Chapter 26: like the old days

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Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked the school hallways, I guess the word spread quickly.

My head hung low, ashamed of what I've done and stupidly ate those brownies. If only I could rewind time.

But that's impossible so I can't. Damn scientists, they need to pick up there game.

Ok now I'm blaming scientists for my poor well-being. Sweet niblets I'm going crazy.

I opened my locker and saw a picture of me and cameron, smiling like idiots with his am around me in a heart shaped frame.

Memories flooded into my brain and it killed me that things will probably never be the same - because of my eating habits.

Once I got my books out I walked to were we always sit like every morning, hoping it'll be the same.

But I lost all hope when I said hey to everyone and I got no response from anyone - even hazel.

I was expecting my friends to always be by my side and stick with me but i guess I was wrong, so very wrong.

"Clara. We need to talk" hazel said barely looking at me.

"Alright, go ahead"

"In private" she said standing up.

I followed her to a private area close by and she snapped.

"How could you do that to Cameron! It's bad enough your cheating on him with hunter, or is it the other way around? Your cheating on hunter with cameron? Both ways, it's a terrible thing to do and I've stuck with you for that, but this is unexceptable. Cameron is one of my best friends and I can't describe in words how hurt he is!"

Tears were brimming up in my eyes which made the bottom half of the world blurry.

"P-Please let me explain" I said holding back tears which were screaming to come out.

"I don't need explaining. I know perfectly what you've done. Broke my friends heart, what will he do if he finds out the even bigger truth. You know what I don't even want to know. Bye Clara" she said walking off to sit back down.

Why did she do that? She's made me more depressed about this situation then I already am, if that's even possible.

I need to explain to someone what the real situation is, but no one will hear me out, they don't want to waste there precious time talking to the schools slut.

Although I wish someone would.

I was still standing in the same position, motionless, just thinking.

I probably looked like a freak, but I don't care. I finally started walking to class with my head held low.

Math was a drag, English was a drag, history was a drag, every class was a drag.

Having no one to talk too wasn't as bad as I remember.

Finally the last bell rang and I decided to walk home since I wasn't in the mood to see people I know on the bus.

With my luck, it started to rain half way home and I felt tears trickling down my face. I guess the weather set my mood and made me think about things.

Things are back to normal know. How they used to be. I'm just the nerd who's not even cool enough to sit with the nerds at lunch.

And it's all my fault.

I was passing a road when I saw cameron in the car with his mum at the traffic lights, I stopped to look and him and he made a double take when he saw me standing in the rain, dripping yet.

He opened his mouth to say something but shook his head and continued looking towards the road.

I sighed and continued walking towards my house, I turned around to get once last look at him and he was looking at me too, with guilt in his eyes.

He shouldn't be the guilty one, I'm the guilty one.

We locked eyes for a few seconds until the lights turned green and the car sped away.

When I reached home I said hi to daisy and pat her, I got in the shower and let the warm water run down my body.

I got out and put on some sweats and a crop top and walked over to my desk were a bunch of dead roses in a vase sat.

It's a shame roses don't last that long but I was trying to keep them as long as I could.

I grabbed them and chucked out the shrivelled flowers, pouring the muggy water in the sink and the vase to be washed.

I walked back upstairs to see daisy snuggled up at the end of my bed and opened up my laptop. I checked Facebook and noticed i'd been de-friended by a lot of people.

People have been commenting mean stuff on my profile which didn't boost my happiness meter at all.

I noticed my drawer slightly cracked opened and a little card sticking out. It's one of the cards cameron got me for valentines day.

I decided to read them all since I hadn't yet.

I plopped them all on my bed and sat cross legged, resting my back on my pillow.

"Happy valentines day beautiful x"

"Even the stars don't shine as bright as you ;)" I chuckled at his cheesiness.

"How do you get your hair so soft? seriously!"

"Were like two puzzle pieces, we fit perfectly together"

"I love you Clara"

I saw a tear fall down onto the card and quickly put them all back into my drawer.

Too many memories were flooding into my mind. Too many happy moments.

Anger and sadness was boiling up inside of me.

I put my back to the door and slid down it, I wrapped my arms around my knees and hugged them tightly while I cried.

I soon got sick of crying and stood up, wiping the remaining tears of my face. I washed my face and put on some shoes.

I decided to walk to the park and sooth my mind.

The rain had stopped and all that was left was a wet ground and trees with water droplets trickling down there leafs.

Once I arrived at the park It was completely empty like it usually was. There were rarely little kids playing at this park and that's why I loved it.

I swung on the swing in silent when I felt a hand secure around my mouth, blocking my screams.

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