Chapter 18; Day 3

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Robbie sat on the couch of his living room, watching TV. He didn't enjoy the program that was playing, it was the news. At the moment he'd rather be doing anything but watching the news reporter do an update of the town. No one knew what had went down last night. The first major story was of several cases of arson. Some wacko went through burning houses and stores at random. Most of the stores were empty but the last case had casualties. A small family had been burned along side their house during the night.

Pictures of Soos and Abuelita Ramirez. He'd seen the man, Soos, before. He was apart of that weird circle for defeating Bill Cipher. The woman also reported that a third body was found, it's body was burned beyond recognition and believed to be the arson since everyone that lived in the house was accounted for. That Soos looked strong from the times that Robbie remembered seeing him, he wouldn't go down without a fight. Not in this town and not that way.

Though his parents ran their business on dead people, they both agreed that too much death was not pleasant. Or course they got paid but who would go to the funerals if everyone was dead. Robbie sighed as he forced himself to watch the rest of the program. Best to find out this way then to have his parents talk about it at dinner like it was nothing.

Wendy was now in front of her TV with the rest of the family. Tears were in her eyes as she found out about Soos. "You got one, Soos. Good job." She whispered to herself. Soos was always so lovable, she wondered what Stan would do when he heard. Even though Stan would never admit it, he was like a father to Soos and the feelings seemed mutual. Rest of the programs had an update of the murders. They were shone as a montage of pictures with names in its random order: Fiddleford McGucket, Gorney, Bats Biker, Lee, Rosanna and Reginald, and Hank.

There were other names and faces that Wendy hadn't remembered or known. But those people were long gone. Her friends were dying off, one by one. There were kids, couples, teens, and old men as the murders victims; no one was safe.

Ford forced himself to trudge through the hike. He was exhausted, instead of sleeping the previous night he made himself walk. He was walk for a whole day and planned on finishing the hike. As soon as the papers were returned by this day, no one else would be hurt. Everyone would be fine, wouldn't they. He'd get to see his brother and apologize for being stupid again and say hello to the kids since he left in such a short notice.

The hike was close to finished. Nearly a quarter of the mile left. Ford could feel the blisters forming on the tender skin of his feet, it made the steps painful but he didn't stop. He was determined to save everyone. He needed to continue. The early morning mist made the grass wet and the ground moist, the rocks had grown slick as well. All it took was one misstep and he fell. His weary eyes and numb body barely registered the mistake until his body hit the ground.

He cried out in pain as he was down. His hand instantly shooting down to his ankle where he felt the most pain. He slipped off the heavy combat boots and he saw damage. The fall was harder than he'd thought. His ankle was red and quickly changing to shades of purple with swelling. As skilled as Ford was he couldn't identify how bad the injury was, it was either a broken ankle or a severally twisted one. Ford cursed to the sky, it was just his luck. To be so close yet to fall down. But he couldn't give up. He gritted his teeth from the pain and stood. From their he limped to his destination.

Stan pressed the button on the remote and he shut the TV off. Of course Lazy Susan was horrible to him but Soos. He hadn't thought of it, but now it was true. Pictures of his ruined house. He'd remembered staying there when Gideon took the Shack. Stan knew how much he looked up to him. His own birthday was at the Shack and Stan remembered being with Soos from most of years past that. The constant yet respectful ask for a raise. But he was gone. That man would no longer be.

What would really destroy him would be to tell the kids. They'd feel awful since they'd spent a lot of their adventures with him. Stan even remembered their Pterodactyl Bros group. If Mabel was sad to leave Gravity Falls then this would completely break her. Stan had voted not to tell the kids, at least for now. He couldn't trust himself to speak. At the moment he was holding back the tears. Now he was alone and when he realized that he cried... for the first time in a rather long time.

Dipper and Mabel left without any goodbye to him and all his brother left was a lousy letter. Even Soos who'd probably love nothing more than spending time in the Shack again, Stan laughed sadly when he'd realized that he was going to give Soos ownership over the Shack once the summer ended. He couldn't wait to tell him that and see the look of happiness on his face but now it's just a twisted fantasy. A fantasy that will never come true, maybe in another universe or another time if things were different.

——— Author's Note ———
God, what is wrong with me? Geez, I gave myself the feels and cried writing this chapter. So I hope you enjoy.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum