Chapter Seven: Little Miss Perfect Isn't so Perfect Anymore

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Chapter Seven: Little Miss Perfect Isn't so Perfect Anymore

Esai's POV

“What?” I asked completely confused.

“Look, I know that you think I have a perfect life but...I never have. My father, he's hated me ever since I was born and so has my mom. Then, on my twelfth birthday my dad he...” she took a deep breath and continued, “he hit me. At first, it wasn't as bad as you might think but when I was fourteen it spiraled out of control.

One day, I went to a party with my best friend Cayson. He was my ride home, but he got drunk and passed out, so I walked home. I was out after curfew, and when I came through the front door my dad was waiting for me. He had gotten drunk while waiting and he chased me up the stairs. I tried to keep him out by locking the door to my room, but he just punched through the wood. I was half dead by the time he was done with me.

Anyway, at some point I was taken to a hospital and treated. What happened with my arm is that my dad had dislocated the shoulder, and he had stomped on it twice in two different places so two parts of my arm were completely shattered. Some of the pieces of bone were too small to actually be put back in place, so a few parts of my arm bones are missing and it didn't set quite right either.” she finished looking away.

I held her even closer to me which I didn't think was possible. She started crying again and I wiped away her tears. She didn't deserve this, no one did. “I have one more question for you.” I said as she calmed down.


“How do you deal with this?”

“If I tell you you'll hate me even more than you do.” she said looking away. I sighed and said, “I don't hate you.”

“Okay fine, you'll hate me even more than you used to.” she said with a small smile.

“It can't be worse than my secret.” I replied quietly.

“Trust me, mine is worse.” she said with a sigh and hopped off of my lap.

I sighed and leaned my head back while I closed my eyes. What was so awful that she couldn't tell me? Then again, I wasn't exactly spilling all of my secrets to her either. I sighed again and growled. I was annoyed now, so I went after her but stopped when I heard her talking to Holden.


Cyra's POV

I couldn't tell him. He would either end up hating me or pitying me to no end. I didn't want either from anyone, but especially him. Ugh why did I have to fall for him, it just made things more complicated.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen. Holden was there reading some magazine and munching on Pop-Tarts. For a moment I wondered where he got them but then I saw the box on the table and grabbed a package. “Hey Holden?” I asked opening the package of hot fudge sundae Pop-Tarts.

“Yeah?” he replied glancing up from his magazine.

“I'm afraid to tell Esai something that's really important.” I said looking away.

“Why are you so terrified to tell him?”

“Because, I don't want him to hate me or pity me.” I sighed laying my head on my arm.

“Why would he do either of those things?”

“'s kind of threatening.” I said looking away.

“Go tell him right now!” Holden yelled pointing to the door.

“No!” I yelled right back.

“You will tell me...right now might I add.” said a very irritated looking Esai.

"No." I said glaring at the floor.

“Why not?” he asked staring at the wall as he leaned against the door frame.

“If you heard the whole conversation then you know why!” I shouted since I was angry that he eavesdropped.

“Please, just tell me!” he yelled as he grabbed my shoulders.

“I'm too scared!” I screamed as tears streamed down my face. I really needed to stop being so emotional, it was annoying. “Look, I can't judge you for whatever it is you do because then I'd be a hypocrite, but I want to help you if I can.” he said pulling me into a hug, just as Holden retreated to the living room.

“I have a question.” I said looking at my shoes as he released me.


“Have you ever...tried to kill yourself?”

“Not...exactly.” he said scratching the back of his head and staring at the ceiling.

“Then you are going to hate me if I tell you.” I whispered.

“It can't be worse than what I do to myself.” he replied looking away.

“What do you do?” I asked even though I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.

“I...I cut myself.” he said quietly and looked to the right. I knew it. I've known it ever since I found that knapsack under his bed.

I grabbed his right arm and pushed the sleeve of his hoodie up. There were so many scars, and some of them were recent. I traced my fingers over them, and I felt a few tears escape from my eyes. Damn emotions. “Hey, why are you crying?” he asked wiping my tears away.

“Because...well, I just don't like it. I'm not really one to talk though.” I said.

“Now that you know my secret, please tell me yours. It's eating me alive since I can't figure it out.”

“Well, um...I've, uh...well you see I um,” I took a deep breath and started again, “I've tried to kill myself on more than one occasion.” I whispered almost inaudibly.

For a second, I thought he hadn't heard me but then I looked up and he kept opening and closing his mouth. I wanted him to say something. Anything. But he never did. “Say something...please.” I whispered.

He still didn't say anything so I grabbed onto his hoodie. I held it in a vise grip, but he just untangled my hands from the fabric and left. I crumpled to the ground and curled into a ball. This wasn't happening, it couldn't be happening. I cried until my eyes were dry and even then I didn't move from my spot.


A/N: Okay, to be totally honest this chapter makes me wanna cry. I don't know, I just think it's really sad and this isn't even the halfway point of this story. Oh yeah, on LibreOffice this story is 36 pages and I'm pretty sure it's not that long on here but oh well. Also, if any of you are wondering I have a lot of ideas for this story so I want to make between 40 and 50 parts. I also want to have a sequel so yeah. Anyway vote, comment, follow, etc. and I will be back with chapter eight relatively soon because I really hate this cliffhanger. Anyway bye for now ^_^

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