Chapter 23: new friends

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*at school the next morning*

"Hey guys" I said as I approached our group.

They all said hey back and we chatted for a while until the bell rang.

Cameron is still not back.

"im getting worried about cam" i said to hazel as we walked into math.

"it'll be alright clara, go to his house after school or something and im sure he'll be there" she replied.

"ok, i just have this feeling in my gut that somethings not right"

*second period*

We walked into history and all sat down.

Mr. long, our history teacher was explaining about american history when he went to sit down at his chair at his desk.

He went to sit down and fell to the floor, he completely missed the chair and was now sitting on the floor while the whole class cracked up laughing.

"stop it! stop laughing!" he said as he got up and brushed his suit off.

Everyone calmed down and before I knew it, Brittany was standing in front of me with her hand on her hip.

"Can I help you" I said bluntly.

"Where's cameron?" she asked.

"Somewhere for me to know and for you to never find out" I said, even though I don't know were he is, I decided to use a sassy remark.

"Just tell me" she said rolling her eyes.

"Nah, I'm right"

"Ugh! your so annoying!"

"Why thank you" I said smiling.

"Whatever, just tell cam that I already have his suit picked out to match my dress"

"Why would his suit need to match your dress? Your not even going with each other" I said. This girl
Is ridiculous.

"Uh, yes we are. It's a tradition for the hottest girl in school and the hottest boy in school to go together, duh"

"Has he even asked you?" I said looking at her bluntly.

" Not yet. But anyway, just tell him for me" she said and flicked her blonde.

"I'll be sure to" I said.

As if I'm going to.

"Buh-bye Brittany" I said giving her a small wave.

She strutted of and sat with her group of bitchy ass friends

*after school*

School dragged on and on and on.

It felt like it was 6 billion hours rather than just 6, cameron was usually always there to entertain me.

I decided to go to the mall, hoping to find some new friends.

I walked into brandy Melville and saw a group of girls, and one boy, messing around and picking out clothes.

I decided to do it the old fashion way and "accedentily" bump into one of them, I hope this works.

I walked over to them and banged into one of them's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said looking at a girl with long ginger hair and blue/green eyes.

"It's fine! I love your skirt!" she said smiling.

"Thanks! I love your shirt"

"My names Kirsten"

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