Chapter 10: The Interview

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Chapter 10

Today was D-day. The rest of the weekend was uneventful except for Cade returning my call later that Saturday night.

I had decided to wear my hair half up and half down with a simple barrette.

"Great, it has been nice and warm all summer and it decides to rain today of all days," I whined.

"Stay still. The bun is still a bit loose," groaned Justine. "There, perfect, now what were you saying?"

"Nevermind," I sighed.

I have never been so nervous for anything- I had to force myself to eat my aunt's famous birthday cake pancakes.

"You'll do well today love, I can feel it," said my uncle, taking a bite into his second servings of pancakes.


It was still pouring when my mother pulled into the parking lot.

"Do you want me to stay? Or will you call when it's over?" asked my mother.

"Umm, I'll call," I replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mommy."

"Okay. Panda, I want you to know that your father and I are extremely proud of you. We just want you to be happy and follow God's plan for your life," she said while twirling my hair.

"Yes mommy I know,"

I was about to get out of the car, when I turned and said, "Thank you."

"For what?" she asked blankly.

"For being here and believing in me."

She smiled, "Oh Panda, that's my job."

I opened the umbrella and made my way across the parking lot. She honked her horn and drove off towards the bakery.

The place wasn't that spectacular. It wasn't modern, nor did it have a special charm to it. It was just a red brick building on the quieter side of town between an art and pet store.

I opened the doors and was greeted by the scent of ink, paper, and coffee. Personally I could do without the coffee.

"May I help you?" said a masculine slothic voice from behind the counter.

"Umm, yes. My name is Panda Marx and I am here to see Tina Henderson." I tried to sound confident, but I'm pretty sure my words sounded like mush.

"Ah, yes, Ms. Marx, Tina will be out in a second. Just have a seat over there."

I nodded and took a seat beside the window. I was looking out at the rain drops when I heard my name.

I turned to see a slender woman with deep red hair and brown eyes looking at me.

"Good morning," I said as I extended my hand.

"Oh gosh, none of that we are pretty laid back and informal here. Take Joey for instance, always sounding like he is up in the clouds."

I smiled at the man behind the counter, who seemed to turn a darker shade of red.

"Anyways Panda, I am Tina. You can call me Tina or any other suiting nicknames your little heart desire. Just know if I don't like it, I won't answer. Now, if you'll follow me."

She seemed nice...crazy, but nice. Both seemed to be in their mid thirties. Laura was shorter with short jet black hair. She was almost as eccentric as Tina, but feistier.

The meeting was pretty laid back. They asked me to show them other sample pieces as wells as share my goals and desires for my stories.

I told them about the blog idea to which they promptly agreed to, but encouraged me to wait awhile.

We decided that I would start out small, writing short stories and poems which they would start printing as soon as I sent them a piece.

When I got out of the office, the rain had stopped. I was too excited to call my mother so I walked to the bakery instead.

As I walked in, I announced, "You are looking at the newest part-time writer for both the Sun Weekly and Eagle's Observer,"

"Omg, congrats. I told you they'd love you," said Justine as she gave me a hug.

They were all congratulating me when I heard a familiar voice.

"Congratulations Pan. So I take it I should get your autograph now before you become a famous writer?"

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