Chapter 3

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It was early in the morning when Stan woke up. The sun had just barely peaked the hills that surrounded the town. He first went to check on Dipper and Mabel. They were both still asleep but their beds were ruffled by constant tossing and turning that must have occurred during the night. Probably nightmares, Stan thought going down to the kitchen. He checked the clock: 6:38. The kids would wake up sooner or later. The man stalled for what to do but settled on making pancakes. While he was gathering the things he needed Ford walked in. The other twin was fully dressed, unlike Stan.

"Good morning," he said as he poured himself some juice from the fridge.


"I think I'm going to help the police."

Stan paused before turning the knob to light the stove. "Really?"

Ford nodded.

"I didn't think you would be that social."

"Normally, I'm not, but this is somewhat personal. The kids saw this. I want to solve this murder and catch the person responsible as quickly as possible," Ford stated aloud. Stan quickly understood and left it at that.

"Try not to get into too much trouble. I can only help you with so much and I really don't want the kids to be involved with this. Promise me that," Stan warned.

"I promise. The kids won't be involved and if there is trouble, I'll make sure they will be safe," Ford answered.

Stan went back to cooking. Ford joined in by setting the table with plates, forks, and syrup. 7 o'clock rolled around with Dipper and Mabel stumbling down the stairs to the smell of Stan's food. He set the pancakes in front of them and expected them to be devoured but the two just slowly proceeded to eat. Ford and Stan shared a look at each other and then made their owns plates.

"So, has Tambry been murdered?" Dipper asked aloud. Partly for clarification of last night and the other half was about speculation. Ford just plainly nodded. "Could it be from someone in town?"

"Maybe. Most likely not though. The people in this town have been through a lot together. I don't think they would just kill someone they knew, especially a kid."

"What's going to happen?" Dipper wouldn't be satisfied with just one or two questions answered. To go along with his point, Mabel joined in with staring at Ford for an answer.

"Well someone with more experience with these types of crimes will come and solve the case. If they are successful then the murderer will be brought to justice. I would like to assist them if I could."

"Really! I bet if you helped them the case would be solved in no time," Mabel exclaimed in a high tone that made nearly everyone cringe.

Dipper nodded along with Mabel. He then went more serious. "What if they are not successful in their case, even with you helping?"

"Truthfully, the person may continue to kill until they are caught. That's just how some people are. They could leave town or not," Ford informed them.

"So either someone came here, targeted Tambry specifically, and killed her or someone just happened to meet her and then kill her," Dipper rephrased. These two choices were quite grim but either way, evil was in the small town.

"Unfortunately it does come down to that."

"Well," Stan piped up, breaking the growing tension in the room. "We have a business to run. Don't think I'm letting you out of it."

"I also have to go to the police department," Ford mentioned while he placed his dishes in the sink.

"But I have more questions," Dipper whined aloud as he got up now becoming flustered.

"Later, okay?"

Dipper just weakly nodded. Stan left to get dressed in his signature suit while the other two did the same. Everyone was dressed and in the shop part of the house when Wendy arrived. She had worn her favorite green flannel shirt, jeans, and a lumberjack hat on. She went to the cashier and started to busy herself by reading an outdated magazine off one of the racks. She was quiet but it was somewhat expected. Not long after, a larger man had arrived. He had a cap on his head and a dark green shirt with an even darker question mark right in the middle.

"Soos," Mabel shouted, taking the man's hand. "Come on, let's go do something fun."

"Sure thing girl-dude," He said as he let her drag him away. Dipper found himself by Wendy, he felt nervous and decided maybe it was best to talk about something.

"Hey, did you hear what Ford is doing?"

"Huh... Oh um no," Wendy replied, lost in thought.

"He's going to help the police solve... her murder," Dipper said. He wasn't sure if he could use Tambry's name in front of her yet.

"Oh well... That's good, isn't it because he's really smart." Wendy looked up from her magazine.

"Yeah. He will have it solved in no time." Wendy smiled at his attempts to cheer her up.

"Everything's just weird right now, isn't it."

"Yep." Dipper was now unsure of what to do.

"I guess we try to act like everything is normal."

A ring came from the main door and pulled the two from their awkward conversation. The customers who came in were young, probably in their teens. Dipper and Wendy had never seen these two boys before. Dipper wondered why they had caught their attention like they did but he didn't have anything else to do. The boys had noticed them too and walked to the counter.

"Um... Do you two work here," the smaller of the two asked. He wore a jacket that was a shade of orange. The other boy stood behind hide him wearing a yellow hoodie that covered most of his face from view.

"Yes," Dipper said as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Are you here for the Mystery Tour?" Dipper had dealt with tourists long enough to how gullible they were to fall for the phony exhibits Stan put up.

"Yeah," the teen replied.

"The next one is in a few minutes."

"Ok." It was now awkwardly quiet.

"I... I... I'm B... Brian," the one in the back said. He had a terrible stutter but at least he was taking initiative in a new conversation. The one in front looked back to Brian. It appeared like he was going to say something but decided against it.

"I'm Tim."

"Well, I'm Wendy," the girl said greeting the newcomers. Her customer service talent getting better with time.

"I'm Dipper," he added being polite.

"So did you two really come here for the tour," Wendy asked. She wasn't fooled by their slightly obvious lie.

"Sorta. We were just stopping by for the week... a trip with the family," Tim mentioned casually.

"Cool," Wendy sarcastically said. "So the first place you chose was the Mystery Shack?"

"There isn't much here that we know."

"You must have just come then. Do you know about the... murder," Dipper asked. He gave a sideways glance to Wendy to see if she was okay. Which she was.

"Oh... I.. I h.. heard a.. ab.. about it," Brian added.

"Wasn't she a girl around our age?"

"Yeah, she was," Wendy said sadly. She looked at the clock. It was some time past 5. "Hmm... Where's Soos, my shift is up."

"I've got it."

"Cool, see you later buddy. Bye dudes," Wendy said casually as she left for the door. On cue, Stan came out with an eyepatch over one eye with a normally eccentric attitude.

"Are you ready to see the mysteries of Gravity Falls?!"

Brian seemed to jump back but Tim stood where he was, unfazed. A group of tourist came and crowded the counter as Stan showed some merchandise. Shamelessly scamming most of them. The man then walked around the shop with the group showing off the exhibits. Brian and Tim being accepted into the tour. Dipper stood at the counter when someone came from behind and grabbed him, dragging him down to the ground.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now