Chapter 12; The Start of Horror

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Wendy was walking down the road to go to work as usual. She hooked her axe to her belt. As the days went by Wendy found herself becoming a tad bit paranoid. A twig snapped somewhere off into the forest. Wendy froze and stared into the direction of where the sound came from.

On cue a boy stepped out of the darkness of the woods. He was wearing a sweater with stripes on the arms and casual jeans. On his face he had orange goggles and a mouthguard. The thing that caught Wendy was his two axes he was holding. Every other second the boy ticked and twitched.

"What do you want?" Wendy said. She held onto her own axe just in case anything went wrong.

"Oh n-n-nothing." He said. He had a slight stutter and his twitching was worse when he talked. "I j-j-just wanna k-kill you." Wendy brought her axe up close, in defense when she heard that. The twitching boy ran to her swinging his weapons. Wendy used her own to protect herself. She was doing well. Stopping the axes from getting too close to her body. She kept her defense up for a while until she saw a small opening. Then Wendy took her axe and swung it so it hit the boy.

The boy stumbled from the hit but went at her again. Wendy's swing wasn't that hard, but it did cut the sleeve of his sweater and drew some blood that now started to stain the sweater. It was as if it didn't bother him or he didn't care if he was hurt. He was now a bit angry but mostly surprised. Not many could avoid his attacks and land a hit on him. He decided to cut her a break, for now only. He did have a few days to have fun. So when she ran to the Mystery Shack for safety he didn't follow. He just watched her, pleased that he found someone who could keep up with him using the axe. It was another plus that she wasn't a creepypasta like himself.

Wendy made it to the shack and was gasping for breath. As soon as she was inside she locked the door. Dipper, who was by the cash register, was surprised to see Wendy in the state she was currently in.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he walked to her. Still searching for air she nodded her head vigorously.

"What happened?" He asked again. After a few more seconds she got enough air to answer Dipper's questions.

"I was on my way here then this guy attacked me with axes. I was able to stop him from hurting me but he was really close to the Shack." She said in a fast but slightly fearful tone. Her eyes traveled to look out the door. Thankfully no one was there.

Stan had walked into the front of the store and saw the two by the door. The concern on Dipper's face and the fear on Wendy's was undeniable. He decided to question them. Since the murder of the detective Stan chose to change store hours and make sure his employees were there before opening. Seeing Wendy in a state of shock and fear tensed Stan.

"What happened to you?" He asked in his usual deep voice.

"Some guy attacked me. I stopped him but he was really close to here." Wendy replied.

"Should we close up, Gruncle Stan?" Dipper asked. Stan thought on that. Closing up would definitely keep everyone safe but he needed the money. The danger of this town was definitely taking its toll, financially too. But after Weirdmageddon he felt a closer connection to these people, to protect them if possible.

"Yes, we should. Go tell Soos and Mabel. Wendy don't leave just yet. I'm going to call the mayor and tell him. It might be nothing or something big." Stan replied and left. Dipper ran outside to where his twin and the friendly man was to call them inside. They followed him without hesitation. They locked every door and window while blocking the ones that didn't lock.

It was becoming second nature to them. No child should ever remember to lock the doors before relaxing in case a murderer would come in. No child should also have to worry of having their mind searched or being controlled by a dream demon either but these twins have managed this far. For protection Wendy used her axe, Mabel sharpened her grappling hook, Soos had a baseball bat close by him, Stan used his brass knuckles and Dipper, as pitiful as it may be, had a pocket knife.

The day continued on but with eerie feelings creeping around. No one was alone during that day at the Shack. The same was said for those around town. Not many customers came to the Shack and Stan closed it up early. Stan gave Wendy a ride home, wishing her safety as he left her. Upon his drive home alone Stan thought of his brother, he could do some really stupid and dangerous things. Especially when he was manipulated. Stan wondered of the creepypastas, could they have got to Ford somehow. He shivered at the thought. As he arrived to his home he welcomed the kids. Soos had left for his mother's place and the kids waited by the door. The twins looked as if they were going to attack at any moment but relaxed slightly. The trio locked all the doors and windows, as well as double checking. Once they were sure they were safe they went to sleep.

The younger twins did. Stan stayed awake and thought some more. Wishing his brother would come back. Thinking of the loss of money over the recent events. And more importantly the unsettling feeling of being watched. Before he decided to go to bed that night he glanced out the window. It was a rather large figure. At first glance it looked to be a small deer or a large dog. At a second look it was almost human. Almost. It was built like a human, similar body structure, but the way it acted. It was kneeling close to the ground but it seemed primal. Like a predator ready to attack its prey. The beast looked right at Stan while he stood by the window. It made his blood run cold. Its face was quite monstrous. It then ran off into the woods. Stan was glad but this was scary, he felt like he heard of this creature before but now he had to rest. Tomorrow would prove to be quite exhausting.

Over the days that Ford had left the small family decided to be extra cautious. Not just the Pines were taking precautions, everyone was. Locking doors and windows. Carrying weapons. Putting less trust in those they didn't fully know. But this was just the beginning of a disastrous 3 days. The small town would be shook to its core by the chaos of the monsters that lurked in the night.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now