Chapter 29: reunited

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Football games are weird. This is my first one and I have no idea where to go.

But I'm pretty sure it's a lot more packed since it's the grand final. Cameron invited me to watch him play. I've never watched him before so it couldn't hurt.

I saw a bunch of people walking in the grand stand so I followed and found a seat next to my friend in English.

We're not close but she's nice and we've had a few conversations.

"So do you get this whole...footbally thing" I asked her giggling.

"Yeah. I'll explain it to you" she said and started to go on about the rules of football which I completely zoned out on.

A tall blonde boy caught my eye when I was staring into space. He had bright blue eyes that were mesmerising to look at and light blonde hair that swept across his forehead.

He was with a group of boys i'd never seen before.

"And yeah, that's basically it" I heard Stephanie's voice say.

"Oh ok. I think I get it now" I said, even though I wasn't listening at all.

She smiled at me and we started some small talk when she said, "i'm hungry!".

"Let's get some hot dogs steph" I said standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Yay!" she squealed, grabbing her bag and following me to the hot dog stand.

When we reached it, I noticed that blonde boy - lets just call him that for know - was waiting In line for it.

I brushed it of and continued to talk to steph when we were finally second In line and he was 1st in line.

When he got his hot dog I stepped forward and he turned around, also stepping forward.

And guess what happened next.

His mustard covered hot dog, went all over my brand new white vans tee.

My mouth dropped as I looked down at my newly designed shirt.

- Let's just say the design got worse....-_- -

"I'm so sorry!" he said grabbing napkins and wiping my shirt, his hands going all over my stomach and chest.

He pulled his hands away and realised he had just felt me up while trying to get rid of the stain - which he was not successful in.

He sighed and face palmed himself.

"I'm so sorry" he said again.

"No problem" I smiled, grabbing some napkins and getting rid of most of the stain.

"Let me buy you a hot dog to make up for it" he smiled, showing of his perfectly white, straight teeth.

"Sure" I smiled back.

I turned around to see Stephanie trying to hold in laughter, "shut up" I mumbled as I turned back around to.....wait, I still don't know his name.

"I'm Clara. And you are?.." I asked.

"Finn" he smiled.

"Nice to meet you Finn", I looked down at my mustard covered t-shirt and chuckled, "I think".

"Sorry about that....again"

I smiled and said "it's fine", one last time.

He bought me a hot dog and Stephanie bought one, she told me that she'll meet me back in the grand stand.

"Thanks for the hot dog" i said as we wandered off a little back towards the grand stand.

"No sweat. You deserved it" he chuckled.

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