Chapter Twelve: So, You Want Me Dead...Lovely

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Chapter Twelve: So, You Want Me Dead...Lovely

Cyra's POV

I slowly cracked my eyes open since they had been sealed shut by my dried up tears. I looked around really hoping that yesterday had been a dream, but sadly I was still chained to the wall in my cell. I sighed and looked at the dirt covered ground.

I was so amazingly bored. I mean, I was still really worried about what my dad would do to me, but I wanted something to do until then. Well, other than sit around chained to a wall. I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me. “So, you're finally awake.” stated the guy that was the white wolf.

“Yeah, so what wolf boy?” I questioned.

“One, I'm older than you and two please call me by name which is Cyril.” he said with a smirk.

At that moment, I wanted to bash his face in so that I wouldn't have to see his smirk anymore. Unfortunately, I could only settle for glaring at him through the cell bars. He smirked even wider, if that was even possible, and left again. I sighed and slammed the back of my head into the wall.


Esai's POV

I was laying on the ground gasping for air. I had almost died three times but the worst that happened was that I had a dislocated shoulder and some broken ribs. I was staring at the ceiling and thinking about Cyra when Holden came back. “Dude, we have a serious problem!” he shouted at me.

“What happened now?” I groaned.

“Cyra was taken by her father!” he yelled with a panicked look.

I froze. No way, no fucking way. I quickly got up off the floor and punched the wall making a huge hole in it. I was not prepared for this. I mean, there was no way that I could possibly find Cyra without getting caught.

I sighed and looked over at Holden. He just looked back at me like a hopeless child. There had to be something we could do that didn't end horribly wrong. In the span of ten minutes I still didn't have a plan, so I looked at Holden and he groaned. “If your plan constitutes either me dressing up as a girl or climbing through a window, I am punching you in the face.” he said with a sigh.

I looked at him with the best puppy dog face I could manage and I still got a no. So then I pouted which earned me a slap on the head. I glared at Holden who just smiled at me. “Come on, I have a...kind of plan already in place.” he told me as we walked out the door.

“And you didn't tell me this earlier because why?” I asked annoyed.

“Because I wanted to see what you would do.” he replied with a grin.

“You little bastard.” I said as we changed into wolves.


Cyra's POV

I was thrashing violently against my chains, but the only thing that happened was that my wrists and ankles were rubbed raw. “How about you stop thrashing around bitch.” said some slutty looking girl. Seriously, her skirt was a little strip of cloth and her tube top showed way too much cleavage. “How about you shut up slut!” I yelled back.

At that comment, she slammed open the cell door and pointed a gun at my head. I just glared at her as she stared down her nose at me. She sneered and was about to pull the trigger, when my father snatched the gun out of her hand. “The only person who gets to kill Cyra is me.” he said walking away.

“He's not he?” she asked Cyril.

“No, he's completely serious.” he replied.

“Wait, he wants to kill me?” I asked.

Cyril just nodded and left dragging the slut behind him. I started thrashing around even more violently than before. I was not going to be murdered if I had even the slightest chance of escaping. All of a sudden, Cyril came back with a key. “Do you by any chance know how to lock pick?” he asked.

“No.” I replied.

“ you have a bobby pin?”

“Yeah? Where exactly are you going with this?” I asked confused.

“I'm helping you escape.” he replied unlocking the chains.

When I was free, I handed him a bobby pin and he bent it in a way to look like a lock pick. He grabbed my hand, and quickly pulled me up the stairs. He somehow got me out of the house unnoticed, but I had no idea where to go once I was outside. I looked over at Cyril and he sighed. “Keep going straight and you'll run into your boyfriend soon enough.” he said.

“He's not my boyfriend.” I replied.

“Whatever, and don't tell anyone I helped you.” he said.

“Okay.” I said turning away. However, before I walked away I turned back and faced him again. “Thank you.” I whispered and ran in the direction he told me to.


Esai's POV

“Holden?” I asked.

“Yeah?” he replied.

“I refuse to go along with your plan.” I said glaring at Bridger.

“Yeah, and I so want to spend more time with you.” Bridger replied sarcastically.

I groaned and stopped walking. I wasn't going to deal with this guy anytime soon. All I wanted to do was punch him in the face again. At some point, we got into a yelling match which was stopped when Cyra crashed into me and we both fell to the ground. “I am so sorry.” she replied sitting up.

“It's fine, but how did you escape?” I asked.

“Lock picking and ninja skills.” she said with a straight face.

That made all three of us burst out laughing as she sat there looking confused. After we calmed down, she got off of me and I stood up. I grabbed her hand and the four of us made our way to a new cabin once again.

We stopped a few hours later to rest. Holden and Bridger went to scout ahead and that left Cyra and I alone. “He wants to kill me.” she said looking at her hands.

“Do you know why?” I asked looking at her.

“No, and I really don't want to know. I just don't want to die.” she replied gripping my hand in hers.

“Hey, it'll be okay.” I said grabbing her chin and turning her head to look at me.

“How can you be so sure?” she asked with tears starting to fall. Instead of answering, I kissed her softly on the lips. “Do you believe me now?” I whispered as I pulled away slightly until our foreheads touched.

“Yes.” she whispered and pulled my face towards hers again.

Unfortunately, before we could kiss again Holden and Bridger came back. I was annoyed and Cyra looked away blushing because she was embarrassed. To be honest, I thought it was really cute but I didn't say anything. Instead, I just grabbed her hand and started marching towards the new cabin.


A/N: Okay, so chapter twelve is finally here and I must say that I love the kiss >.< Yeah, I think it's cute so yeah. Anyway, is Cyril actually a good guy or is he still bad? Do any of you guys actually like him? Anyway, I would like to thank all of you guys for being patient and waiting for this update and don't worry chapter thirteen will probably be finished by Saturday because I feel creative, but who knows it might be finished sooner. So, vote, comment, follow, etc. and I'll be back soon with chapter thirteen adios my lovely readers ^_^

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