Chapter 15; Day 1.2

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The trek to the meeting place took time. Barely a quarter of the way was done and the day was closing to an end. The chill air of fall started to chase him as he walked. His only hope was that his family was okay. He wasn't sure what he would do if he let his brother get hurt again.

The Shack was quiet. Too quiet. Stan was grieving and Mabel was keeping to herself. Dipper locked himself up in the room he shared with Mabel and thought of what she said. He knew his Great Uncle would never do anything without purpose. Was it to protect them? But how would he do that by leaving? His mind jumped to more scenarios. What if they took him? What if he does need help? Or maybe, just maybe, Mabel was right. He sighed and sat on his bed.

He remembered meeting with those creepy kids not too long ago. That girl could have killed Stan or Ford but all she did was lock the door. If she wanted to then she would have done it, then and there. But why not? That boy would have definitely killed them but he was holding back. After some time with monsters you learn when they use their full strength and what to be scared of. Why didn't he do so?

They could mean something. Ford was a strong man, mentally and physically. Being stuck in another world and confronting with Bill Cipher had hardened him. Slenderman was different yet similar to the triangular demon. Causing their victims to endure the loss of their sanity was something they enjoyed. But Bill specifically liked torture, Slenderman and the others obviously liked to savagely murder someone. He sighed again and pulled his pen away from his mouth. He found himself chewing on it when he wasn't really paying attention, he'd have to get a new one.

He stood and stretched. Looking out the window, for nothing in particular, it hit him. Like he had thought Stanford would never do anything without a strong purpose, such as making a deal he was completely behind, even if he was being manipulated. Nothing had happened to them but others had been killed. Did that mean his great uncle Stanford made a deal to keep them safe while he did something for Slenderman. Slenderman was something like a demon, having control over those creepypastas would not be too far out of the questions.

Dipper came to the hypothesis that Ford had somehow made a deal with Slenderman for something. One part of that deal could have been to keep his family safe. If so then Mabel was right. They could possibly fight back, having the advantage of being too important to die. This would have them somewhat act as a shield for those who could fight. But this was only a theory that had yet to be tested and if he was wrong the consequences could be grave.

He remembered how much he was second guessing himself and decided to trust his instincts. He went down the stairs by two each step and quickly met up with his sister. She looked sad and when their eyes met she gave a little smile. Dipper couldn't hold back and he told her his theory. Her eyes widened and she nodded her head quickly.

"We should fight back, if they can't kill us then we can stop them." Mabel piped up. "Let's tell Gruncle Stan." Dipper barely had a chance to tell her she could.

"Gruncle Stan! We can stop them! Dipper has a plan." Mabel shouted to their still Great uncle. Stan remained quiet.

"Mable... We shouldn't..." Dipper started as he caught up to his sister. They both stood in front of their uncle. He hadn't moved at all. It was beginning to hurt them. Dipper knew he was grieving but this couldn't go on. They needed someone to be here, not a ghost of another person.

"No! He has to hear. We can try to save everyone like before. We can get Great Uncle Ford and then stop them." She exclaimed with her hands stretched before her, moving with her every word.

"But-" Dipper started but Stan unexpectedly stood up. The twins backed up to give the older man space.

"Mable, listen to your brother. Whatever your plan is, forget about it. Its not worth it." He said with a low voice.

"I... I think it'll work. I know it might, we just have to try it. We can call Wendy and Soos then-"

"Mable, stop!" Stan said as he raised his voice. "You're not going to do anything. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt." He turned away and went towards his room. Leaving the twins.

"NO! Don't leave us like this or we'll..." Mable started, Stan stopped to look back at the girl. She was at a loss for words. "We'll... uh... go on our own then."

"Mable, don't be stupid. Don't get yourself killed over nothing... like my brother." Stan said as he left. Mable froze, so did Dipper. This hurt, Stan already considered Ford to be dead. After everything, he gave up. The sound of his door shutting echoed through the house.

"Hey, Great Uncle Ford isn't dead." Dipper said as he tried to comfort his sister. She just stared at the spot where Stan had been.

"Dipper, you don't have to." Mable said solemnly. Her happy glow gone at the moment.

"But-" He started but Mable just continued to their shared room.

"I'll be fine... Maybe you shouldn't have told me your plan." Dipper just stood alone in the room. His world felt like it was crashing around him and he couldn't handle it. His sister, the only one who understood him, was in a similar state of mind. The Pines family, the unbreakable bond between them was being tested yet again. Though this time it may finally break.

——— Author's Note ———
So another chapter. To be honest, I've been stumped for a while but I'm so working on finishing this. I have other stories that I'm currently working on and I haven't been working on this one a whole bunch. Sorry for that but hey, over 1.5k reads. That's a lot. Most recognition I've ever received but hopefully the chapters start to flow out more steadily and I'll be able to finish this. Then I can finish the rest of my stories. But bye bye. ———

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now