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It's been over a year since that plane ride.

As I sit here looking at the leaves falling from the tree in front of my room, I can't help but go back to all that has happened since.

I remember the day we found out that Mrs. Wyatt was sick and the day she passed. We were at Cade's house watching the vlogs that he had been filming since we found out about her sickness. Cade was excited to show it to Mr. Wyatt- he was even thinking about putting it into the film festival at school.

We were so unaware about how much our lives were about to be changed.

We were sitting in Mr. White's office, waiting for Cade to make the finishing touches on his video when Mrs. White came in.

She gave us a quick smile and beckoned for Nash to come outside.

"What do you think is going on?" asked Lane.

"I don't know, maybe she wants to give Nash something to take home in privacy," suggested Cade.

A few moments later our curiosity was quenched when Mrs. White returned, closing the door behind her.

She walked over to Cade and looked at the screen, and then softly announced, "Mr. Wyatt is outside."

"Why would he be outsi...wait nooo," said Lane.

Cade quickly turned around to confirm his thoughts in his mother's eyes.

He made a move for the door, but his mother held him back. "No, you must let them have this time alone," she said softly.

"But, but he wanted to be there. He could have been there, but I wanted him to see this. He should have been there mom," cried Cade.

The room suddenly got unbearable hot, then chillingly cold. I could not speak, nor could I think clearly.

It was Lane who said, "Are you sure? I mean she had blacked out a few times the past few weeks,"

"I am sorry dear, she passed earlier this morning, but Mr. Wyatt needed time to gather his emotions to face his son. It was a blessing that you guys came here, it gave him even more time."

The next few days were filled with a thick numbness. The hours went by like seconds, and no distraction could take away from the loss that our community had felt. I could only imagine what Nash and his family were going through.

After graduation, he decided to stay home to help his dad out and go to the community college instead of going into the city.

"I can't leave him. he'll be left to face the memories alone. I can find something to do around here; not to mention that I have always enjoyed coaching the Kindergarten football," stated Nash.

He did find something to do - he is studying to become a physical therapist and to be honest, I believe he made the right decision in staying for his dad.

Lane on the other hand could not wait to get out of our little tropical island. She went to The Ohio State University: College of Veterinary Medicine.

"I can be my own person there, no one is watching for what Mayor Stewart's daughter/famous athlete's sister will do. Not to mention, I'll be far away from Cindy and her abnormal doses of caffeine," expressed Lane.

She did seem happier and she wasn't as uptight. Her mother missed her, but she too has started to do her own thing. She took up the music program at our school and gave private music lessons for the piano and violin. Mrs. Stewart was a hidden gem- only Mr. Stewart and some of the older residents seemed to know about her musical talents.

Cade on the other hand has always been a wanderer. However, the events of last year had made him realize just how much he likes to be around people and capture the little moments.

"I was sad when Mrs. Wyatt passed, but Nash and Mr. Wyatt will always have those videos and pictures to remember her by. I feel humbled that they have allowed me to capture the most intimate parts of their lives, especially towards the very end of her life. It's one thing when I document our crazy time together, but when I get to document the heartbreaks and the new beginnings, there is just something about that moment that I can't explain, but I know it is worth it."

After graduation, Cade moved to the city to pursue photography, cinematography, and writing. He got into a program that allows him to travel into different territories to give him new perspectives, which I am sure he enjoys.

My aunt gave birth to two beautiful boys- Maxwell and Caleb. We all agreed that they were the cutest babies ever. My parents were so in love with them that they decided to become parents...again. My baby brother, Paxton is due within the next three months.

Justine has gotten used to the idea of sharing her thrown with the two princes, though she keeps herself busy in the culinary world.

"Aunt Ellie was right, I do miss my mom," said Justine, "But, I am happy that I can leave the land of baby talk and step into my own world. It is scary at times, living in a small town on a small island for most of your life and then stepping into the vibrant city of New York. I can't call my mom to help me all the time-she has two little humans depending on her. In a way, I am sure that they came at the right moment; because of them, mom isn't worrying about me too much and I have to learn to take care of certain things without running to mommy at every moment of unsurety and failure."

As for me, I know what she means. This pass fall, I moved a few hours away from my dad's hometown. I can't call mom and dad for every problem that I face-they'd have to jump on a plane or two to get here. I decided to move to England because there was nowhere that I could think of where I could just be me- the city was too alive for me and with a new baby on the way, I did not feel like home would have been the best place for me to grow. However, I did enjoy the stories that my parents shared with me from when they lived here; I also thought it would have been a good opportunity for me to get to know my dad's family better-so here I am at Kingston University, studying Writing and Psychology.

Cade has visited me once through his travel program, my family is to visit me this winter, and even Ruthie is planning a trip to see me next spring.

Kacey has settled in well. She opened up her own business and is engaged to be married next summer.

So much has changed since last summer. So many opportunities have come into my life. If someone had told me last summer that I'd be here today, I'd laugh and call them crazy.

The Lord has so much in store for us-so much to teach us and so much to give us.

This has been my journey, my world...my box. I have my friends by my side to support me, my family behind me, cheering for and encouraging me, and God above to protect and lead me, with His hands all around to guide and support me. This is Panda's Box, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Thank you for reading Panda's Box and special thanks to those who voted and interacted, until next time, Peace be.

Picture from: simplyfind.it

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