Chapter 1

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In the woods that had a habit of being mysterious as the town of Gravity Falls, a girl around the age of 13 walked with a proudful swing in her movements. She wasn't walking alone though. Her friends, two other girls similar in ages, were trailing just a few steps behind her. The three friends looked vastly different from one another. The leader of the small group wore a hot pink sweater with a shooting star design; feeling thankful for her warm sweater obsession, she hides her freezing fingertips in the sleeves. Of the two shortly behind her, one had glasses over her slanted almond eyes and a petite frame. The other was a rather large but friendly young girl that wasn't afraid to show her strength.

"Are you sure you know where you are going Mabel," the petite girl asked the one in front.

"Of course I do, Candy," Mabel replied, "well at least I think I do."

"We should just go back the way we came," Candy said, a tiny trace of a foreign accent within her voice. "The sun is setting and don't you have to be home on time Grenda?" She now turned to the larger girl.

"Yeah or else I'll get grounded," Grenda spoke. Her tone an abnormally rough and deep tone.

Mabel stopped and turned around to face her friends. "I bet Dipper is super worried about me being late so--"

Just as Mabel was finishing her sentence, a scream cut her off. It was full of horror and pain. All three stopped in their tracks and paled. Candy held onto Grenda and shook like a leaf. Mabel, filled with the compulsive need for helping people, ran off in the direction of the scream. The two friends had nothing else to do but follow the reckless technically-teenager.


In a different part of the woods, a red-haired teenager fell backward. She got up, scrambling at the dirt, and tried to run but her legs were shaking so bad she couldn't stand. She looked back at the horror she witnessed. Another teenaged girl, one she'd known for a while now, lay face up with her eyes open. Gazing at nothing in particular and glossed over with an emotionless look decorating the rest of the girl's features. Several, jarring stab wounds covered her body. Mostly over her chest and stomach. The red liquid seeping out and completely staining the torn clothes. Even though blood stood out more prominently than the dead girl's face, the redhead knew who it was and she wished she didn't.

It was Tambry. The phone she always had with her was close by, also covered in blood. Tears filled her eyes and she looked away. Not knowing what to do but let out another scream. Someone would hear her soon and help her or Tambry in ways she couldn't.


The boy who had dared to enter the forest found a trail and stuck to it. Only then, when he was fairly deep into the woods, did a scream interrupt his thoughts. His mind jumped to horrifying thoughts and with less than pleasant predictions. Without much reason, he ran to the origin of the noise. The boy was running in such a panic he failed to observe his surroundings. So it was a fright for him when he collided with another boy years older than the 13-year-old himself.

"Hey! Watch it, kid," the older teen shouted as he looked down. "Oh, it's you." The sarcastic tone was very evident when paired with his unamused and irritated facial expression.

"Hey... Robbie," the boy said after taking in huge gulps of air and trying to steady his heart rate. "Have you seen Mabel?"

Robbie just shrugged. "Nope, have you seen Wendy?"

The boy shook his head. He was getting ready to ask Robbie why he wanted to know where Wendy was and why he was in the woods but another scream beat him to it. This time the scream was louder and much closer. The two looked at dark silhouettes of the other and ran to the sound. They both knew who that voice belonged to.


The red-haired girl was shaking and clung to a tree for support. She was about to scream again but two figures appeared, both breathing heavily and cold sweat clinging to their faces. She was overcome with relief.

"Robbie! Dipper!"

"Wendy!" The boys shouted in unison.

Robbie surged forward to act as her support. "I'm sorry. I won't leave you again. I promise," he mumbled quietly in her ear.

Dipper began to ask her questions, ignoring Robbie's protesting and answering for her. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"I'm alright," Wendy said while trying to find the courage to speak. She didn't want things to escalate into another fight. Especially not tonight. "I just saw... her." Wendy's stare turned down to her shoes.

After that, she went eerily silent. Forcing the sound of the ambiance of the living forest to drill into their heads. The pain from an unknown headache began to throb in rhythm with the crickets. Robbie stayed by her side while Dipper forced his legs to move in the directions where Wendy was pointing.

Despite creeping forward silently, his feet still made the crunch of leaves echo in his ears. Uncertainty was building up in his chest along with anticipation. His steps found more courage as the pounding of his heart drowned out any other sound. He came across the body without even knowing it at first. Dipper's eyes were open wide long before meeting Robbie and had adapted to the darkness but this time was different. Dark, ugly blotches hid the body from view but he was able to discover what it's identity without getting closer. His own response was less than favorable since he instantly went rigid and his face lost all its color. He wished to look away or move to tell Robbie but couldn't do it. A comforting black ebbed away at the corners of his vision with a faint background song of static. 

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

So, yeah. Sorry if the jumping perspectives are weird or confusing especially when I didn't have dividers for each little part. I have no idea what I was thinking when I did this. Even with not outright naming characters when everyone clearly knows who they are. Guess I was trying to be different but I changed some minor things and I took away the chapter titles (sorry). Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now