Chapter Four: Hair Straighteners, Bleach, Hair Dye, and...Rainbows?

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Chapter Four: Hair Straighteners, Bleach, Hair Dye, and...Rainbows?

Cyra's POV

“How can you not like Funyuns?” Esai asked me.

“I didn't say I didn't like them, but I want the Bar-B-Que chips.” I whined while I sat on his bed.

“Fine, take them. But I get the Skittles.” he said handing me the chips.

“Only if I get the Twizzlers and a hair straightener.” I replied.

After the whole empty kitchen fiasco, Esai had taken me to his room where he had a stash of junk food. He still hadn't shown me where to find a hair straightener though. As I was stuffing my face with chips, he got up and opened a door across from me. I thought it was going to be like, some cool secret hideaway or something. Instead, it was just a bathroom.

He started rifling through a cabinet, and my curiosity got the best of me so I went in. I peeked over his shoulder and saw a mountain of hair straighteners. “What...the...fuck?” I asked looking at him.

He sighed and said, “I know, but some of them are broken and some don't straighten hair...well.”

“Good to know...I guess.”

Anyway, after a couple more minutes he finally pulled out a neon green one and set it on the counter. I stared intently at the hair straightener because of the color, then I looked at Esai, and then back at the straightener. A huge cat-like smile then graced my face as I thought of something. “Why are you grinning like a serial killer?” Esai asked me.

“I don't look like a serial killer, and I just had an awesome idea. Besides, this might be the only time I can do this.” I replied excitedly. “Do what exactly?”

“Dye the tips of my hair.”

he looked at me like I was crazy, and maybe I was but I really wanted to do this. Besides, I couldn't do this at home because I was a cheerleader and we weren't allowed to dye our hair. Anyway, I kicked Esai out of the bathroom and started rummaging through the cabinets. I ended up finding some bleach and a bottle of black hair dye. Well here goes nothing, I thought after I straightened my hair and was preparing the bleach.


Esai's POV

she was taking forever. I mean it didn't take that long to dye tips...does it? All of a sudden, I heard a small crash come from the bathroom and some muttered curses. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Uh...yeah.” she replied quietly. Just then the front door opened and Dominic yelled, “Esai! Cyra is missing!”

I sighed and walked to the front of the house. Bridger was with Dominic and he was glaring at me with his cold gray eyes. “What?” I asked him. Instead of answering me, he grabbed me by the collar and shoved me up against a wall. “What did you do to her?” he yelled at me.

“I didn't DO anything.” I growled.

“Stop lying you fucking prick!” he yelled raising his fist.

All of a sudden, a small figure jumped in front of me. Unfortunately, she was about a foot shorter than me, so if Bridger felt like it he could still punch me in the face. However, Bridger put his fist down and enveloped Cyra in a hug.

“Okay...umm you can let me go now.” she said.

“There's no way in hell that I'm letting you go.” he replied.

“Uhh, can someone save me?” she asked.

“Gladly.” I replied and punched Bridger in the face.

I then grabbed her by the arm and took her back to my room. I felt pissed that Bridger had hugged Cyra, so I punched his face. I hope I broke that bastard's nose or better yet, his face. Okay, so I had never liked the guy but I disliked him even more now for some reason. I felt like banging my head on a wall. “So, why exactly did you punch Bridger?” Cyra asked me.

“Because I felt like it.” I grumbled with a scowl.

“Remind me to never get on your bad side.” she replied.

I sighed and flopped onto my bed. I was not in the mood to deal with this so I closed my eyes, and I think I fell asleep.


Cyra's POV

Esai had fallen asleep. He had closed his eyes for like two seconds, and he was out like a light. I quietly chuckled to myself as I stared at his sleeping face. He actually looked peaceful instead of annoyed or pissed for once, and I smiled.

Once I heard soft snores coming from him, I started to snoop. Okay, so maybe snoop wasn't the right word but I started looking through his stuff, starting with his iPod. I grabbed it off the desk and put one earbud in. I scrolled through the bands and picked one called Pierce the Veil. The first song that I played was King for a Day and it started off with...screaming. I wasn't surprised but I didn't like it, I still listened to the whole song though.

As I was listening to the song, I started looking under his bed and I found a knapsack like thing. I pulled it out and opened it. I found a razor and all sorts of other cutting implements inside. I took a quick peek up at Esai to make sure he was still sleeping as I put everything back. I slid the knapsack thing back under the bed and went into the bathroom.

I started looking through all the cabinets, but I didn't find anything interesting except for a bunch of different colognes. After that bust, I went over and opened his closet. I found a bunch of hoodies, skinny jeans, and band shirts. For some reason, I lifted up one of his hoodies and smelled it. It smelled kind of like a mix between woodsy, citrus, and worked together somehow, but I felt kind of like an obsessed stalker. I shrugged and put the hoodie back and closed the closet doors.

I walked back over to Esai and stared at his face. He looked really hot when he was sleeping...if it's possible to look hot while sleeping. I leaned toward his face until we were centimeters apart and I felt his breath on my face. I slowly lowered my lips onto his and lightly kissed him. When I realized what I was doing I quickly pulled away. Why did I just do that?!, I thought and ran back to my bedroom. I quickly closed the door and flopped on my bed. I touched my fingers to my lips and smiled to myself. Something was definitely wrong with me because I think I was falling in love...with the emo werewolf.


A/N: Okay, so I'm not really sure if this chapter is a filler or not but I really like it for some reason. So, do you guys think Esai knows about the kiss or not since he was sleeping at the time. Also, I think some surprises are going to happen in chapter 5 so stay tuned. Until then vote, comment, follow, etc. and adios ^_^

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