Chapter 8

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The door to Dipper and Mabel's room bursts open. Nearly ripping from the hinges and banging against the dusty walls with a loud bang. Sally jumped up from her sitting position. She stares at the adults with more surprise than anger. The mutilated advancer turned to the men as well. He looked terribly annoyed.

"Kids, run," Stan yelled to the twins.

The two obeyed and ran down the stairs quickly once they got their bearings together. Mabel made it to the door first. Dipper was not that far. He stared at his sister confused at how she paused there. Her hand held onto the brass knob but remained still. Mabel was hesitant to leave their family like this. Thinking of more important things, like their lives, Dipper lightly pushed her away. Opening the door, grabbing Mabel's hand and then running to a spare golf cart in the yard.


Stan didn't hesitate to pull back his fist and throw it into the teen's face. Hard. With his brass knuckles, Stan was able to do some damage to the boy. He looked dangerous and the knife he held in his hand was more than probable cause to nail him right in the jaw. The boy fell back and hit the ground and didn't get up. Sally had taken cover by hiding somewhere but the Ford and Stan didn't care that much. The two went to get their great niece and nephew and find a place that's safe for the night. Clearly, their home had not done the trick.

They found them waiting anxiously inside the cart. The two jumped in the back when Stan and Ford arrived, giving them room so they could drive them away. The cart sped off into the night. The headlights showing bits of the dirt road. There wasn't much gas in it but there'd be enough to make it to a town square.

"Where are we going," Mabel asked.

"Somewhere safe," Ford answered. He kept his eyes on the road. It was dim due to the lack of power that fueled the lights of the cheap cart.

"Of course, but where would that be," Dipper asked this time.

"Soos's place," Stan cut in.

"Why there," Ford asked. Being completely honest, he didn't think of the man as a first choice. His plan was to make it to either town and then walk to Fiddleford's home. He may still have lost some of his minds but now that he had the Northwest Mansion, he was doing a lot better. Security there would be strong enough and he was sure Fiddleford would let the stay just for the night.

"Because it's the only place that I can think of that will allows us in on a short notice." Ford quickly understood his brother's reason as well as knowing that it's a partial lie. It's the only place he'd be willing to go to. Stan never wanted anyone to see him in a time of weakness, that pride of his was too much trouble sometimes.

The rest of the ride was quiet. They sat in the small cart cramped. The cold air blew through the open spaces of the vehicle. To Mabel was calming and relaxing, Dipper thought it only made it colder than it should be. The cart then stopped in front of a somewhat small building. The small family got out and walked up to the door. Stan extended his hand with developing bruises, the brass knuckles gone, and knocked. It was late at night and the occupants of the house were expected to be sleeping. None of the lights were on. Soos opened the door a few minutes later, sleep still showing clearly on his face. He had no hat to cover his ruffled brown hair and was dressed in pajamas.

"Oh, hey dudes. Boss. What are you doing here," Soos slurred out sleepily.

"We need a place to stay for the night. If it's alright with you," Stan mentioned.

"Sure but it might be a little crowded."

"It's alright."

The house was small. Three of the family members had stayed at the house before but it was cramped for them, he couldn't imagine that four of them could even fit comfortably but they would try. They made themselves comfortable in the living room, Soos leading them. He went to a closet and pulled out some fuzzy blankets to give to them.

"What happened at your place?"

"Some... burglars broke in and tried to attack us. We figured that this was the safest place to stay for the night," Ford replied as he took the throw pillows off the couch. He proceeded to lay blankets down for Dipper and Mabel.

"What's wrong," Dipper quietly asked her. Mabel sat with Dipper shaking. She couldn't get the image of that boy out of her head. She was also upset for another reason.

"We left Waddles," she said tearfully.

Dipper tried his best to comfort her, which worked only a little bit. The fear was getting the best of them. Soos bid them goodnight and left for his own room. The group then settled for bed again themselves. They slept without dreams and shivering from an imaginary chill.


At the Mystery Shack Sally finally came out of hiding. She stumbled into the hallway and knelt down to the fallen boy. She started to shake him awake.

"Jeff. Wake up. Jeff!" He didn't stir. "BEN!" She then yelled out.

"What," BEN called back as he walked up the stairs. His face was pointed down to a phone held in his hand.

"Its Jeff," She whined as she pointed to him.

BEN looked up to see that Jeff was lying unconscious on the floor with blood coming from his mouth and nose. It wasn't uncommon but there was more of it than usual. He couldn't contain his laughter, so he laughed at his fallen creepypasta.

"I am totally gonna use this for blackmail," he remarked. Once he was done the young teen walked over to Jeff and tapped him in the face with his shoe. Jeff moaned and slowly set up, holding his face.

"Dammit. I didn't think the old man could hit that fucking hard," Jeff complained.

"I wish I was there to see it," BEN commented.

"Oh yeah. Where were you when that was going down," Jeff spat out angrily.

"I found this awesome place with huge machines, so I was kinda busy," BEN answered with lame enthusiasm. Jeff just rolled his eyes.

"Let's go. Slendy's already upset as it is with us," Jeff grumbled out as he got to his feet. He had to lean against a wall to stop himself from falling down again but it didn't deter him from moving more.

It took longer for them to arrived at the mansion than expected. Sally ran ahead of them and BEN refused to help Jeff. It wasn't surprising to Slender Man inside the living room. He was standing there with his anger radiating from his body. The tentacles flicking back and forth. The happy girl stopped her frantic jumps to hid behind BEN. The blonde teen only shrugged indifferently. Jeff glared angrily at the faceless man. He wasn't scared of anything, just pissed off for whatever punishment that Slender Man had for them.

"Where have you been," he demanded from them.

"Out." Jeff looked defiantly at him.

"I gave you orders not to disturb the work of my proxies. What part of that is unclear to you," Slender Man shouted.

"We understand. It's just, we were curious," BEN trailed off in a somewhat defending way.

"Obviously not," Slender Man said again. A tentacle went out to Jeff's chin and held up his face so that Slender Man could see the damage while he stepped close. A bruise had formed standing out on the pale skin. Slender Man seemed to chuckle at the boy's failed attempt of defense.

"Leave. I will give you all the punishments tomorrow for disobeying." With that, the three went up to their separate rooms.

Sally instantly laid on her bed and dozed off. BEN played a few games while he still could then fell asleep. Jeff stabbed his bedroom wall a few dozen time then decided to sleep after mentally cursing the tall man. While that was happening Slender Man left to find the Pines. Sure enough, the creepypastas had scared them away. When he found them Slender Man watched them for a few hours then went to the mansion again. When there he couldn't help but quietly laugh to himself by how one of the older men managed to hurt Jeff. 'They may be more different than I thought.'

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now