Hunters forgiveness

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My Saturday night/morning consisted of me curled up into a ball watching Netflix. No contacts, no makeup, my hair most likely looked like a birds nest and frankly, I didn't give a shit. I didn't give a shit about anything.

After watching the notebook, mean girls, easy A and the vow, I got up and walked to the kitchen to get food.

"Morning swee-" my mum said as she walked in the kitchen and saw me looking like - well, looking like I did.

As I saw her worried expression, my eyes started to water, my face turned ugly and I burst out Into tears. My mum ran over and engulfed me into a huge hug.

"Shhh. what's wrong sweetie?" She said as she rubbed my back.

"Mum. I did some bad things that I can't t-take back. I don't know w-what I'm going to do"

After my mum lectured me for 1 long hour I decided to get looking decent and have a walk. Somewhere, nowhere, I didn't care. Once Id done that, I walked out the door and just went wherever my little legs could take me, I soon found myself walking towards Hunters house. What was I doing?

I pulled out my phone and continued to walk mindlessly. I hadn't checked my phone for a while and I definetly shouldn't have checked it now. I literally had 107 notifications, and not one was good.

Brittany had posted the video from last night, every single second of the moment replayed in front of my eyes and it was honestly the hardest thing.

"Oops @claraPeterson24" was the caption to the video.

I then read the comments - big mistake. All it was, was my good friends from school calling me horrific things. My own friends were calling me a slut, trash, worthless piece of shit. I looked up from my phone to see myself at a house. Hunters little house on the scary side of town.

As I went to knock on the door it opened for me and a Middle Aged man walked out wearing nothing but his underwear, completely ignoring my prescience and running off. He scrambled to his car and drove off. After I watched him leave I turned around to knock on the door which I was instead greeted with a tall handsome boy.


"why are you here?" He interrupted. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, he was wearing track pants and t shirt.
"Can we talk?" I said fiddling with my fingers nervously.
he though about it for 10 seconds before walking into his house, I hopefully took this is as a whatever and followed after him, gently shutting the door. He fell on the couch and turned on the t.v.

I looked at him as he concentrated on the t.v.

"I think it's pretty obvious I made a huge mistake huh. It's going to stick with me forever unless I solve it now"
He nodded slightly but didn't acknowledge me yet.
"C-cameron goes to my school. I haven't always looked like I do, I used to be basically a straight up nerd. And as soon as I changed my self I guess I got too carried away, way too carried away. It's like because I looked different, my personality was different. at the time I believed it was harmless what I was going. Going out with you one night, cameron the other. I was getting what I had wanted for all my teenage years. For people too notice me! Guys actually took an interest in me. Girls actually wanted to be seen with me. But what I didn't expect was to fall in love."
This time hunter looked at me.
"I fell in love with both off you. I have such deep affection. And usually that isn't a bad thing, but in my situation it was. I had to decided between two people and that wasn't an easy task. So I put it of for a, well, a really long time. And I don't know what I was expecting to happen in the end. Hunter, what I did is un fixable, I can't change the past. But what I'm asking for now, why I came to you today, is forgiveness."

He looked at me for a very long time before saying, "ok."

*hunters pov*

As much as I wanted to kick her out of my house right now I couldn't. I couldn't let go that easy, I loved her more than I've ever loved someone. I found myself forgiving her. i didn't even know if I was making the right decision or not.

*claras pov*

I let out the breath I was holding in and my body loosened.

"Then here goes my next question. Can we run away together?"

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