to come to associate with Esai. I was not okay with this situation. Not at all. And with that thought I drifted off to sleep.


A/N:...Yeah, this chapter is...yeah. I really don't know why but I really like it. Anyway, since it's my birthday today I decided to write and post this chapter. Seriously I wrote this in like an hour and a half. I'm just that awesome. Anyway, is Esai going to die :O...maybe. Maybe Cyra and Esai will never get their happily-ever-after and you'd all hate me ^_^ Who knows what I've got planned...well me obviously but other than that no one. Mouhahahahaha until chapter sixteen my lovlies buh bye!!!!!! And don't forget to vote, comment, and follow ^_^

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