Chapter Seventeen: Two Bastards with One Common Goal Is Just Wonderful

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Chapter Seventeen: Two Bastards With One Common Goal Is Just Wonderful

Esai's POV

I opened my eyes and looked to the right. Cyra was snuggled up against me and was sleeping peacefully. I smiled as I watched her sleep and I gently kissed her forehead. She popped her eyes open and looked at me with a very confused and sleepy face. Then realization hit her and she pulled me into a huge hug.

She snuggled her head into the crook of my neck and I buried my face into her hair. It smelled like cinnamon and I must say that I couldn't get enough of it. Unfortunately, Cayson and Holden came to interrupt us. I sighed and reluctantly let her go. I fell back onto the pillows and covered my face with my arm. “What?” I asked annoyed.

“Well, sorry to interrupt you and your wonderful girlfriend but we have some serious matters to discuss.” Holden replied.

“Uh, is he really your boyfriend?” Cayson whispered to Cyra.

She looked over at me and then whispered something to Cayson that I didn't catch. Cayson nodded and turned back to Holden while snuggled up to me. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on hers. “Can I go back to sleep?” I asked Cyra.

“You can but I won't tell you what I'm going to say.” Holden replied with a smile.

I grumbled something incoherent and closed my eyes. Cyra laughed so I started nibbling on her ear. She swatted my face away and I just laughed closing my eyes again. “Esai, you're going to want to hear this.” Holden scolded me.

“I'd rather sleep and dream away my problems.” I replied.

“You're father is back.” Holden said and I opened my eyes.

“...No.” I said.

“Yes, he's here and is with Cyra's dad.”


“I don't know, I'm not him.” Holden replied with a shrug and walked out with Cayson following him like a puppy.

I sighed and buried my face into a pillow. I let Cyra go and I felt her shift into a sitting position. I sighed preparing myself to answer whatever question she was going to ask. She turned to look at me and I stiffened in preparation. “I'm not going to force you to tell me anything.” she said with a soft smile and I relaxed a little.

“You still want to know though.” I said quietly.

“True but I'll wait until you're ready to tell me. Besides, I still have a few secrets I haven't shared with you.” she said leaving the room.

“Like what!” I yelled after her but my only response was a few giggles.

I huffed and scowled at the ceiling. They say curiosity killed the cat, it also kills the werewolf.


Cyra's POV

I sat down at the kitchen table across from Cayson and stared at him. He stared back at me and a small smile crept onto my face. My best friend had a crush on a certain werewolf. I knew he didn't like girls! I slid a piece of paper over to him with my guess and as he read it he blushed. I cried out in triumph and he quickly covered my mouth with his hand looking every which way for Holden. “I knew it!” I said as he uncovered my mouth.

“Shut up, besides what about you and Mr. Emo?”

“Well if you must know, I'm not really sure. I mean we do all these couply things but he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend.” I replied pouting.

“Well then, just ask him to be your boyfriend.” Cayson said shrugging.

“Do you not remember the disaster that happened the last time I did that. No, never again. I'd rather be old fashioned and for Mr. Emo.” I replied.

Cayson just sighed and patted my head. I pouted and walked into the living room. I plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. I started flipping through the channels and finally settled on a crime show.

Just as I was about to find out who the killer was, Esai came and sat down next to me. Let's just say that he is very distracting. I kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

A frown was etched onto his face and I could tell he was contemplating something. I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. He sighed and leaned his head on mine. With his free hand he started playing with my hair. “Tell me what I should do.” he finally choked out.

“I can't tell you what to decide. It's completely up to you.” I replied never taking my eyes off of the TV.

He whispered something into my hair and left, presumably back to the bedroom. I sighed and flopped onto my back. I felt like crying and had no idea why. Just then, Holden and Cayson came in. They tried to get me to talk to them, but instead I shoved a pillow into my face.

I wanted to help Esai, I really did. Unfortunately I couldn't do that without knowing what had happened to him. Why did this have to be so complicated?


Esai's POV

I was laying on my bed with my arm thrown over my face. I grunted and turned onto my side. Should I go or not? I kept asking myself that while staring at the letter I had gotten just after everyone had left. I read it one more time and finally made up my mind to go.

I shimmied out the window and once my feet touched solid ground, I bolted. Once the cabin was out of my sight, I slowed my pace to a brisk walk. If I was caught I was so dead. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this.

I took a deep breath as I approached the meeting place. I stopped about four feet away. I really should have told someone about this. I should have had someone come with me. No, I should have burned the letter and never come. I was such an idiot.

I looked towards where we were going to meet, and he still wasn't there. I had time to turn around and never think about this again. I sighed, I would have to see him again anyway so why not just deal with it now? I growled out of frustration. I didn't need to be afraid not anymore. I took another deep breath and finally stepped out of the trees.

I heard a chilling chuckle sound from behind me and I turned really slowly. I was met with eyes identical to mine and his sick, twisted smirk. “Hello son.” he replied and it took everything in me not to run away or puke my guts out. Why had I done this?


A/N: Okay, so I know this chapter isn't really exciting but it's building up to something okay. I was also going to make this chapter longer, but I wanted to leave a cliffhanger so I did. Please don't hate me for that but feel free to yell at me to update. Anyway, vote, comment, follow, and please listen to the song on the right if you haven't already, it's amazing. Anyway, until chapter eighteen, byeeeeeeee ^_^

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