Chapter 17: Second Chances, New beginings

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Chapter 17

I could not discern what emotions I felt as I walked towards her- relief, anger, nervousness, and even fear where some of the few that came to mind, but I was not sure.

"You live?" I asked, trying not to sound too awkward but failing miserably.

"Yes, how are you?" she asked in a soft voice.

"I'm good I guess...I am happy you made it." This is painfully awkward I thought.

"Yeah, I've been here for a while actually...I heard the was nice."


We stood there in silence for a few minutes. A few of the guest even came by and wished me a happy belated birthday as they left. I was starting to get annoyed, but I didn't want to say the wrong thing; however, just standing out here, was going nowhere.

"So, I tried calling and texting you over the summer. Cindy even called to update me on your life," I began.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes...really. Lane..." I stopped myself, took a deep breath, and tried to choose my words carefully. "Look, I am sorry for the way I spoke to you, but I am not sorry for what I said."

I was expecting her to portray one of her famous pouts, but she surprised me by saying, "Yeah...I can be a bit over the top at times."

"Huh?" Was I talking to the same person?

"Panda, I am sorry. I guess I was slowly starting to lose control on certain things in my life that I started to become a control freak with you guys...especially you," she stated shyly.


"You, Cade, Nash, and my family mean a lot to me, and I guess with my family changing...I didn't want us to change I became a little overbearing. I can't go back to the past, but can you give me another chance to fix things now?"

"A little overbearing?" I teased.


There was the famous pout we all knew and loved.

"I forgive you Lane and I hope you forgive me too. But you did ignore my calls, so don't think I'm letting you off that easily."

"I'm sorry..." she began, but I cut her off.

"Enough I'm sorrys. I have a birthday celebration to finish enjoying and we have a lot to catch up on."


At the end of the party, Justine decided to stay for a few days, which was nice for her parents and comforting for me. It felt good to have something from the summer last a little longer.

After the guests had left and we had cleaned up the house, Justine and I went on to the patio to look at the stars.

"I haven't done this in ages," said Justine.

"Done what? Look up at the stars or give your phone a break?"

I could feel her glaring at me in the dark.

"Both," she eventually replied.

It was a good day. It would have been nice if Ruthie was here to be a part of it, but she is having some well-deserved time with her family. Her brother was even on the road to recovery and I know that they will all cherish this time.

"Girls?" shouted my dad, breaking my thoughts.

"We're out back daddy," I replied.

"Can one of you make sure the freezer in the garage is closed?"

"Come on," I said getting up.

"He said one of us, you go...I'm too comfortable to move."

"Fine, then I'll have an ice-cream by myself then."

I could hear her mumbling something under her breath, but she followed me anyways.

When I walked into the garage and turned on the lights, I saw that my parents' cars were missing and in its stead was a white Volkswagen beetle with a red bow on top.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" screamed Justine.

I turned around to look at her, half stunned by the vehicle and half stunned by her lungs.

Just then, the garage door opened to reveal my parents standing in the driveway.

"Is the freezer closed?" asked my dad.

"Daddy?" I said in a trembling voice, but Justine was the one who blurted out what I was thinking.

"Is this for her?" she asked, her voice sounding as if she had three shots of espresso.

"Do you like it Panda?" asked my mother.

"Cade and Nash helped me pick it out," added my dad.

I was still speechless; it was if my brain had just caught up with my eyes, "So this is mines?"

"Yes," shouted everyone.

"I am convinced you are a special kind of slow," teased Justine.

"O be quiet," I said as I walked up to the car. It had a black interior with a small Panda pendant hanging from the rear view mirror.

"That's cute," I said, pointing towards the panda.

"Isn't it? Lane picked that out the other day," replied my mom.

I ran to them and gave them each a big hug. "Thank you sooo much," I said.

"You are welcome," they replied in unison.

"Well, it's about to get dark soon, but you can take her for a spin around the block," said my dad as he handed me the keys.

"Thank you," I grinned.

"Around the block Panda,"

"Yes daddy."

"I'll keep her in check uncle," said Justine as she got into the passenger seat.

My dad only gave a more worried look.

"This is nicer than my car. I'd get a new one if I wasn't going to New York," said Justine.

"Yeah, but you basically get to live in a condo rather than dorms, so you have your blessings and I have mines."


As I laid in bed, I could not stop thinking about all the blessings I have encountered. I had honestly thought that I would be hitching a ride with Lane until college, which wouldn't be all that bad. I remembered my conversation with Lane, and I was truly happy to be on good terms with her and the boys again. I had missed them, but I did not realize how much until tonight, especially Lane. I had also found a new passion, one in which I plan to nurture and multiply. Prayerfully I hope to never forget Who gave it to me in the first place. Every breath I breathe, every thought, every inspiration, and every word I write is all because of His grace and I am forever grateful, though I may not always act like it.

As my eyes got weary and my breathing became steady, my mind took me through the journey of this summer: the new friends and passions, the new opportunities and trials, the broken and mended relationships, and a new responsibility in the garage. I am blessed, this I know...but as the current journey comes to an end and a new journey beginning to unfold, I am happy to know that through it all I will have my friends and God.

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