Chapter 1: losers and new friends

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"And your test clara" the teacher said as she handed me my math results.

I got an A+!

"What did you get" Jessica said, snatching the paper from my hand.

"Ooo what a surprise, miss perfect got an A+" she said as she dropped my paper on the floor.

I picked it up and looked up too see cameron dallas, the school hotty, walk in the class room, aka my crush since middle school.

"Sorry I was late miss" he said as he walked to his group of friends.

"Ok class, for the rest of the lesson you can do whatever, I truly don't care" ms. Higgins yelled to the class, she was never really bothered with us.

I grabbed a book out my bag and began to read when my head got hit by a paper air plane.

But I'm used to it.

I opened it up and it said,

'aww, don't have any friends so you read a book? how cute'

I saw Brittany laughing with her possy, Kayla and Mckenzie. They were like the plastics, but of duskwood high and she was the Regina George.

I scrunched it up and went to the bin to throw it out, when I walked back I noticed my book was gone.

"Uhh" I said to my self as I looked through my desk.

"Looking for something" Brittany said as she threw my book out the window and into the strong winds outside.

I felt a tear go down my face, but I hate people seeing me cry so I quickly wiped it of but I guess she saw it.

"Aww don't cry clara, I'm sure you can get another one from your nerd club soon" everyone laughed except cameron, he never laughed when Brittany bullying me.

I sat down and thought about my whole life for the rest of the period.

I rubbed my eyes underneath my big glasses and sighed. Why me? I didn't do anything to deserve this? just because I wear glasses and is smart doesn't mean I'm a nerd? just because I don't wear tons of make up and high heels to school doesn't make me different!

But I guess in other peoples minds it does.

*ding ding*

"Finally" everyone moaned, well except me of course.

Brittany walked past my desk and nocked my bag with her arm over causing everything to fall out.

"Oops" she said sarcastically and left the class room laughing.

I can't describe in words how much I hate her.

I picked up some of my books and noticed someone helping me.

Cameron. The Cameron Dallas.

He's never even talked to me before, let alone help me!

I looked at him and he did that cute half smile boys do that sends a girl crazy.

"Uh, um"

"It's fine" he said smiling, as he helped me pick up the last books, he seemed to always be smiling.

I let out a small laugh and quickly walked out the room.

I walked over to the table in the cafeteria were I usually sit in, by my self, and sat down eating my pj sandwich.

Our school was basically like a typical American school, especially the cafeteria.

There were the jocks (were cameron sits with his group), the cheerleaders, the bitchy populars (Brittany, Kayla, and Mckenzie), the nerds, and much more.

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