Chapter 3: makeovers and bad boys

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"Hello? hazel" I spoke into the phone, lying on my bed

"Hey girl, why'd you call me?" she said


"Well, I have an idea"

"Tell me already!" she yelled

"Well, I've saved a lot of money, not knowing what to spend it on"

"Continue" she said eagerly

"I, uh wanted to have a make over, I know it may sound stupid but I think it could change my life dramatically, in a good way of course!"

"Well Clara, I think your beautiful the way you are but I'm happy for you! meet at your house in five and we can head to the mall" she said nicely

"Thanks hazel, see ya then" I responded and hung up the phone

I ran over to my piggy bank and smashed it open, I didn't know I saved up $1,435! I'm actually excited!

I ran downstairs and opened the door to see a smiling hazel

"Sup hazel!"

"Come on!" she said pulling me out the door into her sports car

we talked a lot until we heard the radio come on with 'all that matters' by Justin Bieber, we turned it up all the way and sang out hearts out, lets just say it was embarrassing but it was fun

When we reached the mall we went to the coolest beauty salon I've ever seen!

It had giant flat screens every where with music playing, there was a station for everything! The hair, the make up, the nails, the eyebrows, the everything!!

I first went over to hair, I only really needed my hair and make up then were gonna go on a shopping spree

"Hey hunny, we have a bit to do don't we" she said in her funny Danish accent, I'm actually kind of affended but I'm just gonna let it go

She let out my hair and curled the ends, she kept going on about how jealous she is of my hair but I don't see any thing special about it

Then I went to makeup

"Hey darlin let's get crackin" she said with her New Jersey accent

She took of my glasses and gave me contacts, I bought enough to last me a while because they made a dramatic change on my face

I never wear make up to school so this is a change for me!

She put foundation, mascara, eyeliner, an eyeshadow 'smokey look' with bronzes and browns and lip gloss

I didn't see that much of it though I only saw glimpses so I can't wait for the end product

A few more minuets of touch ups she turned the chair around and my mouth dropped, was this really me!

I look like Megan fox!

I squealed and jumped up to hug hazel she hugged me back and we payed.

As soon as I exited that store I felt like a different person, I got a lot of stares and whistles from boys as we shopped, I am so tired and I need coffee, I had about 50 bags and I need to put them down somewhere!

"Let's get a coffee" I said walking to a cafe

"Yes!" hazel squealed as she followed

We walked up to the counter to see a beautiful boy our age smiling, he had brown almost black hair that went up, blue eyes, tan skin, he was quite tall and a fit body, I can tell because of the tight black t-shirt he was wearing

"Take a picture, it lasts longer" he said smirking, I just noticed I was staring at him!

"Oh, uh a skinny flat white, one sugar" I said blushing

"Coming right up, I'll bring it to your table ladies" he said with a smile

We sat down and talked about what people would think about me know, if I would be treated differently

"Here you go girls" the boy said handing us our coffee

"Thank you" I said flashing a smile, he winked and walked away

"He SO likes you clara!" hazel yelled

"Shhh!! he does not!" I whispered

"I bet you five bucks he'll give you his number"

"Deal" I agreed

We drank our coffee and saw the boy walking over to us, he obviously knew we had finished

He took our cups and started to walk away, I was about to start rubbing it in to hazels face that she lost out bet when he stopped an turned around

"I almost forgot" he said handing me a piece of paper and walking away for good

"What does it say sucka!"

"It says his number, from hunter" I sighed, "here you go" I said handing her five bucks

"Thank you" she said taking it

We walked out and went home, "do you think I should call him hazel?" I asked her

"What ever you want, he was nice, polite and HOT!" she over exaggerated the word 'hot'

"Ok I'll think about it"

We drove home listening to music

"Wanna stay? my mum and dad are out on a business trip!" I asked her

"Sure!" she yelled

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