Chapter 14: Ruthie

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Chapter 14

The next day after my chores with Mr. Bill, I drove Justine's car to Ruthie's.

It was a blue panel home surrounded by flowers and trees. As I pulled up in the driveway, I could see her in the garden by the side of the house.

She brushed herself off as she noticed me stepping out of the car.

"What brings you by my darling?" she asked with a smile.

"I wanted to update you about yesterday and bring you a few things...I heard you were not well," I replied.

"Oh, thank you," she said as she took the basket from me.

She led me into the house, which I thought was a bit modern when compared to the shop. It was filled with black and white furniture with grey and silver accents and a splash of colour and print in all the right places.

"I love your home," I said as we walked into the kitchen, "Though, I must say it is a huge contrast from the shop."

"Oh, well niece designed it a few months back," she stated as she emptied the basket, "she believed that since I work around antiques, I shouldn't have to live around them, but most of the décor have been up-cycled or chosen to fit the color scheme," she added with a smirk.

"I didn't know you had a niece."

"Yes, umm...I have three nieces and a nephew," she said wearily.

I could tell that I had hit a nerve.

It was all so sudden; one minute she was looking over the cupcakes and soup my aunt sent and now she stood there with her hands at her chin, looking lost.

"Umm, I met with Laura and Tina yesterday," I added, trying to change the mood.

"I know dear, I was the one who gave you the letter." It didn't have the effect I wanted, but it did get her moving again.

"Would you like some tea dear?"

"Um, no thank you." How could she have tea in this weather? Though it had rained yesterday, you could still cook an egg on the ground.

"Hmmm, well I always have tea at this hour..." she said to no one in particular. She was acting strange and I couldn't figure out how to draw it out of her.

A few minutes later, we were sitting on the back porch with coco at her feet.

She was quietly drinking her tea with one of my aunt's strawberry cupcake while I tried to figure out what was going on.

Curiosity killed the cat, said a voice in my head. A cat has nine lives said another. Well you aren't a cat.

"So, your niece, does she live nearby?" I blurted.

She poured out some more tea before answering.

"No," she replied softly.

"Oh, where does she live?" I was treading on unstable ground, but I just couldn't help myself.

"She lives in Florida, with the rest of the family." I could see her brushing of what could have been a tear from her eyes.

"I didn't mean to upset you," I said calmly. Yes you did, replied the voice.

"No Panda, you are fine, this is such a small community you see. Everybody knows everything... or at least they think that they do."

She picked up coco and let him out into the yard while beckoning for me to follow.

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