Chapter Eleven: Oh Dear Father You Will Never Have Me...or Maybe You Will

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Chapter Eleven: Oh Dear Father You Will Never Have Me...or Maybe You Will

Cyra's POV

I was having a nightmare, when all of a sudden I was ripped out of it and thrown back into reality. I couldn't breath. I started clawing at my neck, trying to release the steel grip around it. I finally opened my eyes and was staring into ones identical to my own. My eyes widened in fear and I started squirming. He smirked and started squeezing my neck harder. I started losing consciousness and realized I was being strangled to death by my own father.

I woke up with a scream, but I was startled when someone wrapped their arms around me. I looked to my left and saw that it was Esai. I crawled onto his lap and put my head on his shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” Esai asked. I shook my head no and I felt tears spring into my eyes. I blinked repeatedly but they still came.

I started wiping them away furiously, but they wouldn't stop coming. I didn't really know what else to do, so I grabbed onto Esai for dear life and cried my heart out. He just held me and sometimes wiped my tears away. After about twenty minutes, I regained my composure but I didn't let go of Esai. “I'm sorry.” he said.

“For what?” I asked completely confused.

“That I can't stop you from crying.” he replied looking at the wall.

“But you do.” I whispered.

“Then why are you crying again?” he asked looking at me with the most saddest expression I have ever seen.

“Because I hate that you think you don't because you do. I've actually cried less here than I have in the past four months, and it's all because of you.” I said holding his face in my hands so that he would look at me.

We then just stared at each other. I looked at his gorgeous pink lips that were a few inches away. I started to lean in closer and he did the same until we were centimeters apart. Unfortunately, Holden just had to burst into the room and ruin the moment. “I'm pretty sure what I was about to say is more important but were you two about to kiss?” he asked.

“No!” Esai and I both yelled in unison.

“Uh okay. Anyway, I came to tell you guys that you might want to now.” he said.

“Why?” Esai questioned.

“Because Ethen is on his way here and since he's Cyra's dad he's probably going to try and take her.”

“Why, why would you mention the second part. Now she's going to start freaking out again.” Esai said and sighed.

He was right though, I did start freaking out. I curled up into a ball an contemplated what would happen if my father caught me. None of the scenarios were good and in a good majority of them I died. Wow, I really needed to stop being a pessimist. However, five minutes later the back door burst open and all hell broke loose.


Esai's POV

Holden and I ran out of the bedroom to see what had happened with Cyra following close behind. There were four werewolves inside and they were begging for a fight. Holden changed first and started attacking the first two.

I grabbed Cyra's arm and ran to the front door. “Cyra, listen to me.” I said grabbing her face since she was too preoccupied with her thoughts and the ensuing fight. “I need you to run. Don't look back. Just keep running as far as you can.” I said.

“But how will you find me?” she asked with tears in her eyes.

“Do you really doubt my abilities as a werewolf?”


“Then don't worry, I promise that no matter where you go I will find you. Now run.” I said pushing her out the door before she could be attacked. Instead I got bit in the shoulder and fell to the ground.

I changed and growled at the wolf that just attacked me. We had a glaring contest for about five seconds before we both leapt at each others throats.


Cyra's POV

I wasn't sure where I was going, but I was really hoping that it was away from the werewolves that were with my father. I wanted to go back though because I was worried about Esai. Unfortunately, I knew that I couldn't since I would get caught by my father.

However, running away wasn't such a good idea because someone tripped me. That someone ended up being my father. “D-d-dad?” I stuttered as I was caught completely off guard.

“Are you really that surprised to see me?” he questioned with a maniacal grin on his face.

“Um...well I uh...” I said trailing off.

“You're coming back with me.” he said getting impatient and grabbing my wrist.

“No!” I yelled trying to wrench my wrist out of his grasp.

He stopped walking and turned to face me. He slapped me and then grabbed me by the neck and pinned me to a tree. “Did you just tell me no?” he asked even though he knew the answer. When I didn't say anything he started to cut off my oxygen supply. I started to claw at his hands and when that didn't work I bit him.

I drew blood but he still didn't let me go, so I kept biting him. Unfortunately, that just made him angry so he slammed my head into the tree effectively making me fall unconscious.

When I came to I was being carried over someones shoulder. I started kicking the person ferociously until they dropped me. I quickly pushed myself up from the ground and started running, but I was tackled to the ground again. I started squirming but something was jabbed into my arm and I was paralyzed. I was blindfolded and picked up again.

After a few minutes, I heard a door being opened. We were obviously inside a house since the air was much warmer than it was outside, but then we were going down stairs. The air felt thick and it smelled moldy and damp.

To be honest, I was extremely nervous about where I was being taken but I couldn't move. The person set me down gently on the ground and I heard chains. My wrists and ankles were shackled to the wall behind me before my blindfold was taken off. I was staring at none other than the guy that was the white wolf.

He actually looked kind of sad that he had to leave me in a cell chained to a wall, but he still left. That's when the tears started to flow freely from my eyes. I was never going to be able to escape from my father.


A/N: Okay, so I think this chapter is a lot better than chapter ten since something actually happens. Unfortunately, Esai and Cyra did not kiss which upsets me. Yeah, I'm upset over something that I could make happen at any time in this story but whatever I'm weird XD. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter more than ten and please vote, comment, follow, etc. and I will be back at some point with chapter twelve so for now adios my dear readers ^_^

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