Chapter 18: Senior Camp

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Chapter 18

I have been spending the past few weeks around the computer at home or at the Eagle's Observer, or I spend it with Lane and Cade. Nash has been busy lately-almost secretive- but I guess with school starting in a few weeks, we are all in our own little world at times.

However, things will be different today, as today is the day when the senior class will be forced to go to our local camp site to bond. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the outdoors, and hanging with my friends at one of our favourite local spots should be a blast, but I never understood the purpose of this retreat.

"It's just to get you ready for the year ahead and allow you guys to be reacquainted under less stressful conditions," replied my mother.

"When is it ever a good idea to have a bunch a hormone crazed children around large body of water, cliffs, and fire?" I asked.

"Well, it wasn't my idea, look at the bright side, we are not sleeping over."

"We? You won't even be there."

My mother has always been required to be there every year, except this year, she got a loop hole because I am graduating. She could come as a chaperon, but Lane's mother and Cade's father volunteered. So my parents decided to take the weekend off-without me.

"Well... are you all packed for Lane?"

"Yes mom."

"And you'll be back by 10:00 am to let the carpet cleaners in?"

"Yes mommy, but do I have to go? Can't I just stay here and go to Lane's house later?"

Instead of answering she went about her business, ignoring my sour puss face.

A moment later the doorbell rang. When I opened the door I was greeted by Lane who was in one of her better moods.

"Well you are early; to what do I owe this honour?" I asked.

"Hello to you too," she said as she walked in, "Didn't you get the message?"

I stood there looking at her blankly.

"Okay," she said, trying to stay calm. I know I shouldn't tease her like this, as she has been trying to keep her temper tantrums in check the past few weeks, but I must admit that I have missed her royal pouts.

"Nash is picking us up since his jeep can handle the terrain; apparently the rain from the other night caused a few accidents,"

"Okay, I got that, but you still haven't cleared up why you're early," I said, as I walked to my room to gather my stuff.

"Mom had to go into town so she figured she'd save him a trip. She was going to leave me at his house, but no one was answering the door," she said casually.

"Okay then."

"Yh, weird right? He won't even answer my texts."

I nodded. He hasn't answered my texts in a while either, but I didn't find it that strange- he has been MIA all summer, not to mention my display at the beginning.


The drive to the camp grounds was smooth sailing for the most part until we hit the hills.

"Well this orange beauty should be a sight to behold after this," announced Cade.

"Tell me about it," replied Nash.

"Why orange though? I mean, black, white, even gray....but orange?" asked Lane.

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