Chapter 12: The Visitor: Part 2

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Chapter 12

When we got to the bakery, Nash's phone rang so I went in alone.

I retrieved his slice of cake from the fridge and added two extra slices for his parents in a separate package.

When he returned, he looked as if he got hit by a bus.

"Are you alright?" I asked. I was worried, I do not remember Nash with...fear in his eyes. I almost didn't recognize it at first, but now I was sure- Nash had fear in his eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing," he said while forcing a smile.

"Nash, something is wrong. Tell me."

He looked away. He opened his mouth as if to say something but quickly closed it.

"I better be getting back," he said as he fished out his car keys from his pocket.

"You got a car?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Um yh," he said looking at the keys, "I traded in my bike," he said as clenched his jaws. Well that had the opposite effect, I thought.


"I'm okay Panda," he said sternly; I almost jumped.

"I...I wasn't going to ask that, I was just going to give you this," I said, lifting the package for him to see, "I put two extra slices in for your parents and half a dozen assorted cookies." I was trying to smile and sound cheerful, but it got cold in here really fast.

I felt like I was talking to a stranger, not my best friend.

"Well, drive safely, and call me if you need anything," I added. I didn't want to push him and I wanted him to be as safe as possible on the road. Not to mention that it was going to get dark soon.

He gave a short smile. "Thanks Panda, I really enjoyed today. I'll keep in touch."

I walked him to his car- a beautiful orange hardtop jeep wrangler.


"Yeah, Cade helped me pick it out," he said as he placed the package on the passenger seat.

Once again he fell silent.

I gave him a tight hug and said, "Thanks for coming, it really meant a lot."

As I pulled away, he caught my gaze and held it until someone blew their horn. I turned around to see my uncle's truck with my mother in the passenger seat.

"Tell them I said bye, and I really enjoyed seeing them again. Oh, and tell your aunt congrats."

I watched him walk around to the driver's seat. As he got in I made a request, "Nash," I started, "Can you not tell the others about the writing, you can tell your parents...but I want to tell the others," I stated shyly.

"Will do Panda."

He flashed a quick smile and pulled out of the parking space. At the end of the road, he honked his horn, made a left and was gone.

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