Chapter 7

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Everyone in the room jumped from the sudden noise. Ford was already on an alarm and this didn't help. After the paranoia set in form learning of Slender Man, his mind rushed to worse case scenario.

"Stay here," Ford commanded. The twins shook their head agreed. As brave as the children were, this felt like something for the adults.

Ford and Stan made their way upstairs. From where they suspected the noise to have come from. The sound seemed to have been located near the twins' room, up in the attic. When they entered the messy room, nothing was out of the ordinary. The two checked around for any foreign objects or possible signs of someone else but there was nothing in the piles of dirty clothes, glitter, stickers, trash, and the occasional sock puppet collecting dust. Stan shrugged as Ford looked his way. Shaking his head in defeat, Ford made his way to the door.


Right as Ford had dared to put his foot through the open door, it slammed shut in his face. The breeze was considerable and he wondered how much damage it would have done if he were closer to it. Stan took more of an initiative than his brother's logical approach. He grasped the knob and attempted to turn it but failed. The door wouldn't budge. He tried with more strength behind his arm but it didn't result in anything different. He took a step back to let Ford try out on his own. No solution arose.

"Should we call for the kids," Stan asked while taking a step away from the door. His next idea would be to plow the door down but that would completely destroy it, including the hinges, then he'd have to buy more but the shops in town always charged too much for the wood and they never had the right screws.

"No. It would only frighten them more." Stan nodded. They pondered on for only a few seconds before Ford had thought of something. "Stanley, does this door lock?"

"It did but I took it out a while before the kids came," Stan answered simply. Then it dawned upon him. How can they not open the door if there was no lock in the first place? Stan looked to his brother. Just by his grim look, Stan could tell they were thinking the same thing. Ford got on his knees and looked under the door for a shadow of someone or something keeping the door shut. Sure enough, there was a vague outline of someone there.


The twins eagerly waited for their great uncles to return downstairs. A few minutes had passed and still, the pair had not returned from the room that Dipper and Mabel shared. Dipper was beginning to worry. He stood and started to pace back and forth. Mabel, slightly concerned for her brother's habits, began to play with Waddles.

"I think we should go check too," Dipper said. His sister gave him an odd look. Like he was crazy. Dipper returned it with raising one eyebrow.

"It has been a while," Mabel murmured. Dipper nodded.

"Well, let's go and check." Mabel jumped up along with her attitude and headed for the stairs. Dipper making sure to follow close behind her. While going up the stairs there was a small giggle that made the pair freeze. No one was supposed to be there and the laugh was too childish and young to belong to anyone living in the house.

"Nope. You can't come out. Not yet," the voice of the laughter taunted. It sounded as if it was from a little girl. The pair made their way to the top of the stairs more slowly to peek around the corner. From their limited room and sight, they were able to see a small girl holding the door to their room shut. Mabel gave a confused look to her twin.

"Is she keeping them in there," Mabel asked in a hushed whisper. Dipper shrugged before place a hand in front of his lips to silence her before returning to observe the girl. She was young and too small to be able to hold the door to their room closed while two grown men were behind it. She had a pink nightgown on and mop of messy hair in all sorts of tangles. How did she get in, Dipper thought to himself.

"I think we can take her," Mabel said again, but a bit too loud.. She was thinking of how to get the child away from the door long enough to get her great uncles out.

"Maybe..." Dipper added but quieter, hoping Mabel would get the hint. The girl was pretty short, smaller than the twins, but then again looks can be deceiving. She could be a shapeshifter or a vampire. After All, those kinds of monsters were mentioned in the journals.

"Let's go," Mabel announced while pushing herself from her hiding spot to confront the invader.

"What are you doing?" Dipper had been by her side since they emerged. The girl turned to Mabel, a forced and cryptic smile was plastered on her face. It was slightly scary to see but the two stood their ground.

"I'm playing," the little girl said. The way she said it made it seem as those the twins were the ones stupid enough to ask that question.

"Stop! You can't 'play' with our great uncles!" Mabel defensively called out to the girl. She wasn't afraid to get hostile with a little kid if she absolutely had to.

"No," the girl responded while stomping her foot. "I'm having fun! You're trying to ruin my playtime!" She sounded as if she were on the verge of a temper tantrum. She let go of the door, clenching her fists by her side. The dark strands of hair fell in her face, hiding her current facial expression. If Dipper was spooked earlier, he was scared now.

"Sally, do you need help," a new voice spoke up. The twins jumped. They hadn't noticed a person hiding in the shadows until they appeared from behind the girl.

"Yep. They are trying to stop my playtime. Jeffy make 'em stop," Sally whined. She sounded younger than she really looked or possibly was.

"Sure thing."

As the figure fully stepped out, his face was shown in the limited light. A barely white hoodie and jeans covering a badly burned face with a cutout smile and black circles around the eyes. A horrific sight to see. Mabel was now closer to Dipper shaking like a leaf. Dipper felt his knees go weak but stayed standing but his confident stance had faltered. The man, or boy, had seemed to notice their fear and smiled. Or something like it since his sliced cheeks twitched so badly a new stream of blood fell down, tracing the strong chin of his.


From the room, Stan and Ford were they listened quietly to the discussion between the girl and Mabel. They also heard the voice of another. While waiting for the perfect time to bust down the door, Ford had come up with a plan for them. It had to be quick and go without complication. The girl had let go of the door long ago and must have forgotten she had done so. The steps of the other person were heard receding, most likely to the direction of the kids. Deep chuckles were heard which soon grew into full-scale laughter. It drowned out the sound of his steps but Ford timed them, when ready they would come to help.


Mabel and Dipper were frozen in place. Way too scared to move or run or to even look away from the sight before them. The person, or an imitation of one, came close to them. Now that he was laughing, it made the experience all more terrifying. They had to do something. Dipper found the ability able to look back at the girl called Sally. She was sitting criss-cross on the floor watching them with a smile of contentment.

He also noticed that she had let go of the door. Do Ford and Stan know too, Dipper thought frantically while he turned his attention to the advancing danger. Recentering his attention to the other boy, Dipper saw that he had stopped and the laughter died down. He stood just less than a few feet in front of them. His cut out smile showing off greatly with grotesque details that would surely haunt his dreams or at least occupy his mind for some time after this event if he got to live past this. Mabel took Dipper's hand and squeezed it for comfort. He did the same for her. Bracing themselves for whatever that other had planned for them. If worse came to worse, Dipper would pull Mabel down the stairs to give her a head start.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now