The last breath.

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I cannot believe I just said that too him. He's going to think I'm such a freak. oh great!
He stood up and looked at me meaningfully. Here it comes.....

"Ok. Let's go." he said.

Excuse me. Did he just say yes? I clearly wasn't expecting that.

"Come on then." he said and walked away.

He put on his leather jacket, grabbed his death mobile keys and went upstairs for a minute before returning with a lot of money.

"Wow. were did that come from?" I asked.

"I've been planing this for a while" he said softly and started to walk out the door.

So this was it huh? I'm just going to leave.

We got on his death mobile as he handed me a helmet. "where's your helmet?" I asked.
"No time" he said and started up the bike.

We began to ride no where. Just through the highway going north in a straight line. We were travelling to fast for my liking , he knew I hated it when he went fast.

"hunter slow down!" I yelled.

"Only if you hug me" he said, I could practically feel his smirk. I hugged him tight.

"Only if you kiss me" he said. I sighed and kissed him on the cheek. as difficult as it was.

"Only if you say you love me"

"I love you hunter" I said.

After that it was all too fast to comprehend before everything turned black.

*2 months later*

*hunters pov*

My cancer was gradually getting worse. Worse each day. The doctor said I had no chance of recovery, he says I would be lucky to last another 6 months.

I felt as if nothing in life was going my way, every one I loved had left me. My dad had left, my "mum" got taken to rehab 1 week after the accident and Clara was gone.

It was all my fault. I should've took the car. I knew the brakes had gone about a mile before I lost control, we were already going to fast to control it. We ended up smashing into a truck sending Clara flying a few yards down and causing her to land on the hard concrete floor before dieing instantly.

I still remember the moment I lay on the floor, my eyes were starting to cloud over black, I couldn't move an inch. pain throbbed in every possible place. I watched at Clara lay a few yards ahead of me, she lay there perfectly still, too still. there was blood surrounding her. Suddenly I saw people rushing around me and blocking my view from seeing her perfect face.
"Clara" I very faintly whispered.

I just wanted to feel her touch. Feel her soft lips against my skin. Hear her say those 3 magic words before it happened incase someone did die.

There was nothing I could do, the motorbike broke. Yet I still to this day blame it on myself.

*camerons pov*

I didn't believe the news when I first heard it. To think the last words I said to her was me telling her off. She just died like that. Gone from everyone's lives instantly. The last thing her friends ever said to her were mean things on Facebook. The last conversation she had with hazel was before the night I found out about hunter, other than that they hadn't talked.

Everyone was too shocked to talk about it at school for weeks. Hazel didn't come to school for days. Clara's prescience had completely left all of us and it was taking a huge toll on us all.

Going to the funeral was the hardest. Half our year went. We all stuck by hazel who couldn't control herself from bursting into to tears every second. Her mother and father were at the funeral obviously, her mother was collapsing on the ground as her husband had to hold her up but was also extremely weak.

She's gone forever from Earth. But never from our hearts.

The end.

This story is dedicated to anyone who has lost someone important to them in there lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

~ piper.

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