Chapter 13; Day 1

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Mabel slept in her bed, cuddling her pet pig which was sleeping close to her. She often tossed and turned in her sleep. Moaning and whimpering was heard from the other side of the room. Dipper gave a glance to his sister. He had awoken earlier, as usual, and rummaged through his newly made journal. Inside the journal he recorded everything that happened. Wendy's attack, Ford's unexpected leave, and the break in. With a jolt Mabel sat up from her bed quickly. Her breathing was quick and for a split second Dipper saw fear on her face but it changed into relaxed expression.

She gave a nervous chuckle and looked at her brother who had his face half buried in a journal. "What are you doing up?" She asked.

"Couldn't sleep. You?" Dipper replied with an eyebrow arched.

"Same, it's just hard with everything going on." She replied getting situated on her bed. She settled on a cross-legged position with Waddles in her lap. "Why are you writing in that?" She asked pointing to the book Dipper was holding.

"Going over some information." He said plainly. His attention went straight to the book, looking for some kind of answer that was hidden within the words he wrote. Of course he found nothing. He stood briefly and stretched. He gave another glance to his sister who was playing with Waddles. A smile crept onto his face. "Want to go get breakfast?" He asked.

Mabel nodded her head and jumped up while gently setting the pig down. With quick stretches she looked at her brother for a second then ran off shouting, "Race ya to the kitchen!" Dipper took off after her but didn't catch up in time. When he was in the kitchen he gasped for breath.

"No fair, I wasn't ready." He said, giving playful glares to his twin. She laughed it off and started to grab two bowls down.

"And..." She giggled. Dipper helped her by grabbing two spoons and a gallon of milk. Mabel finished off by getting the cereal. She poured in the cereal while Dipper poured the milk and set the spoons inside the bowls. They ate quietly and set their empty dishes inside the sink and headed for the living room. Guessing that's where their Gruncle Stan would be.

Upon entering they saw their great uncle but the expression on his face was unforgettable. He looked angry but afraid. As well as sad. Mabel was the first to ask him what was wrong but he gave no reply, just staring that the tv. The twins took slow steps to see what program was on that put their great uncle into such an awkward state of mind.

It was the news. The anchor was the woman who usually did the news but her face showed obvious fear. Dipper quickly tuned into what the woman was saying even though the program was halfway done.

"It's an absolute tragedy that happened. We have no idea who is responsible. This is one of the worst events to happen in Gravity Falls." She said finishing up her report. The screen changed to Toby who was out in the field. He looked even more nervous and scared than he usually did but it was obvious where he was standing. It was in front of Greasy's Diner but the place had police tape everywhere. Toby began to talk it a shaky voice.

"This is one of the many places affected by the attack. We grieve the death of one of the well known members of this community: Lazy Susan." Toby paused a moment leaving complete and utter silence for the viewers and himself. He started again. "She was not the only one to be victimized by this massacre. Others have been found dead as well. A list of name will be released shortly." He said in a quiet tone, much quieter than he normally was. The screen faded to black before starting up again with the main anchor taking about none important issues. Dipper stared at Mabel, she did the same to him. Then they shifted their gaze to Stan who was still frozen to the spot. He still looked scared and mad. Dipper was forming about a million questions but he realized asking them wouldn't give him any answers, now that Ford was gone he wasn't so sure who to ask anymore.

Mabel took a step to Stan. She lightly touched him. He instantly looked down at her. He sat back down and closed his eyes, hands going up and rubbing his temples. He let out a low sigh and stayed that way for a few moments.

"How many others?" Dipper asked, getting close to his great uncle. He was concerned too, and scared. Stan let out another low sigh.

"About 10 others." He said blankly. He stared at the ground. Then he closed his eyes tightly, "They suspect more dead."

Wendy laid in bed, sleeping soundly. Or somewhat calmly, her dream had caused her body to move from time to time. That is if you could call it a dream, it was more close to a nightmare. Her dream had trapped her in a little workshop. Colorful toys stood out everywhere. Wendy roamed the new place until she stumbled upon someone else. A man with a brightly colored top hat and clothes that suited his style. He showed her marvelous toys that he had made himself. Most of them carved straight out of wood. Wendy was deeply impressed.

It wasn't a complete nightmare yet, it started to change into in a dark world when she wanted to leave. The workshop was nice but she had an eerie feeling and it grew with the time spent near the strange man. She asked to leave and he grew angry and yelled at her for wanting to leave. He was different now. His clothes the same but his eyes grew ever so evil. They shined a bright green and bored into her skull causing her to be become still with fear. His hand had also change into dark claws that grabbed her arms and pulled her away deep into the little shop and threw a blue door. He threw her into a room secluded and filled with tools. Wendy shivered at how realistic the dream was. She could hear his quiet laughter and he drew closer to her with a tool in his palm. Then her familiar phone awoke her.

Almost falling out of bed she grabbed her phone and checked the caller ID. It was Robbie. Normally she'd ignore the call and sleep again but at the moment that didn't seem like a good idea. She answered. "Hey, what are-"

"Are you ok?" He said in a panicked voice with a slight sound of relief.

"Uh... ya. Why"

"I guess you don't know... Something bad happened in town last night."

"What happened? Tell me, Robbie."

"Well... uh.. its.. sorta hard to explain... but.." He stuttered on the phone and then started again. "A lot of people died last night. It's all over the news."

"What?! Huh.. How on Earth did that happened?!" She yelled aloud. Fear struck her as she thought of the people in Gravity Falls dead. Nothing like that ever happened until Weirdmageddon but even then people didn't die. Robbie continued to stutter on his side of the phone but then he said he had to go. She didn't blame him for leaving but then again she really needed to check on her family and the news for that matter.

She quickly got changed and ran out of her room to her brothers' rooms. Of course they weren't there but she still wanted to check. She ran outside to where they were working. They were all there but her dad wasn't.

"Where's dad?" She yelled at them.

"He went to get supplies. He'll be back." One them replied. She tried to calm her breathing and went inside. There she turned on the tv and switched it to the news, even though there was no need to because it was playing on all of the channels currently. Right now it was pictures and names being flashed through the screen. The title was sickening: Gravity Falls Massacre Victims. She watched with small tears gathering at the edge of her eyes. Not one fell because Wendy promised to herself that she wouldn't cry until it was all over with.

A montage without any music showed the pictures of Lazy Susan, Tats, Thompson, Tate McGucket, Gabe Bensen, Mr. Poolcheck, Tad Strange, Bud Gleeful, and Priscilla and Preston Northwest. Wendy tensed when she saw the name of her friend. They were somewhat close in this small town but now two of her friends were dead. She just couldn't believe this. She wondered who else was watching the exact same program at the exact same time as herself. She turned off the tv not really wanting to hear what the reporters had to say about it. She sat very still and worked on trying to calm herself after this horrid ordeal.

Gravity Pasta (A Gravity Falls and Creepypasta Crossover) !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now