Chapter 27: almost complete

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I was getting dragged by the mouth into an alley way as my heart was beating 1000 times a minuet.

"I'm not going to tell you who I am. But this will help you a lot. Take this note and follow all the instructions exactly, and you'll get cameron back. Trust me on this Clara" I felt someone put there hand in my back pocket, leaving some sort of note or envelope in there.

I heard footsteps run away quickly, I turned my head to see the person but all I saw was a black hoodie turn a corner.

Who was this person and how did they know my name?

And most importantly, why did they want to help me?

I sprinted home as fast as I could. Stuff the park, I thought I was getting kidnapped!

As soon as I walked through the door the scent of spaghetti bolognese filled my nostrils, mum and dad are home.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mum cooking dinner and my dad reading the newspaper at the table.

"Hey mum, hey dad. how was work?" I said feeling my back pocket to check if the note was still there, it was.

"Good sweetie, how was school?" my dad asked.

Shit. School was shit.

"It was good! but schools school right?" I chuckled, grabbing a bottle of water out the fridge.

"Alright I'll call you when dinners ready" my mum said as I walked up the stairs.

"Ok!" I yelled before walking in my room and shutting the door.

I quickly grabbed whatever was in my back pocket - it was a note - and read it.

Everyone needs to know that your not a slut, because I know your a really amazing girl, and you need to know that. You don't need to know who this is but follow my plan ok?

*the next day*

It was lunch time and I'm in the cafeteria now, sitting by myself at a table,anxiety rushing through me.

What if people just laugh and continue on believing the rumours? that would suck.

I sighed and stood on my table.

"LISTEN UP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Everyone lost there conversations and looked at me, from what was a loud cafeteria, was know a quiet cafeteria.

I wouldn't be surprised if some tumble weed came tumbling past.

I cleared my throat and started.

"Hey guys, if you don't know me, I'm Clara Peterson. Most of you know me as a slut right? Well I guess you should be right. I did kiss someone at a party but I just need to explain why. And if I don't, I could loose so many people that are important in my life and I'd fall to pieces"

Cameron's group was especially fixated on me.

"My friend out of school" lie."asked me to go to a party on the weekend, so I said yes. It was crazier than I expected, but I stayed. Me, being the smart person I am, ate some brownies. And I know what your thinking, there just brownies, so? but they weren't just brownies, they were hash brownies. And I did, get high and do stupid things" people chuckled.

"But it was a total accident, if I knew they were hash brownies I wouldn't of eaten them. Anyway, I got lost in a crowd of dancing teenagers and somehow, somehow ended up kissing a random boy. That's the real truth, so if you still choose to not believe me, that's fine. But please Cameron, hazel? forgive me?"

They both stared at me with guilt in there eyes but didn't reply.

"Clara! Clara! clara! clara!" I heard someone chanting.

Soon everyone joined in and the whole cafeteria was filled with people chanting my name, except cameron and hazel.

My smile faded as I saw them walk out of the cafeteria doors, shaking there heads lightly.

Come on. They really didn't believe me?

I sighed and sat back down in my seat, everyone stopped chanting by now and continued eating there lunch.

At least everyone else likes me now? Except the two people I wanted to like me, didn't.

*skip to Friday after school*

"Hey sweetie, how was school!" my mum asked me while she was rushing around the kitchen cooking madly.

"Wow. why are you cooking like a maniac?" I asked

"Oh I forgot to tell you. The Dallas family is coming over for dinner. Ms. Dallas wanted to talk and I know what's going on between you and cameron! so I thought, why not?"

No mum. You know what USED to happen between me and cameron but not anymore.

"Ok, I'll go get ready" I said and ran upstairs.

Maybe this isn't the worst thing ever? maybe I can talk to cameron.

I got changed into a tight red dress, beige heels and put on some silver ear rings.

Half an hour later I heard my mum call my name and I walked down the stairs to see cameron and his family all standing there - except his sister.

"Hi! how are you" I said hugging them all.

When it came to cameron it was awkward. Really awkward.

"Why don't you kids go upstairs while the dinner finishes cooking" my mum smiled.

"Um, ok" I smiled back.

Cameron nodded and followed me up the stairs.

I could feel his eyes watching my ass when he walked behind me but I ignored him. Just a typical boy.

When we came in my room he sat on my bed as I closed the door.

"We need to talk" we both said in sync.

I looked at him and sighed, "I'll go first"

He nodded, "I-I need you to believe me on this cam. I was really telling the truth, I promise. I don't know if I can live much longer without you"

He looked up at me and we locked eyes, "I don't think I can last any longer without you either"

I smiled as he walked towards me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in a tight hug which he hugged back.

We pulled away and he lent in closer and closer until he gently touched my lips.

"You don't know how much I've missed that" he said after we pulled away.

I pulled him in again but this time it was more heated.

I wrapped my fingers in his silky hair and lightly tugged it, causing him to moan.

His hands went from my hips, and up my back, his touch caused me to get goosebumps.

He lifted me up and carried me over to my bed, gently laying me down and hovering over the top of me.

"I forgot how sexy you were" he whispered as he lent down and kissed me in the crook of my neck.

He kissed further down my neck causing me to let out a moan in pleasure. He started to come back up my neck and on my cheek bone, finally to my lips which caused another make out session.

"Clara! cameron!" we heard a loud voice coming from downstairs.

"Guess that's our cue" I smiled heading for the door.

"Hey, I'll let you off, on one condition"

I raised my eyebrows and said, "and what's that?"

"You wash my car tomorrow" he winked.

I chuckled and sighed, "of course prince Charming"

I'm over the moon happy right now.

But I still need to win over my best friends friend ship.

And then i'm complete.

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