Chapter 17; Day 2.1

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Gideon crumbled a piece of paper that he'd previously been reading and threw it against the wall in his cell. He yelled as he threw various other things his towards the same wall; shredding paper and kicking pebbles. His poor excuse of mother didn't have the courage to tell him. All she did was write a horrible letter explaining that his father was murdered. Not even the same day, no a day late. His father had been killed a day ago and he hadn't known. What kind of woman wouldn't tell her own son something as important as that. Saying that Gideon was furious would be an understatement. 

As his tantrum came to a slow and his breathing was even he took a seat on the cold metal that acted as his bed. He took more deep breaths and just thought. Someone came to tell him that food had been served for dinner and he left his spot. He'd been usually quite but after a rather short amount of time he'd lighten up and began talking. He found that forgetting his father and even his mother would be best. No use dwelling on the past or things you can't change.

Priscilla had been scared; no, terrified. 

It was a normal night but an abnormal morning. For the first time in a while she hadn't heard that damn bell. It was nice but odd. She also hadn't heard anyone making any noise. A look over the large house confirmed what she thought. The maids and butlers were all gone. Had they left, this early? She brushed off the thought but she went to find her parents. She opened their door and her life changed. 

That's all she saw now. Red. The color invaded her memories and the metallic smell made her gag. Then it was black. Even now, out and away from the house she could taste it in her mouth and every blink resulted in that image. 

Someone came and got her but she didn't know who, must have been family of sorts but she didn't really ask. Every time she opened her mouth to try talk a scream had found its way out, tears quick to follow. The hyperventilation wasn't helpful either. Now she was alone in a room, wide awake and afraid. Nothing made sense and the world now seemed warped. Was this like Weirdmageddon, or had that all be a dream? Could Bill Cipher have come back to make her life a literal living hell? All these questions yet no answer. 

Life crept on as it always does, as it always had. Back at the mansion the creepypastas boasted about their kills or their previous activities. Jason the Toymaker went on and on about a girl he had found that was close to snapping. Some were even placing bets on how she would act afterwards and what would happen. 

BEN Drowned, Glitchy Red, and Lost Silver had their own little conversations about the abnormalities of the games in the local arcade. The characters somehow had their own lives, just as they had. BEN was the result of a ghost but the rest of the games characters had just been some sort of defaults in coding. Though these experiences were weird they still had their fun messing with people around town and even those characters themselves. 

Jeff and Jane were at odds again. Jane argued with Jeff over his irrational behavior with human life and Jeff made flaws in Jane's reasoning which only resulted in knife throwing. The pair decided to take their little dispute outside as to not anger Slenderman with a destroyed living room they'd have to clean by themselves.

The main proxies reported to their master about their previous activities. Slenderman had acknowledged them and then called everyone in a main room for meetings. Here everyone sat and gave their full undivided attentions to the faceless one. He did an update on the town. 

"Priscilla Northwest has been taken out of town and to a hospital for her deteriorating mental health. Stanford Pines has send Dipper and Mabel Pines back to their home. The police have notified the United States Government and that means experienced detectives will be arriving as well as agents of SCP. We have today and tomorrow, you all can make do with the days you have left but if a Pines family member is dead, those responsible for it will join them." Slenderman said before he teleported away. 

This gave them time to discuss who chose who. Jeff never chose anyone, he always did random kills. Jane scowled and promised to kill Jeff's unknown targets before he got a chance. The Bloody Painter sighed, he did his stalking the day before and he knew just who to get. Most of the others chose the same tactic; it was either that or they mentally tormented them before their inevitable end at their hands. This day could still prove to be entertaining since the real action happened at night, which had yet to come. For the night was still young and their was plenty of time.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now