Chapter 3- The Meltdown

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Chapter 3

I had spent the past two days vegging out in my room, watching Netflix. I found it surprising that my parents had actually allowed me to spend my time in such an unproductive way, but quickly dismissed it as the second episode of the fourth season of Gossip Girl began.

I had to be honest- I found the lives of Serena Van Der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf more appealing than my pathetic reality of forced achievements.

When I finally decided to move from my new habitat- on the faux fur rug beside my bed- it was already 1:00pm. I opened the door to see a note on the kitchen counter:

                 Please empty the garbage and place the chicken in the oven at

                   1:30pm.We will be home a bit late, so help yourself.

                             Love mom.

I took the seasoned bird from the fridge, oiled a pan and waited around until it was time to place it in the oven.

While I was waiting, I felt my phone buzz:

N: Just wanted to let you guys know that I got into the football training program. I didn't want you guys to see it on twitter.

C: Oh be quiet. Congrats btw.

N: Yh, Whatever. Thanks. So, are you going??

C: Yh, I guess so, Pan made a good point, so why not.

L: What are you guys talking about? What did Panda say?

C: Oh, nothing really.

L: You guys are impossible. Anyways, can you come by later? I have some news of my own.

N: Sure

C: Sure, what time?

L: Say, around 5?

C: Kl, see you then.

N: Same here, btw... Cade, will you pick up Panda? I am taking my bike.

C: Sure. Where is she tho?

L: I'll call her and let her know.

P: I'm here, I'll be ready...see you soon. Ttyl.

I placed the chat on silent and then headed back to my room with a bowl of popcorn.

Every now and then, I would glance at the clock, trying to find a good excuse as to why I should bail.

It's not that I didn't want to see them, they are my best friends. However, the thought of having them celebrate over what came naturally to them made me feel nauseous. I knew I should be happy for them, they were on the verge of beginning their dreams, but I couldn't even fake it.


Later that night, the four of us sat around a little campfire at the back of Lane's yard.

"So," she enthusiastically started, "I am going to Washington D.C for this medical convention for students. My dad has to be there for some conference, so my mom and I are tagging along. If all goes well with daddy's meeting, we'll be out for three weeks."

"So you may get to see Danny." I added...Shoot, I wasn't thinking when I said that.

She glared at me, making sure I knew that this was neither the time nor place- this was a happy time.

Danny Smith was my neighbor and Lane's lab partner. He was on the team with Nash for cricket and he sometimes volunteered at the community center with Cade. I wasn't sure what Lane felt for him, she would stalk him on Instagram and look over at his house when she was in my room. However, she would only speak to him if he started the conversation.

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