seven: falling in love isn't for me

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"Give it to me I'm worth–"

"Jesus Christ, I'm so tired of this song." I raised my eyebrow at my sister, watching her change the radio station three times before settling with one that was on a commercial break. I let out a small laugh, shaking my head at my sister. As I gazed back out of the car window, my fingers drumming along to a song stuck in my head. But stopped when I heard Camila speak up,"Oh, by the way, Lauren and Leonard are back together."

"I know." I retorted, not thinking.

"What? How do you know?"


"Uh, I mean, I kind of figured. Those two can't go a week broken up." I covered up, clearing my throat as Camila made a turn into our street.

Camila texted me before my last period, telling me she was going to pick up from school because as she texted,"I'm feeling nice. I'll pick you up." I dealt with it. It was better than taking the bus home.

Camila snorted a laugh,"You're mean." I quietly sighed in relief, sitting up to grab my backpack as our house came into view."Anyway, I'm just telling you because Kenny doesn't want to talk about them anymore." She frowned, which made me realize we were going to stay in the car to talk about this.

And I was right.

"I mean, Lauren's so fucking indecisive." I pursed my lips, stopping myself from jumping out of the car when she parked in our driveway."I keep telling her that this isn't going to end well and she goes on and tells me that this isn't like last time. She says that he's changed and she sees it so that's why they're back together. But then a week later, she's crying in my arms because he said something stupid that hurts her feelings..."

I rested my head back against the chair, my arms crossed now as I stared at the ceiling of Camila's car. I wonder how long she's going to go on about Lauren and Leonard this time. Last time, yes; sadly there was an exact rant about this last time, it lasted almost two hours. We had to stop talking about it because Geoffrey had gotten home and he saw us sitting in Camila's car, and Camila didn't want him to know that they were back together.

But Geoffrey always knows. He always finds out because Leonard –that bastard– brags to him whenever they do get back together. It's like Leonard knows it pisses him off, maybe he knows he likes Lauren. Leonard does get mad whenever Geoffrey just talks to Lauren. There this one time, at Geoffrey's graduation party, Geoffrey posted a picture up on his Instagram of him and Lauren. That same night, Leonard texted my brother saying he couldn't do that; post a picture with Lauren, because, his words;"You're not allowed to do that."

Here's another thing though, a week before that happened, Lauren and Leonard had broken up. And Lauren was pissed to find out he sent that to Geoffrey, because first,"We aren't even together anymore. Who the fuck does he think he is?"

I remember mumbling,"Your boyfriend." then Camila pinching me after for me to shut up.

And second,"I'm not his property." Lauren said, then apologized to my brother like it was her fault. But Geoffrey, being the gentleman he is, told her she didn't have to apologize. And from that day forward, Camila, Kenny, Geoffrey and I know that Leonard is too fucking territorial and a jealous type.

"...oh my god! I almost forgot to tell you!" My sister exclaimed me, grabbing ahold of my arm tightly causing me to groan and get out of her grip. But she didn't care, because she then told me,"Leonard bought her an engagement ring!"


Camila nodded frantically,"Yeah! That dumbass asked Lauren's sister for help on finding a ring for her..."

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