Chapter Twenty-One: Am I Dead, Because That Would Be Heaven

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A/N: This chapter is fucking weird and I still can't change the rating but after this chapter I'll stop mentioning on.

Chapter Twenty-One: Am I Dead, Because That Would Be Heaven

Cyra's POV

Hey Esai...

Did you know I'm a liar and a bitch?

Did you know I'm scum?

Did you know I'm a worthless and terrible person?

Did you know you were right about me when we first met?

But did you also know that I'm exactly like you?

I have never been perfect, yet I've always been broken. I hate myself and I suppose I always will. Maybe that's why I succumbed to the darkness inside of me. I have the scars to prove it...I'm exactly like you and I really don't know how you didn't notice. They're the constant reminders that let me know I can't be fixed.

Esai, even you can't fix me. I'll forever be this broken mess of ugliness and for that I'm sorry. I hope I'm actually dead this time. Oh, the tears have started again...proof that I'm actually human. I don't have a heart or soul though...I don't know how I'm still breathing. I wish I had never existed...the world would be a much better place without me. I'm sorry I fell in love with you because you're too deserve someone better than me. I think my time is's over now. Goodbye...


Esai's POV

“Ugh, a la mierda esta mierda no tengo ni idea de por dónde vamos.” I almost shouted.

“Can you please speak in English so that I can understand you?” Cyril asked.

“No.” I replied.

“But, that was English.”

I sighed. Cyril really didn't understand Spanish at all and it was annoying me to no end. Besides, it's not like he needed to know what I was saying since it wasn't important in the slightest. Anyway, I continued to make my way through the forest in what I thought was the right direction.


Cyra's POV

Hey Esai, can you hear me? Well, if you can I have a confession to make...I'm terrified of the dark. It reminds of things that should never be remembered. The dark is a cruel mistress to my sanity. It's breaking you know, there are splintering cracks running through it and soon it will shatter. Will still love me then? Probably not.

I broke a mirror once because I couldn't take it. Then the dark crept up on me and she was so cruel. It hurt and I bled and she just laughed at how pathetic I was. She didn't care and neither did he. I was left to die in the dark and I cried.

All I see now is dark though. It scares me. She might sneak up and finally make me lose it all. I'm in so much pain and I can hear her echoing laughs. I hate her but I can't escape. Esai, my eyes won't open and I can't move my limbs. I miss you so much. Esai, I can barely hurts too much. I think I'll stop breathing for awhile.


Esai's POV

“Are either of you guys good at tracking?” I asked Cyril and Holden.

“I am...why?” Cyril replied.

“I need you to sniff out Bridger and find him.”

“Uh, once again why?”

“Just do it.” I replied through clenched teeth.

Cyril looked at me like I was crazy but he put his nose to work and in a matter of minutes we found Bridger...or at least where he had been recently. It was a huge four story cabin and to be honest it was really nice, and I kind of wanted it. Anyway, I asked Cyril to check and see if Cyra was there and she was. She was on the top floor in the third room at the front. However, he also smelled a lot of blood. It was a good thing I had a plan, albeit a terrible plan, but a plan all the same.


Cyra's POV

Hey Esai, I'm being stabbed right now. Can you tell? To be honest, I can barely feel it. I'm numb right now. It reminds me of my alcohol and drug days. Yeah, I was an alcoholic and a drug addict. I still smoke weed every now and again but I'm much better than I used to be.

The alcohol though...there's too much in my house. I could never really give it up but I stopped getting drunk. I didn't want to be my dad. He's an asshole. I hate him but at the same time I love him. He wasn't always a villain.

He used to be nice. He would take me to the park and buy me ice cream. He would push me on the swings and laugh with me. That changed when I turned seven though...all I remember is my mom told him something and he was never the same.

Did you know she always hated me? I don't know why though. I was a good child and always did what I was told but she treated me like I was trash. She looked down upon me and I would cry because of it. I used to cry myself to sleep because of the way she would look at me...her cold eyes. She's the ice queen that turned my father into the devil. Her words are poison and she throws them at me leaving scars.

She believes that I'd be better off dead. For once I agree with her. However, you keep haunting me and you give me hope. God, I'm so fucking messed up. Pull me out of the darkness that is drowning me, it's filling up my lungs and choking me. Esai, I think I'm turning blue. I can't breath and I feel cold. Is it over yet? Am I dead? If I am I'm sorry...I wish I could've kissed you one more time. I'm sorry our love has such a bittersweet ending but it's over, I can feel my heart slowing down and it's getting fainter...there's nothing else to say except for my one regret.

I never got to tell you that I loved you.

I never got to marry you.

I never got to have a family with you.

I never really got to live.

The tears are back but I might just be hallucinating. I see a field of flowers, I wish you could see it too.

I also never got to say goodbye. I guess now is as a good a time as ever so goodbye my love...let's spend eternity together when you get here. I went out with a bang and I'm ending in a whisper with the dark keeping a tight grip on my throat, I told you she was cruel. I didn't ever ask for her but I also can't escape, we're tied by an unbreakable thread.


A/N: Yeah, this chapter is weird. I also find it really depressing since Cyra's you know...dying. Esai really needs to save her but he's got a plan so he will...maybe but it's kind of a little late. Anyway, I'm not really sure what this chapter was going to be...I was originally going to write the boys saving her, but uh, I didn't...obviously. Anyway comment,vote,and follow and don't worry chapter twenty-two will be coming ver soon so until then...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^

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