Chapter Eight: I Refuse to Accept Your Apology Even Though I Stole Your Hoodie

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Chapter Eight: I Refuse to Accept Your Apology Even Though I Stole Your Hoodie

Cyra's POV

It had been roughly two hours since Esai left and I was laying on his bed. I had his pillow smushed into my face since it smelled like him, even though he hadn't slept in here. God I missed him so much. I knew he would he hate me when I told him. I sighed and breathed in his scent again.

Holden was wrong but at least he was here to comfort me. Right now he was sitting in the bean bag chair in the corner of the room reading something. I finally pulled the pillow off my face and sat up. Holden glanced up as I walked to the closet, but he said nothing as I opened the door and started rifling through Esai's clothes. I grabbed a black and white striped hoodie out of the closet and put it on. I zipped it halfway up and sniffed it, it of course had his scent all over it. That woodsy, citrusy, minty smell that I adored. Is this what it feels like to be broken hearted because I felt shattered. This guy had ripped my heart out and turned it into Humpty Dumpty. The only thing that could fix this was him.

I shoved the pillow into my face again and breathed in the intoxicating scent of Esai. “Holden?” I asked ready to burst into tears again.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Will he come back?”

“I think the better question is will you forgive him.” he stated.

“I-I honestly don't know.” I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

Looking at the ceiling wasn't helping, so I went into the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and opened the medicine cabinet. There were plenty of regular medicines normally found in a medicine cabinet, but I didn't know if I could die by overdosing on them. Then I looked in the drawers and found a pair of scissors. They could work if I felt like splitting open some skin. I sighed and threw the scissors across the bathroom. I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands as I started to cry...again. How many tears can a single person cry in a day? It seemed to be a limitless amount which made me cry harder.


Esai's POV

I was running in a random direction in my wolf form. I felt terrible for leaving Cyra, but I couldn't say anything. To hear her say that, it felt like I was being stabbed through the heart. I finally stopped running and laid down. I put my head on my front paws and sighed. I was pretty sure I had complicated things even more since I ran away.

I needed to get back to Cyra, but I was terrified that she wouldn't forgive me. Hell, I wouldn't forgive me if I was her. A guy could dream though. I slowly started to make my way back to the cabin, and stopped a few feet away to change back and get dressed. I quietly slipped through the back door and ran into Holden. “How is she?” I asked looking at the floor.

“Amazingly upset. You really hurt her Esai.” he replied.

“What was I supposed to say?”

“Anything dude. Any fucking thing!” he yelled and stalked out the front door.

I slammed my head on the kitchen counter. I was an idiot. I sighed and slowly lifted my head off the counter. I trudged to my room, and was surprised when I saw Cyra laying on my bed sleeping in one of my hoodies while cuddling my pillow. I collapsed next to the bed and stared at her. “I'm so sorry.” I whispered. Her midnight blue eyes popped open and she said, “You just left. How can I forgive you for that?”

“I honestly don't know.” I replied.

“Then don't expect me to forgive you.” she hissed and left the room.

I can't say I didn't expect that reaction, but I was hoping that it would've gone better. I grabbed a razor and walked into the bathroom. I sat on the counter and rolled up my sleeve. Was I really going to do this?


Cyra's POV

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I felt really bad about snapping at Esai, but I couldn't exactly say I forgive you. My head was in turmoil, and against my better judgment I went back to Esai's room.

When I first walked in, I thought he had left again but then I saw the light was on in the bathroom. I walked over to the door and it was slightly ajar. I peeked in and saw that there was blood in the sink. Upon seeing that, I pushed the door open and found Esai sitting on the floor holding a razor to his already bloodied wrist. “No.” I said quietly, as I dropped to the floor next to him wrenching the razor out of his hand.

“Why not?” he asked staring at the wall.

“What's it going to solve?” I asked as I grabbed a towel and handed it to him.

“I don't know.” he said cleaning up his wrist.

“Nothing,” I said grabbing his face in my hands, “it solves nothing.”

“I'm sorry.” he whispered pulling me into a hug.

“For what?” I asked playing with the ends of his hair.



“What?” he asked looking at me like I was insane.

“I'm not saying you're completely forgiven but...” I trailed off and looked at the floor.

“I can deal with that.” he said resting his chin on top of my head.

I smiled and nuzzled my face into his neck. I didn't want to let him go again. He didn't want to let me go either because he just tightened his arms around me. At some point though, he picked me up and carried me to a bed. He was going to leave, but I grabbed his arm and made him stay with me before I fell asleep.


A/N: Okay, so this chapter is kind of short but I decided to cut it short because I thought that what I wrote would work better with chapter nine sooo yeah. Anyway, I thought the ending of this chapter was really cute which made me happy because I love cute endings. So vote, comment, follow, etc. and I'll be back with chapter nine probably after midterms which start this week and they end on Thursday and there's no school on Friday so yeah. For now I bid you ado ^_^

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