Chapter 6

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"How did today go Great Uncle Ford," Dipper asked as soon as he saw him in the doorway.

"Great. I learned more about the possible suspects for the murder," Ford replied with the type of attitude that was seen when he was very interested in something like Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons.

"Awesome! Tell us, please," Mabel insisted.

"Okay," Ford started. "So..."


Ford's Flashback:

Ford had walked up to the door of the police department of Gravity Falls had barely enough intimidation to be called as such. He walked inside and kindly asked if he could meet with the sheriff. The receptionist agreed and led him to his office. The man was rarely busy so it wasn't a surprise when he was easily led Inside. The rather small office of the of the friendly sheriff did not have him present. Instead, a woman dressed in a pristine, formal outfit. Ford had not seen her before so she was definitely not from town or local by any means.

"My name is Stanford Pines. I'm here to meet with Sheriff Blubs," Ford introduced himself to the woman. Extending his six finger hand to shake with her well-groomed ones. She probably had them manicured or something. Judging by her firm hold, she practically radiated power and control. Her set and determined features added onto her professionalism.

"My name is Ms. Jones, I will be taking over his position for the time being. State your reason for being here," Ms. Jones stated with a tone that stressed she really didn't want to be meeting with Ford at all. Her quick and sharp words made the impression to Ford that she usually took parts in intellectual debates of sorts.

"I would like to help assist in the current investigation of the murdered girl," Ford replied with a like-minded coolness.

"Civilians are not allowed to participate in murder cases," Jones finalized. By now she didn't try to keep the annoyance from her voice.

"I believe I could be of some use to you."

"How so?"

"I am very smart. My inclusion would help the case go by quicker. I also have evidence that you may like to see."

"Evidence?" Jones narrowed her eyes while staring at him. Her lips pulled into a thin line of a forced smile.

"Yes." He nodded and pulled Tambry's phone. The night he had pocketed it and took it home, he had placed it into a ziplock bag.

"Alright. But no matter how smart you are you won't catch them," she said while sighing. A rather grim expression falling on her face. He gave her a puzzling look. Fear wasn't something that he'd expected to see from her. "I am going to be honest with you. I know who did this but it's possible you won't believe me."

"I highly doubt it," Ford answered while chuckling to himself. If only he could try to explain Weirdmageddon without others being concerned for his mental state.

"Okay. First off it starts with these two kids," she says. She pulls out two photo images of teen boys from a thick manila folder on the desk. "From what we know, these two are currently serving a being known as..." She looked back to the window and closed the curtains.

"Slender Man," Jones whispered to Ford. The photo that she was now showing him was of a tall pale man with notably no face and a dark suit. The only splash of color was the blood red tie.

"What is he?"

Ford had known about all about the weirdness of the world but this being was different. He could tell that even from the picture.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now