Chapter 13: beach house p. 3

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"I think today we should just chill, swim at the beach, hang around you know?" I said with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Good idea, were leaving at five tonight because we have school tomorrow" Cameron pouted.

I giggled at how cute he looked and he smiled at me from across the table.

"It's just so confusing!" James yelled out.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Why aren't you two together, i mean I see the way you look at each other, it's special. That's the way I used to look at Hayley, my ex girlfriend, I loved her, until she cheated on me. But that's a different story! why aren't you guys together!"

I knew the reason why we aren't together.


The bad boy.

The one other boy that has my heart in his hands.

That came out wrong.

Oh well.

But then why's the reason Cameron doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend?

I looked at him.

So did everyone else, expecting an answer.

"Uh, well I, I don't know alright" he got up and stormed down the beach, he reached the sand just before the shore and sat down with his head in his hands.

"I'll go" I quickly said and walked down to him.

I sat down next to him and we stayed in a silence for a minuet, until I broke it.

"What was that cam?" I said softly

It took him about 30 seconds to reply.

"Do you not understand how much I like you Clara, hell, I could be in love with you! But there's just something about you that seems to be pulling back, like you don't want to be in a relationship, why?"

I can't tell him about hunter.

I can't.

"Th-things have been getting in the way" I stuttered.

Stupid. stupid response.

I got up and ran to the beach house, as fast as I could.

I felt tears beaming up in my eyes.

I heard cameron yell after me but I didn't listen.

I passed everyone still eating breakfast and ran into hazel and I's room.

I slammed the door shut and slid down it, tears trickling down my face.

I heard knocks on the door and opened it slowly to see who it was, it was only hazel.

I leaped into her arms and cried in her shoulder.

"H-hazel, what am I-I going to do" I sobbed.

"What happened Clara?" we sat on the bed.

"C-Cameron said th-that he really likes me, and that he c-could possibly love me!" I cried harder at those words.

Because I think I love him too.

But I've never experienced the feeling of love before, except on my dog buddy that died last year.

She was my only friend until now.

"But h-hunter, who do I ch-choose!" I continued.

"Clara, I think it's best to decide through the different qualities in both of them, who treats you better, who's more responsible, all that stuff you know?"

Clara's choiceWhere stories live. Discover now