Chapter 2

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Dipper awoke with a start. His chest ached due to his heavy breathing and he felt like he just had a horrible nightmare but could remember what it was about. He really hoped that he just fell asleep waiting for Mabel to come back at the Shack but when he opened his eyes he knew it wasn't a dream. For one, he wasn't at the Shack. He lifted his trembling arm to feel his head for any injuries but noticed his hat was off and hidden in the dark somewhere. He found it easily in the light. The boy turns to look for the light source but ends up squinting and looking anywhere else but the blinding light. He could tell it was from a car, or more specifically, multiple cars.

Moving on from the light, he searched for his friends. Robbie was found with Wendy near the base of a thick tree trunk. The goth was zoned out and staring at nothing but the elongated shadows cast by the headlights. The lumberjack's daughter was huddled under a blanket. It was hard to notice at first, but she was definitely shaking as she bundled herself up. They weren't the only ones. Policemen were here. Not just the town police but others from nearby towns too. Each adult had a grave look on their faces. Near one of the cars was a clearly frightened Candy. Her small eyes darting in every direction and her head whipping around to which sound that reached her. Not too far away from her was Mabel. The girl looking uncharacteristically sad. Dipper felt a rush of emotions as he spotted his twin sister. He stood up and began to move closer to the cars. Mabel looked at him with confusion in her eyes.

"Mabel," Dipper shouted. He gained speed and ran to her, thankful that she was not hurt; or worse, killed.

"Dipper." Mabel had practically screamed while returning the favor. When they got closer, they embraced in a tight hug. Dipper spotted Mabel's serious face when they let go of each other.

"I called Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford. They're on their way."

Dipper just nodded and hummed in agreement. There wasn't much else to say. Mabel leads him to one of the sheriff cars and they climbed in the back. Shutting the door and temporarily sealing off the outside world.

"So, did you see it too?" Dipper brought up. Peering over to the area, he saw that her body was covered in a white sheet with yellow tape set up around her. Mable nodded sadly.

"Grenda and Candy saw it too. Genda went home earlier."

It was soon quiet aside from the hushed voices of the police. None of the kids dared to speak during this time. Even the bugs had taken the notice to shut up. Echoes of a car recklessly being pulled up to the cleared out area drew everyone's attention.

"Kids," a husky voice bellowed out as an older man stepped out of the car. The twins knew who it was right away through the barred windows of the cop car.

"Grunkle Stan!"

The two quickly opened the car door and ran to the man. He knelt down to them and accepted a hug from each despite not being a hugger. Stan quickly ushered them into the backseats and found that Ford had left the car as well to begin looking at the crime scene. Stan watched his brother suspiciously as he waited in the car for him. The radio playing oldies songs since it was one of the only radio stations available out there. Ford went to grab an object up from the ground. The moonlight revealed it as a cell phone. It was broken and covered in blood but Ford pocketed it. Stan had guessed that his brother wanted to be involved in this murder case so he would let him have it. The man was a genius, no other person would be suited to solve the crime without him. Stan looked to the kids in the back. They were already asleep, both of them leaning on each other. Stan was reminded of the good old days with his own brother when they were kids. Ford entered and they drove the short way back to the Shack. They carried the kids to their room and let them sleep.

"Who would do such a thing? Especially to a kid," Stan mumbled. All of this was too much, he thought before deciding to go to bed. He saw Ford staring off into space again.

"Ford, are you going to bed?"

Ford snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. They both went their separate ways to their rooms.


The last lights in the Shack were finally turned off and everyone was asleep. Right outside the Shack stood a very tall man. He might have been easily overlooked as just another tree except for the defining features he had. His somehow pristine suit, a very pale head with seemingly no face, and long black tentacles flicking from side to side behind him. Two normal looking boys stepped out of the shrubs and went to stand beside the tall male without hesitation. The shorter one, only by a few inches, had a white mask covering his entire face with feminine features. The other wore a hoodie with a ski mask uniquely stitched to have circular red eyes and a frowning mouth. The masked boy looked up at the tall man. His true expression hidden from view.

"Why must we wait, Slender Man, it would be easier to eliminate them now?"

"Because, Masky, this town is different. The ones who live in this house are very different from any others I have seen. I just wish to see how long they last," Slender Man said to the overeager boy. His voice layered heavily with a screaming static that would harm any normal human being that was not exposed to it before.

"Like a cat with a mouse," the hooded one answered.

Slender Man chuckled, or something like a laugh, to himself.

"Yes, you could say so. I want you, Hoody and Masky, to keep an eye on them. Do not harm them until I say so." The two nodded in agreement. They were faithful proxies and were not going to let his master down.

"Yes, sir," Masky replied.

Satisfied with their answers, the large man set his pale hand on the boys' shoulders. Within the blink of an eye, the strangers were gone.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now