Chapter 16; Day 2

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Day 1 went by fast. Of course out of the ordinary things happened like a haunted arcade game, a ghost sighting, or just another monster in the woods but those things were written by the mayor as remnants of Weirdmageddon and that everyone should 'never mind all that'. Stan had a horrible feeling about this. They kids could be right and they may be safe but not everyone. He knew those kids wouldn't just sit inside and let everything so he took his phone and called up a bus to come by and take the kids back home. It was about time that they were to go home too. Maybe when everything was over they could still come and visit.

The bus would be coming this day around noon to take them back. He still hadn't told the kids, they'd be angry but safe. Because of being shut in and alone they didn't have a proper dinner, just snacks except for Stan who didn't have an appetite at all. Soos stayed with Abuelita, calling in the next day saying he wouldn't be coming in for work. A few shops had already closed while important stores, like the grocery shop, stayed in business. Soos had went to get some food when he ran into Wendy. She was their with one of her brothers buying groceries.

"Hey, Soos, what's up?" She said casually.

"Nothin' bro, just gettin' some food." Soos replied.

"Same, my dad's making us go through more apocalypse training stuff." She said as she nodded to her brother.

"I bet it pays off." 

"Yeah, those murders won't know what hit 'em if they try to get me." She boasted with a smirk. 

"Well, I gotta be headin' off. See ya another time." The redhead said as she turned and left with bags in her hands. 

Soos finished collecting all the necessaries and headed back home. He spotted Sheriff Blubbs and Deputy Durland making more frequent drives through town. This work was much needed. The loss of an out of town detective had raised the government's attention and they informed the men that more men would be coming in a day or so. Hopefully it wouldn't be too late. 

The police of Gravity Falls were doing the best they could. Talking with families of the victims and taking plenty of pictures of the crimes scenes knowing that they couldn't perverse them until the high-ups got there. The rides they took were left in uncomfortable silence. The radio did little to solve the problem. Their usually coffee would be half drunk and left cold, the donuts that they were so fond of consuming along side their beverage was left at the shop. 

The Corduroy family had indeed took up their familiar lessons or survival. Mr. Corduroy seemed rather strong but very protective of his children. If any one of them were put into a serious life or death situation then he'd want them to fight it out. Hopefully he'd given them enough training in the subject matter of survival they'd know what to do. 

Though Wendy had grown to be a slacker and never doing much she despised such training. To imagine that she wanted to back work and hang out with the Pines twins to feel normal again was never thought possible until now. Her father was working them hard and it was tiring; if only she could catch a good nights sleep then this work would be good for her but every time she laid in her bed and closed her eyes that horrible man chased her and killed her. Each and every night. She tried changing this by sleeping on the couch and even the floor but her attempts only failed. 

She wanted them to end because just recently she chose not to sleep. She gained bags under eyes which she hid expertly with makeup. No one knew. But those nightmares plagued her. As she stayed awake her eyes played tricks on her and sometimes she'd think that horrible monster was in her room. Right there just seconds away form actually killing her but he'd kept up a good fight and decided to use her ax for target practice against her wall with those illusions. 

From the corner of her eye as she got into the car that her father let her drive to the store she spotted the monster. She shook it away but the unnerving presence of something bad loomed over her mind. Any more and Wendy would snap from the pressure.

The twins stayed home and barely ate breakfast. Hell, all three of them didn't stay in the same room for more than a few minutes. No words exchanged. Mable mumbled nonsense to her pet pig and Dipper scribbled away in his notebook after destroying a multitude of pens with his teeth, Stan stayed in his room watching the time tick away from the clock. 

The time was near when Stan knew he had to tell them. He lifted himself from his seated position and walked to find them. He found Mable in the living room with random things scattered around her. He silently beckoned her with his hand and was surprised when she followed. He found Dipper in the attic and he came too. They stood in the kitchen waiting for the elder to talk.

"Kids, I know you won't like this but it has to happen. It's not safe here and summer is already coming for an end..." Stan said in a quiet graveled voice. Dipper knew where this was heading, so did Mable.

"What?!" Mabel shouted small tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.

"You can't just send us away!" Dipper shouted in defense of their stay.

"Its not alright for you to be here anymore. You're only kids. Besides it's not like you can do anything. I've already called a bus, it'll be here in 2 hours." He said. Mabel and Dipper understood that his words were final. Mabel ran away to the attic to cry. 2 hours?! That wouldn't be enough time to say good bye to everyone and at a time like this who could she even get a hold of. Dipper didn't even look towards that man that he'd grown to love as he left the room. He went to gather his things in an emotionless state and sit in silence. Stanford sighed as he allowed himself to fall into his old recliner. 

After Mabel cried she collected her things with teary eyes. She crept downstairs to use the phone and called her friends not many answered but the ones that did said their good byes. She'd miss them but promised to write and call when she could. They all accepted her words and said their own farewells. Dipper didn't call anyone but Mabel took it in her own interest to inform Wendy and Soos for him. 

The time came around and Stan quietly ordered them into his car. They complied with out any words. The car ride had been just as quiet. It was deafening, a dull ring. They stopped at a bus stop and shortly the Speedy Beaver arrived. The twins carried their bags aboard and chose seats near the back. No one else was on so they had the time to themselves. As the bus left the town of Gravity Falls the twins didn't look back; not even to reminisce of past memories or to wave to their Great Uncle. 

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now