Chapter 9

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Ford jolted awake. He had that strange feeling again of being watched. No, it was more intense than that. It was almost like when Bill tried to enter his mind but failed. A fear spiked into him that Bill was still there. That he was alive and well. Ford quickly looked at his brother. He was sleeping peacefully on a small cushioned chair. He then looked to the kids. They were sleeping on a couch, Dipper at one end and Mabel at the other. Why do I feel this way, Ford thought to himself. Logic told him that he defeated Bill. It was more Stan who delivered the final punch.

The woman, Ms. Jones, told him so little. He needed to find more answers. He needed to know more about these creatures. He couldn't explain why but he felt the need to. He had too. Or else it would eat him alive. Without even noticing his own moments, he grabbed an empty notebook and his bag along with his coat. He headed for the door. Ford realized what he was doing in that short time. To soften the blow, he decided to do something first.

He took a blank page and quickly wrote something down. A goodbye letter.


To Stanley, Dipper and Mabel Pines,

I regret to tell you that I am leaving to learn more about Slender Man. I can not explain why but I have to do this. Maybe if I know more of him, then you all will be safe. Like Bill. If I am able to tell you everything I have learned then you may defeat him. With or without me. Dipper, do not follow me and do not make the mistakes that I have made. Mabel, stay strong and have faith you will be nothing without your bright attitude to life. Stanley, it seems like we just got together and now I'm leaving again but this time it will be for good. I will not help another demon again, I will try to stop him. For you. For you all.

-Stanford Pines


He looked over it again. Making sure no mistakes were evident. Ford knew that he may not come back. He was perfectly aware that he might die or that he was practically going on a suicide mission. Why, he had thought to himself. To right my wrong, to stop the evil in this world, his defended. Ford was already a bit passed the house that they were staying at. His feet sounding soft against the gravel of the road.

"Goodbye," mumbling as he disappeared into the forest. Quickly lost in the black of the night.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu