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Today I am taking Y/N on a date to the happiest place on earth--Disneyland.

I pulled up to her house in my Audi--her favourite of my cars--and texted her to come out. A few minutes later she walked out wearing a red tank top, black shorts and flip flops. She threw her tiny backpack down before she climbed in. She kissed me on  the cheek.

"Hi!" She chipped cheerfully

"Hey Sunshine!" I smiled. I held her face and kissed her passionately.

"Okay, so are we just gonna make out all day, because if so, I did not need to get all dressed up." She giggled

"I just find it very attractive when you're super happy."

"Well then you won't be able to keep your hands off of me at Disneyland." She smirked. "Now driiiive."

She fastened her seatbelt and I floored it.


We arrived at Disneyland and went straight to the souvenirs. She got a black hat with ears and a red bow. I just got a plain black hat. She told me that I was being boring.

Somehow she talked me into getting my face painted. She had her whole face painted like Minnie Mouse and I just got the black nose and whiskers.

She dragged me around the whole park, playing games, buying food and going on rides. We sat at a bench for a few minutes to take selfies. It turns out it was a good call to get my face painted, because only like two people recognised us rather than the usual 2.9 million.

Cold Water came on at one of the kiosks and she started signing while we were in line for ice cream.

She suddenly just left the line and went to dance in an empty space. People were taking videos and she tried to get strangers to join her. She taught them the movies she was doing for the chorus and they joined her.

I just watched her and thought to myself.

She is such a child. She's so random and never keeps quiet. Plus I'm convinced she loves my dogs more than me. She is always making me do things to "get me out I my comfort zone" or "shake things up." Uggh! But that's why I love her.

I left the line and stuffed my money back into my pocket to join her to dance to the last chorus.

At the end I took her by her hand then dipped her. I brought her up while everyone was clapping and taking pictures and videos.
"You're like a cartoon character sometimes." I said to her

"Yes, yes I am."

"But I'll be the Mickey to your Minnie any day." I pulled her closer and kissed her. She yelled for the person playing it to play it again and they did. We all started dancing together again.

Disneyland is not the happiest place on earth. It is wherever Y/N is.


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