Chapter 6 - Hospital For Souls

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Yeah, so, just a warning, I'm into, like, screamo-ish music. I like Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, and Motionless in White.. That stuff. Just warning because the song linked is by Bring Me The Horizon. It's pretty good though! If you don't like it, sorry! Really sorry if it scares you or something. Just telling you in advance!

I was in the bathroom. I know. It's weird that I'm informing you of this. Just bear with me.

I zipped up my pants just as a few other guys came in.

None other than Phil himself. I knew I had to find a way out of here. But then I felt his huge, meaty hand on my shoulder.

Oh, Gosh.

My head was slammed into the stall door. He literally started to punch my face in. I felt the stickiness of my red blood pouring down the lower half of my face. It tasted metallic and gooey just like it's scent.

Next, Phil threw me across the bathroom and my bloodied face met the wall.

His fists were hitting me all over. Stomach, face, chest.

But then the bell rang. I was shoved into the wall one last time. I had to go to detention now. I didn't want to, but I had to.

Suck it up Troye.

My blood was smeared across my face. And the floor. Every part of my body was throbbing and I was sure that it would never cease..

Detention was down the hallway and to the left. It wasn't in the main hallway by the office which I thought was weird.

With my unsure footsteps, I made my way to the end of the hallway, wishing with all my heart that I wouldn't have to go in there.

Please, no.

A few more steps. I was rounding the corner.

"Ooof!" I said.

The pain increased. Everywhere I looked was fuzzy. Like it was an illusion.

"Troye? Are you okay?!" Robbie asked.

"Oh, uh," I coughed. "Despite my obvious perfect looking face, I- uh, I'm fine." I sarcastically told him.

"C'mon man. I know you've got detention, let's go. They can call an ambulance or something." He grabbed my arm but I held back. Robbie pushed more. "Troye!"

"No, Robbie I can't. They're going to call my mum. I'll get in trouble. Please, no." Robbie tugged my arm again, completely ignoring my pleads to be released.

No. No, I don't want to.

"Well, you have to. You'll get in trouble if you don't go!"

I said that out loud? I d- "I can't!! I can't think. I- I can't walk-"


"I don't remember anything past that."

I had woken up in the hospital. Gratefully I got to go home. After all of the tests of course.

Now my mum was questioning me. Again. Just like I knew she would.

I'd told her that I had fallen down the stairs but I don't think she believed me.

"Troye, are you sure? It seems like something worse happened here." She said.

"Mum, I'm- I am pretty sure." I lied.

"They said they found blood in the bathroom. It was on the wall, floor. In the sink. Troye, I just need to hear the truth."

I scoffed. "I already told you the entire truth! Why don't you believe me?"

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