Chapter 4

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"Aaah," Dipper shouted and squirmed on the ground as the hands that held him down and started to roam and tickle his body. The teenaged boy was convulsing and trying to get away.

"Gotcha!" Mabel smiled above him.

"Stop it, Mabel," Dipper tried to say while trying to fight back. She eventually stopped and sat on the floor beside him, still laughing.

"So, who were those new boys?"

"It was some tourists," Dipper answered while he stood up. He wasn't really interested in those new boys at all. People just come and go. They don't stay too long.

"Tell me before I tickle you again," Mabel threatened. A sly grin breaking out across her face.

"Okay. The one in the hoodie is Brian and the other is Tim. Brian stutters and they are too old," Dipper explained rather quickly.

"And." Mabel shrugged. "They're still cute."

Dipper rolled his eyes. He would never understand her or her obsessions. The day was moving on into late afternoon and Ford still had not come back. He really wanted to ask him more questions about the murder and who else was involved in the case. He would have liked to know if they any suspects or major clues. So many questions and no answers. It felt like the time when he first got the journals and had no idea what they meant. Dipper let out a heavy sigh.


Tim and Brain were walking in the back if the group. It was obvious that some of these exhibits were handmade but the other tourists still took pictures. Mesmerized by everything. Tim scuffed, they had seen much more real things that these. The teen looked around before he started to speak to Brian. He didn't want to be heard.

"Hey, why did you give them our real name?"

"N.. n.. not sure." Brian shrugged.

"You could have made something up. I mean what if they have seen the videos of us," Tim responded. He was fretting over the mini ordeal. What would Slender do if he found out?

"We'll b.. b.. be o.. okay, m.. ma," Brain started but stopped. He had been so used to calling the other 'Masky' that it was hard to call him by his real name. Brian also knew that he hated his name and actually preferred to be called Masky.

"Thanks, hoods," Tim replied with less than sincerity. After the lame tour, they went outside and walked a small distance from the place. Since no one was watching, it wasn't that hard to duck into the coverings of the trees. Slenderman told them to keep an eye on the inhabitants of the Mystery Shack. That included getting to know those who worked and lived there, even if they didn't interact with everyone. They began to walk deeper in the woods when someone called out to them.

"Hey, dudes, you might wanna be careful out there. Someone killed a girl yesterday so," a man warned them. Both boys knew him as Soos, the maintenance worker.

"We w.. will."

Brian was working on getting his stutter under control but when he was in front of people he didn't know, it got bad again. Soos nodded his head and continued into the house of the property. The walk into the woods took a long time, considering that Slender's mansion had to be far enough out and away so no one would accidentally walk upon it. Somehow, every now and then, a few people managed to find it but the Rake would take of that.

"About time. Slender had me doing all these chores while you were gone." A boy around their age stood in front of them. He had a pair of goggles and a mouthguard on. He had hatches strapped onto his waist. "Here you go. Sally and Jeff were trying to take these. You can't believe the stamina they have." He tossed Brian his ski mask.

"Th.. thanks." Brian nodded absentmindedly. He slipped the ski mask over his face. He had altered the mask by cutting where the eyes were and added red fabric, he had done the same with the mouth as a frown. A perfect display of who he now was.

"I now pronounce you Hoody." The kid with a forced, goofy tone.

"Toby, give me my mask," Tim growled. A bit agitated with the presence of the other boy.

"Why," Toby whined, tilting his head from side to side uncontrollably.

"Ugh, Ticci Toby, give me my mask or else," Tim seethed. He was now angry and that was something Toby had taken joy in doing. The boy always did things like this and it would always make him angry every time.

"Or else what," Toby taunted while giggling. Tim made a desperate grab at his mask that Toby was dangling in front of him but he jumped away from him and pulled it from holding distance.

"G.. g.. give b.. back his m.. mask or I won't g.. give you your h.. hatchets b.. Back."

Toby turned around to see that Hoodie had somehow taken both his hatchets from him. He now held both in his hands. Even though Toby couldn't see his face, he knew Hoody had a creepy facial expression. He tossed Tim his mask and ran to Hoody to retrieve his weapons.

"My babies, I'm so sorry. That will never happen again."

He held his weapons close to his chest and caressed the cool metal and sharp edges. He glared at both Hoody and Tim, who now had his mask on.

"You didn't have to bring them into this," he hissed and then gesturing to his weapons which were now secured to his waist. Hoodie and Tim laughed at him while he stormed off somewhere.

"C.. come on, M.. Masky. W.. we don't want t.. to be l.. late."

"You are right."

Masky nodded as they walked. Soon the large mansion came into view. It was old but the 'creepypastas' that took refuge there under Slender's rules helped with the cleaning and renovations. Inside the large house, both were greeted with tiny, strong hugs. Masky gazed down at the person. It was Sally. He smiled, even though it wasn't seen but implied, at the little girl who wore a pink nightgown. A large gash painting the top of her head and leaving down into her face, permanently staining her little features.

"Hey, Masky! Hey Hoody! Do you want to play with me," she asked with innocent eyes but both knew how deadly she could really be.

"No, I would love to but we got business to do, remember?"


Sally was a bit upset but then ran along to bother another creepypasta. The two walked up the first flight of stairs and down a hallway that had no doors except for the one at the very end. Masky knocked twice on the door and it was opened. Near the wall opposite the door was a large desk. It was plain and normal aside from a single picture of the tall man's brothers. Sitting directly behind that desk was Slender Man, his tentacles hidden from view. The two walked up to the desk with ease after closing the door behind them.

"How did it go?"

"Good. We did not get caught or discovered."

"That is good," Slender Man replied with a calm tone. His hands crossed over the top of the desk.

"There are four residents: two male adults, one male child, and one female child. The adult residents are twin brothers and the children are twins as well," Masky informed nearly robotically.

"The adults are Stanley and Stanford Pines. Stanford had been missing until recently," Hoody added. When he was around Slender Man, he didn't stutter at all. "The kids are Dipper and Mabel Pines. Stanford and Stanley are their great uncles, they are visiting for the summer."

"Good, good." Slender Man nodded. "And the employees?"

"Two. One is a male adult and the other is a female teenager. The male is known as Soos Ramirez. The female is Wendy Corduroy," Masky finished off.

"Thank you. Please type the rest of the information that you collected into a file and give it to me so I may review it. You may leave now." Slender Man pointed to the door in an elegant, fluid motion. The two nodded in unison and left. In their shared room of the house, they proceeded to do their work. Masky worked on a laptop and Hoody was at a computer desk placed in the corner of the room. The report was later finished up in the late hours of the night. 

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now