Chapter 15: Lane's Meltdown

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Chapter 15

A week has passed since I have spoken to Ruthie. Her niece came to accompany her to Florida to see the rest of her family.

As I sit here trying to think about a topic for my first post, I cannot help think about Ruthie and her family, and Lane and I. I had tried calling her a few times, but it always went to voice mail. I even tried texting and emailing but to no avail.

I called Nash to check up on her, but he says she is busy. I've been trying to make my wrongs right, especially since I return home next week... the day after my birthday and I am bound to bump into her around town.

I look up through the window and notice that it is raining again. I pick up my phone and dial her number.

One more time, I say to myself.

"Hello, I'm not available right now, please leave a message after the tone, or just text me, I'll get back to you soon, by..."

This is driving me nuts, it didn't even ring properly, which means she's probably ignoring my calls.

It's useless, you tried, I think, trying to comfort myself. True, but you should keep trying; you can't throw away 16 years of friendship.

"Has is really been that long?" I whisper as I let a tear slip.



"You can't keep avoiding her, I bet she even knows you're ignoring her calls," says Cade.

"Make yourself useful and hand me the napkins will you?"

"She comes back next week Lane, are you even going to go to her surprise party?"

"Cade, I thought you were here to help,"

"I am, I'm trying to help you to talk to Panda again. She says she was sorry, she has been calling, texting, and emailing, and she has Nash and I checking in on you at least twice a day," replied Cade sardonically.

"Well I called you here to help me organize this dinner party for my parents, not lecture me on how to handle my social life," I snapped.

"Wow, so that's how you feel. The girl who has always been at your horse riding games, listening to your girly complaints, and been there to help you pick up the pieces from your monthly panic attacks is nothing more than your social clique...easily replaced like an assistant of some sort?"

"I didn't say that Cade, don't put words into my mouth."

I walked over to the table and took up the napkins myself and left the kitchen.

When I came back, I said, "I just...I just need time, okay?"

"What time? You have both been out of the state for like a month and a half. You have had time away from this place, time away from the situation, and time away from each other. She is going to stop trying, and when she does I am not going to be there to help you fix it. It's obvious that you only see her as part of your toys.

She is just something you can control. If she isn't under your paws, you don't know how to act, admit is Lane."

"That was harsh Cade...even for you," I said as I let a tear slip, "Is that really how you all feel?"

He did not answer. He was avoiding my gaze, almost as much as I was avoiding his.

"I think...I think it's best if I leave,"

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