Chapter Six: Attack of the Overflowing Washer

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Chapter Six: Attack of the Overflowing Washer

Cyra's POV

I woke up to a pair of ice blue eyes. We stared at each other for a moment, then I opened my mouth to scream. Before I could though, he covered my mouth with his hand and shushed me. Then I sat up and took a good look at the guy. I realized that it was the guy I had never met that was with Esai the day before. “Hey, I remember you now.” I said although my voice was muffled by his hand.

“Well I'm glad. Oh yeah, I'm Holden by the way.” he said with a grin.

“I'm pretty sure that you already know that my name is Cyra but it's really nice to meet you.” I replied.

“So, how about we go kiss the sleepy guy over there.” he said as he gestured his head in the direction of Esai.


“Let's kiss him.”

“...Why?” I asked completely confused.

“Because Esai's hot that's why.” he said with a huge grin.

Holden and I tiptoed over to Esai. He was still sleeping as we stared at him, so I poked him in the face. He didn't move, so I poked him again. Since he wasn't waking up, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a can of whipped cream and a glass of water. First, I doodled all over his face with the whipped cream and Holden was laughing so much that I thought Esai was going to wake up. When he still didn't wake up after the whole doodling thing, I poured the water on him and he practically flung himself off the couch.

Holden and I doubled over in laughter as Esai looked for a mirror to see what happened. When he finally saw what I had done, he started fuming but Holden and I were still laughing uncontrollably so Esai just left to take a shower. “I think he hates me even more now.” I said as I finally stopped laughing.

“Aw, he could never hate you.” Holden said with a smile.

“When we first met he called me a bitch and said that he hated me.” I replied with a deadpan expression.

“Oh...well he still doesn't hate you.”

“And how do you know this exactly?”

“Well, for one you're wearing his hoodie. Also, he looks at you like he's in love.”

“Okay, I highly doubt the second part.”

Holden just gave me a knowing smile and then Esai showed up...shirtless. I seriously wondered why he couldn't have a put a shirt on before he came into the living room, but I wasn't complaining. I think I was staring at his bare chest too long though because he gave me a weird look. “What?” I asked innocently as I looked away.

“You're staring at me.” he replied.

“Wait!” I exclaimed shocking both Esai and Holden.

“What?” they both asked looking worried.

“I have no clothes.”

“You're freaking out...over clothes?” Esai asked me.


My answer left Esai speechless and confused. Eventually he sighed and left the room, then he came back with a pair of sweat pants and a band shirt. He threw them at me and I caught the shirt but the pants fell to the floor. I picked them up and went to go take a shower.

After I came out of the bathroom, I probably looked like I was drowning in a sea of fabric because the clothes were so big on me. My hunch was confirmed when I walked into the kitchen and the boys burst out laughing. “Yeah yeah, just laugh at the short girl.” I said with a sheepish smile on my face.

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